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Super Smash Brother Mafia

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>Johnny is scum cause he played with 7 of the 11 other players in this game

C'mon SMS, you can do better than that.
We've probably only played in two games, and that was back in like 2015. If your Mafia, I'm not on your rader for a nightkill I don't think. But players like Deku and ALiT who played with you in 2017 probably are. In any case, we're both voting Minish. That's about all we can agree on in this game it seems, unfortunately.


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
Woah there, buddy. That's quite the HAMMER you've got there...

Players that have been voted for today:

5 Votes:

Minish Link:
funnier6, Mellow Ezlo, Johnny Sooshi, Spiritual Mask Salesman, ???

1 Vote:



Unvoted: The Sun Fan
Not Voting: Morbid Minish, HeroOfTime


It is now Twilight

With the help of a few other players Morbid Minish manages to seize the smash ball. She takes careful aim before firing.

@Morbid Minish - Please PM me your target(s).


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
Morbid Minish uses Killer Wail


Doc is dead. Very dead.

Doc was Lucas, Town-Aligned Boy.


You may use one of the following abilities each night:

PSI Magnet - Protect yourself from being killed by target player tonight.

PK Smash Geyser - Kill all players who target you tonight. You can't use any ability tomorrow night.

PK Freeze - Roleblock target player. You can't use any ability tomorrow night.

Final Smash: PK Starstorm - Kill 2 target players tonight. You may not be killed tonight.

Day Three is over

Night Three Begins Now

You have a bit over 21 hours to submit your night actions. [11 pm L.A. time]


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
End of Night Three


Everyone discovers the Sun Fan was found dead in their copy of The Daily Smash this morning.

The Sun Fan was Pikachu, Town-Aligned Mouse.


Detective Pikachu - Once every night, you may investigate a player's alignment (Town, Mafia, Self). If you target a player a second time, you may see their entire role pm.

Final Smash - Volt Tackle: You may kill any number of the players you've investigated this game.

It is now Day Four

You have a little under 47 hours (10 pm PST). Open to extending the deadline if needed.


Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I really thought Doc was going to be mafia because of the whole roleblocker thing. I know that I'm gonna look bad now, but before people go crazy and start voting me just take a second and think. Why would I use my final smash on Doc if I were mafia and knew he was town? I would know that you all would be wanting to vote me in that case and I could've just killed someone else not town read.

I'm guessing mafia has a strongman to have killed Sunfan. Because Hero should've been on Sunfan last night.

I'm pretty sure town is going to lose this game though because I have no clue who to vote for. It could be anyone at this point. The whole mafia had to have voted for me to use my final smash, so I can't even look into that either.

The only thing I can think is that SMS was very, very adamant about trying to get the final smash himself. He kept bringing up tons of different ways to go against giving it to me. I feel like mafia would at least try to attempt to get it themselves so tbh, that might be where I place my vote today.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
so tbh, that might be where I place my vote today.

Or on Johnny. Though we all just kinda accepted that a green check on him meant he was godfather but it might have just been an actual town green check. However, with yesterday, I do think Johnny and SMS could be scumbuds based on the distancing they were doing.


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
Living players:

Mellow Ezlo
Morbid Minish
Spiritual Mask Salesman
Johnny Sooshi

This game is in MyLo. Please play with extreme caution, knowing that a single mislynch could end the game.

I will suspend the hammer majority rules for the first 24 hours of the day to prevent anyone from doing anything too hasty without reading this warning. Starting at 24 hours from the start of day, a combined vote of 4 (majority) will end the day early. Until then, the day cannot end early from a majority being reached.
Last edited:

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Living players:

Mellow Ezlo
Morbid Minish
Spiritual Mask Salesman
Johnny Sooshi

This game is in MyLo. Please play with extreme caution, knowing that a single mislynch could end the game.

I will suspend the hammer majority rules for the first 24 hours of the day to prevent anyone from doing anything too hasty without reading this warning. Starting at 24 hours from the start of day, a combined vote of 4 (majority) will end the day early. Until then, the day cannot end early from a majority being reached.
This is concerning.

