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Tetra-A Family Name?

Peace Of Heart

Piece of Heart Collector
Oct 26, 2010
~Note: There are some spoilers so if you haven't beaten Spirit Tracks then proceed at your own risk~

At the end of Spirit tracks, Zelda calls upon Tetra, a descendant of hers, for strength to call to the light inside her body to once again be whole. This is an obvious connection to the adult timeline, and to WW and PH. But is Zelda talking about THE Tetra or her mother who had just inherited the name?

Does the Royal Family honor the original Tetra by naming their daughters Tetra, or do they honor the same Tetra in WW and PH because she helped Link save the original Hyrule and the Great Ocean above?

Seeing that the princess' name is Zelda it kind of eliminates the possibility of it being a family name being passed down. However, Tetra in WW and PH had two names(Tetra and Zelda). I played the beginning of SP again to make sure that I hadn't forgotten anything that they said concerning it and found nothing.

So what do you guys think? It seems like Nintendo just wanted to make that small connection to past games, but it's interesting to think about either way.


Jun 14, 2010
Not in the SB ;-;
Well something that may add up is that Tetra means 4th

But anyways...Anjean says she met Zeldas mother when she first came to the land and gave her the spirit flute. We know WW Link and Zelda where looking for new land to stablish New Hyrule.

And since Niko was alive I bet Tetra/Zelda was ST Zelda's mother, but she called her Tetra because all her life she was known as Tetra until she met Daphnes
Just like Zeldafan163 said, Tetra means fourth. The way I interpret this, is that Tetra is/was the fourth generation of the Royal Family. So, saying that Tetra is Spirit Tracks' Zelda's grandmother, this Zelda would be the sixth generation. I don't know if there's a special name for it, but I doubt they would reuse Tetra as another's name.

Another way to look at it is, a father will name his son... let's say Robert. The father's name is also Robert, and his grandson is named Robert as well. There is a chance that the grandson will go by "Trey", meaning third, rather than Robert (III). Tetra, I believe is something similar to this. Each daughter in the Royal Family is named Zelda, so it makes sense.

In other words, yes... the Tetra that Princess Zelda was referring to, is in fact, Tetra from the Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
Its definitely talking about Tetra from WW. There is a painting of her in Hyrule Castle, in the scene when Link first makes it to talk with Zelda.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
At the end of Spirit tracks, Zelda calls upon Tetra, a descendant of hers, for strength to call to the light inside her body to once again be whole. This is an obvious connection to the adult timeline, and to WW and PH. But is Zelda talking about THE Tetra or her mother who had just inherited the name?

Does the Royal Family honor the original Tetra by naming their daughters Tetra, or do they honor the same Tetra in WW and PH because she helped Link save the original Hyrule and the Great Ocean above?

If she called on her descendant, that means that she will name her daughter or granddaughter Tetra, and that she's calling on the power of someone from the future.

If it were referring to her mother or grandmother, it would have said ancestor.

Peace Of Heart

Piece of Heart Collector
Oct 26, 2010
Hm yes. Seeing that SP is approximately 50 years after PH(Wikipedia), it makes sense that it's the same exact Tetra. It's weird how an ocean that big disappeared so quickly though....maybe the power of King Hyrule's wish with the Triforce? But that's for another thread I suppose.

Even if Wikipedia is inaccurate, I think it's the same Tetra as well.

Thanks for your posts everyone you cleared up a lot :).

Its definitely talking about Tetra from WW. There is a painting of her in Hyrule Castle, in the scene when Link first makes it to talk with Zelda.

Hey that's right! I completely forgot about that. Well, that just makes the truth more obvious I guess =P
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
Hm yes. Seeing that SP is approximately 50 years after PH(Wikipedia), it makes sense that it's the same exact Tetra. It's weird how an ocean that big disappeared so quickly though....maybe the power of King Hyrule's wish with the Triforce? But that's for another thread I suppose.

The ocean never disappeared. Link and Tetra set out after WW to find a new land to be the next Hyrule. They did so, and that is the land you see in Spirit Tracks.

Peace Of Heart

Piece of Heart Collector
Oct 26, 2010
The ocean never disappeared. Link and Tetra set out after WW to find a new land to be the next Hyrule. They did so, and that is the land you see in Spirit Tracks.

Really? Such a terrible misunderstanding on my part. Can you tell me where it says this? I bet it's in the manual or something like that. If someone answers or if it takes too long you can lock this thread please?

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