I'm going to start off with TFS (The Four Swords and The Four Swords Adventures) as being part of a looped time line. In essence TFS is both the first and last game in the time line. If we were to ignore the time line as date/time occurrences. That is we don't care about about organizing the games by when they happen date/time wise, but eventual wise. I'm going to use Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask to explain this idea. If we look at these two games and organize them by a date/time occurrences. We would get: OoT Child -> MM -> OoT Adult. However if we organize them as event occurrences. We would get: OoT Child -> OoT Adult -> MM. I would like to add special note about organizing them by event wise, that we have to use it in Link's perspective. This would be totally different for the other characters we see through out Hyrule/Termina because they are unable to time travel. Also, we play as Link, so we can only know/see what he does.

The big point in understanding why TFS is considered the first in the time line is that it is the first game date/time wise. That is, if it had some numerical date, this date would be earlier then any other Zelda games. For example, if we day OoT was 1800, then TFS could be 1700 (1700 < 1800). However, TFS has to be the last event wise. That is our various Links did their own adventures, fought various bosses, etc. This is where we will see the dilemma with TFS's time line placement. For my proposition, what happens between the other games doesn't matter, and if even if I tried, this thread would become really big fast.

I see two consequences coming from this. One is that TFS creates a ringed time line, or TFS creates a split. The only difference between the two is that after TFS occurs, Hyrule either changes dramatically or it stays the same. If Hyrule changes, this creates a time line split. The different Zelda games may/may not occur, and Hyrule isn't the same. If Hyrule stays the same, then the other Zelda games will occur, and then TFS will also occur again.

Finally, bringing up the subject of the four Links. Now that I've explained that TFS happened event wise after all the other Zelda games. What if each of the different Links was a hero of Hyrule. There are over 15 games and about 11 different Links who existed through Hyrule. We know that there are several instruments/tools that lets our various hero's to time travel. We have the Ocarina of Time, Master Sword, and the Oracle of Ages. These objects can last through time, and our various hero's gain access to them. What is keeping them from going back to an earlier moment in time? Nothing! They're hero's, they're going to do anything they need to save Hyrule. This being said, it is not impossible for 4 different Links to each travel back in time to a point where they can save Hyrule once and for all.

Finally, I'm going to bring up one last point. TFS was named The Four swords, not the Four Hero's, or Four Links. Ask any Zelda fan what the main sword is for Legend of Zelda, and they probably will say the Master Sword. However, the Master Sword isn't the only sword in LoZ. We have the Great Fairy Sword, Gilded Sword, Phantom Sword, Lokomo Sword, etc. Each of these swords has a unique power/ability. Each of the different Links (from the different games) would have a unique sword, and use the combined strength to save Hyrule.

Now, I'm curious to know what you guys think. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Is there stuff you would add or remove? If you could choose 4 swords from 4 games, which ones would you pick and why? I didn't commented on the 4 swords I would pic as my thread was already big enough, and I wanted to get opinions first, before replying to it.
I've removed the following line and replaced it. From various feedback from users, I've learned that this line wasn't very accurate, and need to be re-written.
We also know that Link has the ability to time travel.
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