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Breath of the Wild The Legend of Zelda Wii U Input

Feb 15, 2011
In Hyrule Field
As many members of the Zelda Dungeon community may be aware, Nintendo is releasing a new Zelda game for the Wii U console. Again, as you may know i'm a hardcore Zelda fan but as the consoles get more intuitive, so do the games. Some things that NEED to change for the Zelda series are as follows below.

-HD Graphics
-Gamepad gameplay and new peripherals
-New Enemies
-New Worlds
-New Characters
-New Weapons/ abilities
-New Storyline

Ninendo needs to have these to make the next Zelda game, as far as i've seen, not a whole lot has changed with the series and if these changes don't happen then it might spell trouble for the next Zelda game in the franchise. If you have any recommendations for a new Zelda title, please give your input here or at Country Selector at Nintendo :)

sorry wrong link no pun intended hehehehe


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
-Gamepad gameplay and new peripherals

What exactly do you mean by this? What peripherals would you have in mind?

I agree that the franchise should start taking bolder steps to innovate and diversify and this is a wonderful opportunity for Nintendo to do just that. Skyward Sword dipped its toes into this pool but Zelda U should go for a cannonball (with a running start) in my opinion. New hardware, first time in HD, changing games industry as well as market, new demographics, greater social connectivity, these are all things which Nintendo should factor in when designing the next home console Zelda game and I think they can afford to get a bit... Experimental with it.

Let's face it, no matter what Zelda U is like, half of the Zelda fan-base is going to say it's awful anyway (and then do a complete U-turn two years later) so Nintendo shouldn't be afraid to take a risk. Zelda is one of the few franchises out there that could survive one fall (heck, I'm sure a lot of people even on this forum would say it has already proven that to be true) so I say they should go for it. Give us a properly fleshed-out, well-developed story. Give us ingenious ways to use the Wii U Gamepad that inspire third-parties to use it for more than inventory management. Give us greater choice when it comes to weapons and equipment: let us put the shield away and weild two swords, let us weild and axe, let us weild a lance and a flail and a crossbow (well, not all at once, obviously). Bring back magic and make it a worthwhile addition to gameplay, like it was in A Link To The Past. Keep somethings truly secret; make us work hard for that 4th Bottle or last few Pieces of Heart. Now is the time to just say 'Let's do it!'


Apr 22, 2011
New weapons definitely, Getting boring with the old sword and shield combat. I'd be more than happy to be able to fight my way through the main quest by just using my Bow & Arrows or an Axe. That's really the only thing I've gotten bored of from playing Zelda, the weapons have been the same in every game. (Note: Weapons, Not items.)

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