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The Razor Sword


Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
i like the look of it and use to use it a lot until i found out how to get the gold dust.But its upgraded form id have to say is better


Dec 16, 2009
I was replaying MM recently and I noticed that the Razorblade had one gold edge in the game, where the artwork shows a metal color on both sides. I like that better, gold is nasty! As both swords have gold... Either stick with the Kokiri blade if you are cool, otherwise grab the Gilded one, whick stabs better I think.

You should return the Kokiri blade to the Kokiri in it's original form I think...


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
Well, after having nearly 100% the game, with only a few heart pieces to go, I have attempted at using the Razor Sword before. I did think that it was an interesting blade, but the downside is that you can only use it for 48 hours or 200 swings. I did get confused at one point, thought the Razor Sword was the Guilded Sword, and tried to Song of Time it. Yeah, that wasn't a wise choice. I figure the Razor Blade is only useful in things like boss battles when you don't have access (and/or knowledge) to the Guilded Sword. I mean, I honestly thought the Guilded Sword was a way better deal than the Razor Blade.

Swords like these make the Kokiri Sword (Which I swear, if Adult Link used it, it would be a dagger to him) look pathetic. I mean, its sad when a stick can deal more damage. Yet, when you think about it, the Razor Sword is worth the price, yet it isn't also worth all of the time that it takes to make it. I mean, if you were to complete a dungeon with it, then it would be bad if you made it up to the boss and have it turn back to normal (In fact, based on all of the puzzles and enemies, it would convert back way before the half point of all of the puzzles).

However, when you really think about it, it is the Kokiri Sword that has more nostalgia than the Razor Blade, seeing as to how that sword went through two games, even though it had a random change in design in three months. So, when you really think about it, the Razor Sword isn't all that bad price wise, but taking a day off of exploring a dungeon can be a bit of a downer. Unless you Inverted-Song-of-Time it.


Dec 16, 2009
Getting the Razor sword only to beat the boss of the snowtemple (which you usually beat as a rolling Goron anyway), seems quite some work. You still have to rely on the hot springs and you'll have only two days to clear the dungeon because the sword is ready at dawn of the second day.

It's all sort of useless, but it made the whole puzzle (to get a sword you can keep) a bit more fun / complicated/.

Still, I think it's weird to borrow something and have it reforged.

Dungeon killer

Dungeon's Shall Fall!
Jul 9, 2009
Destroying Dungeons.
Well the Razor Sword was a great looking sword and it was a bummer that it only lasts a hundred swings.
They should make a better version of the Razor Sword and make sure it lasts.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
It was one of my favorite swords to use in Soul Calibur 2, but it always did damage to the user... and it had short range....................... it looks cool tho....................


If I'm not back in 15 minutes, just wait longer!
Dec 9, 2014
The Tarheel State
Didn't we cover that already? I'M A DUDE!
I actually gave Smithy the gold dust and upgraded to the gilded sword right after he made the razor sword.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012

I seem to be in the same boat as most people. I tend to upgrade my Kokiri Sword immediately after completing the Snowhead Temple, then I compete in the Goron Races while the Razor Sword is being forged, then bring the gold dust to the Smithy to get it turned into the Gilded Sword right away. I generally complete the Snowhead Temple within the first Day/Night, so I have time to do this. If not, I restart and defeat Goht again.

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