Not all those who wander are lost...
Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament (UMAT)
The tournament is now over. See posts below (on the fifth page).
So, this is the first of several versus projects I’d like to organize here on ZD. Mods, if this is in the wrong subforum, feel free to move it to the appropriate place.
The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament (UMAT) is my humorous twist on the first years of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) that took place back in the early ‘90s which tried to discern the most effective martial arts style in the world. This, on the other hand, will focus on trying to decide (unreasonably, of course) who the single greatest martial artist in the public’s eye is considering fighters of any and all styles from any part of history. Alexander the Great vs. George Forman? Great. Bruce Lee vs. Anderson Silva? Sure. Mike Tyson vs. Ip Man? Okay. A famous wrestler vs. a famous karateka? Why not? The rules of these hypothetical fights will adhere to the official UFC rules for Mixed Martial Arts and the battles will take place in our hypothetical MMA/UFC octagon ring (this is just to clarify that nothing that is illegal in the UFC (such as weapons) will be legal for this tournament). I would like for the members of Zelda Dungeon to participate in a 3-round light-hearted project that centers on this fundamental question: Transcending individual styles and sports, according to ZD, who is the pound for pound single greatest martial artist in history? All applicants must be real people, living or dead, and they are assumed to be in their prime.
This projectwill consist of three rounds. Round 1 will have ZD members list their top 5 favorite martial artists. As the project’s organizer, I will then narrow the list down to 20 finalists based on how often certain figures were listed by members. You only get 5 to choose, and all 5 must be different (no dupes in your list). Round 2 will then have ZD members seed the 20 finalists from 1 (the best on the list in their opinion) to 20 (the worst on the list in their opinion). I will officially seed them into a bracket using this data. Round 3 itself will consist of several sub-rounds. In Round 3, I will present the tournament bracket (single elimination NCAA-style tournament, see spoiler below) with correct seed placement as well as an info bank giving some basic details (ranks, achievements, tale of the tape, etc) about each of the 20 competitors to help you vote. ZD members will vote in each round for who they think will win each current battle in the round. At the end of each sub-round, I will tally the votes (each ZD member gets 1 vote for each battle in the round) and the martial arts figures with the most votes will move on to the next round in the bracket (ties will be decided by the higher seed). This will continue until the Championship Battle when the winner (as well as the 3rd place bronze competitor) will be decided.
Sample Bracket Layout ^
That’s really all there is to it. Should be fun if enough people participate. Round 1 will last one full day, Round 2 will also last one full day, and each bracket round (5 sub-rounds in total) in Round 3 will last one full day (five days total). This means a 7-day total competition. Extensions are possible if too few participate or things don't go as planned.
Round 1, or listing your top 5 favorite martial artists,begins now and will close on 2:00 am United States EST on March 28, 2014. For this round, please list your top 5 favorite martial artists from history, movies, sports, etc (in any order). Anyone even remotely famous is eligible. This round is now over.

The tournament is now over. See posts below (on the fifth page).
So, this is the first of several versus projects I’d like to organize here on ZD. Mods, if this is in the wrong subforum, feel free to move it to the appropriate place.
The Ultimate Martial Artist Tournament (UMAT) is my humorous twist on the first years of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) that took place back in the early ‘90s which tried to discern the most effective martial arts style in the world. This, on the other hand, will focus on trying to decide (unreasonably, of course) who the single greatest martial artist in the public’s eye is considering fighters of any and all styles from any part of history. Alexander the Great vs. George Forman? Great. Bruce Lee vs. Anderson Silva? Sure. Mike Tyson vs. Ip Man? Okay. A famous wrestler vs. a famous karateka? Why not? The rules of these hypothetical fights will adhere to the official UFC rules for Mixed Martial Arts and the battles will take place in our hypothetical MMA/UFC octagon ring (this is just to clarify that nothing that is illegal in the UFC (such as weapons) will be legal for this tournament). I would like for the members of Zelda Dungeon to participate in a 3-round light-hearted project that centers on this fundamental question: Transcending individual styles and sports, according to ZD, who is the pound for pound single greatest martial artist in history? All applicants must be real people, living or dead, and they are assumed to be in their prime.
This project

That’s really all there is to it. Should be fun if enough people participate. Round 1 will last one full day, Round 2 will also last one full day, and each bracket round (5 sub-rounds in total) in Round 3 will last one full day (five days total). This means a 7-day total competition. Extensions are possible if too few participate or things don't go as planned.
Round 1, or listing your top 5 favorite martial artists,
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