Yes I most certainly do. The best video games I've ever played are on older systems, and every year or two I always feel like replaying an old Mario game. I've played through Mario 64 three times on the N64, one of the times collecting all 120 stars, and once on the DS, collecting all 150 stars, and even after all of that I have a ton of fun with it. As for Sunshine, well, currently me and my friend are in the middle of trying to beat it 100%, and it's still as fun as ever. Pretty darn challenging, too. That's one of the best things about classic games: most of them are really quite hard, and they really make you work to beat them. Newer games just don't have that (for the most part), and, since I like a good challenge, therefore aren't as fun - not to mention that they don't last as long because of it.