I know some of you may disagree with this, but hear me out. I am going to propose that we go for a no lynch today. Between me, Johnny, SMS, funnier, and to a lesser extent Hero, there are too many people in the poe to take a chance and make a potentially game ending error. Even if we start tomorrow with 5 players left, our chance of hitting scum will be increased. If mislynching will lose us the game anyway, it's better that we go for a lynch with better odds of lynching scum. If we go this route, tomorrow will undoubtedly be lylo, but if a mislynch will lose us the game anyway, I think we should do it.

What does everybody else think about this? I don't normally advocate for no lynches, but this is MYLO and it's important for us to be careful.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Woah there, buddy. That's quite the HAMMER you've got there...

View attachment 39963
Players that have been voted for today:

5 Votes:

Minish Link:
funnier6, Mellow Ezlo, Johnny Sooshi, Spiritual Mask Salesman, ???

1 Vote:



Unvoted: The Sun Fan
Not Voting: Morbid Minish, HeroOfTime


It is now Twilight

With the help of a few other players Morbid Minish manages to seize the smash ball. She takes careful aim before firing.

@Morbid Minish - Please PM me your target(s).
The same thing happened yesterday as the previous day. I'm thinking the mafia have a double vote of some kind, which, since we don't know whether it's x-shot or not, just makes me even more inclined to no lynch today to prevent them from potentially causing yet another majority and losing us the game. There is no room for uncertainty anymore. No matter what, we're going to have to successfully lynch scum 2 days in a row, since Rubik announcing this is mylo makes me think the mafia have more strongman shots, rendering Minish's roleblock potentially ineffective. The longer we keep this game going, the harder it gets for them to stay hidden.

My gut tell me it's Johnny and SMS, I trust Hero's claim and Minish is almost certainly town after yesterday (if she were scum, what she did yesterday would be too ballsy for what I know of her scum meta). Funnier I'm unsure about, but I still don't really believe he'd go after FG so hard if he were scum.

Regardless, our chances will be better with less players to choose from.

Vote: No Lynch

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
No lynch must not be voted! If the kill goes through then mafia will be able to use their double vote to match towns votes tomorrow!

Yeah, this is a good point and and why we have to risk lynching today. Mafia would just kill Hero or me anyways and leave everyone in the same spot.

I just checked something. If we're thinking that someone is a double voter and that their vote counts twice (rather than someone can place a second vote wherever they like) then there are only 3 people that voted both FG and me. And of those 3, two were off the Contrainer wagon day 1 (when we didn't see mysterious vote).

5 votes:
Contrainer: The Sun Fan, HeroOfTime, Mellow Ezlo, Doc, A Link In Time

3 votes:

A Link In Time: Johnny Sooshi, funnier6, Morbid Minish

1 votes:

The Sun Fan: Spiritual Mask Salesman
DekuNut: DekuNut
Doc: Contrainer
6 Votes:

Funnygurl555: funnier6, Johnny Sooshi, Doc, The Sun Fan, Mellow Ezlo, ???

2 Votes:

Doc: A Link In Time, HeroOfTime,

1 Vote:

Johnny Sooshi: Spiritual Mask Salesman,
Funnier6: Funnygurl555,
5 Votes:

Minish Link:
funnier6, Mellow Ezlo, Johnny Sooshi, Spiritual Mask Salesman, ???

1 Vote:



Unvoted: The Sun Fan
Not Voting: Morbid Minish, HeroOfTime

Johnny, Tristan, and funnier were on FG/Me. But Tristan was also on Contrainer leaving just Johnny and funnier.

I also just realized that Alit was a miller because he was a townie with a villain role. If Johnny were town it seems like he would be miller as well for being Ganondorf. I feel better about voting Johnny today from all of that. Originally I just thought everyone latched on to godfather just based on how odd he was playing before. But now all of this adds to it.
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