Thrundin and Drodri sit down at the tavern and the barmaid brings them two pints of beer. 'So Thrundin,' Drodri begins, 'How has life been treating you recently?'
'Fairly,' Thrundin replies. 'As I said before, this shirt is my first job in months.' Thrundin sips at his beer, the barmaid brings a dish of seed-cakes. Drodri eats a cake and takes a swig from his mug. 'Well,' he begins after a pause, 'I've heard of a group of Elves and Dwarves,'
'Yes?' Thrundin asks eagerly
'Well, they said they were going up North. Near the land of the Kings of Old.'
'What do they plan to do there?'
'I don't know, you'd have to ask 'em yourself.'
'Where can I find them?'
'They said they were setting out tomorrow. You could probably find them on the road to a land with the uncouth name of "Shire". But I'll warn you, they aren't normal at all, no. It is said that they travel with a Wizard!'
'Thank you for telling me! I desire at least one last adventure before I die. I will set out tomorrow. Would you finish the job for me? You can keep the payment. I fancy I shan't need it.'
'Of course old friend, of course!'
The two finish their meal and leave for their homes. Thrundin packs and prepares for his adventure.