Are you like me? Do you consider the sheild as mainly excess baggage? I do. That's why I DESPISED the fact that target and guard were the same button in TP. Every time I center the camera, I hold my damn sheild and I don't WANNA hold my damn sheild!!! That's why I lose it as soon as possible whenever and wherever possible. But the most annoying part is that the nature of the game prevents you from STAYING sheildless for long periods of time. And I like being sheildless!!
Now, if Link were to NOT hold his sheild and his sword at the same time... now THAT I would enjoy. Y'know, Link draws his sword but NOT his sheild. It stays safely on his back where it always is, and he holds it to guard like usual, but as soon as you release the guard button, his sheild goes right back to his back.
Or just give us the option to toggle the sheild on and off so I don't have to keep losing it and go buying a new one as a back-up constantly, for God's sake, Nintendo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me what you guys think. If you liked my idea, if you disagreed with me, whatever. Post it. I don't care.
And if you were offended for some strange reason by the use of the word "damn", go sit on your couch or something till that feeling goes away. "Damn" is not serious enough to offend ANYONE, therfore it has no right to be classified as a swear word. Just like "hell". If you disagree, OH WELL.
Now, if Link were to NOT hold his sheild and his sword at the same time... now THAT I would enjoy. Y'know, Link draws his sword but NOT his sheild. It stays safely on his back where it always is, and he holds it to guard like usual, but as soon as you release the guard button, his sheild goes right back to his back.
Or just give us the option to toggle the sheild on and off so I don't have to keep losing it and go buying a new one as a back-up constantly, for God's sake, Nintendo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me what you guys think. If you liked my idea, if you disagreed with me, whatever. Post it. I don't care.
And if you were offended for some strange reason by the use of the word "damn", go sit on your couch or something till that feeling goes away. "Damn" is not serious enough to offend ANYONE, therfore it has no right to be classified as a swear word. Just like "hell". If you disagree, OH WELL.