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Stumbling Upon Dungeons.

Oct 20, 2008
I like the idea of finding dungeons this way, it could potentially add more immersion, as well as make it more interesting, even fun to find dungeons. Certain dungeons I'd rather be more obvious (such as dungeon that's a temple, or something of the sort), but this is something I'd like to see in Zelda.


nine thousand and one.
Jun 15, 2010
Yes. Yes yes yes, and yes.
One of the main components of the Zelda series that has unfortunately gotten lost over time is exploration. Getting lost, wandering around Hyrule to find a particular dungeon or town, sometimes finding the wrong place or an unexpected piece of treasure.

I'm completely in favor for a new non-linear game. It'd be so refreshing to roam freely instead of constantly being told or hinted at where to go next.


Bringer of Jollity
Jan 24, 2010
Great Lakes
I think it is best if some dungeons are obvious, like palaces and castles and whatnot; and some are really nondescript and hidden. It felt like much more of an accomplishment to find the dungeons in LoZ and AoL than in more recent Zelda games...I also think it would be good if you could play them out of order. So that it was up to you how you progressed through the game.

It would feel more natural, realistic.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I think it is best if some dungeons are obvious, like palaces and castles and whatnot; and some are really nondescript and hidden. It felt like much more of an accomplishment to find the dungeons in LoZ and AoL than in more recent Zelda games...I also think it would be good if you could play them out of order. So that it was up to you how you progressed through the game.

It would feel more natural, realistic.
Of course, wouldn't you need an item from another dungeon? In LoZ, you really didn't need a certain item for the most part, that's why any dungeon could be completed out of order (except LVL9). Of course, I'd like to come upon dungeons in any order, but find out that I need to get an item from a "previous" dungeon, thus making the game a lot harder than before.


Bringer of Jollity
Jan 24, 2010
Great Lakes
Of course, wouldn't you need an item from another dungeon? In LoZ, you really didn't need a certain item for the most part, that's why any dungeon could be completed out of order (except LVL9). Of course, I'd like to come upon dungeons in any order, but find out that I need to get an item from a "previous" dungeon, thus making the game a lot harder than before.

I think it would be great game design if you did not need an item from a previous dungeon, necessarily, but if having it made it easier...so, perhaps if you get the whip before entering a dungeon it is easier because you can use it to swing from platform to platform, rather than jumping or having to find an alternate route, and maybe you could use it to pull off part of the bosses armor...but if you skipped or missed the dungeon with the whip (or just the place where you find the whip in a dungeon) then you still can beat the dungeon, it just makes it harder...


The Garo Master
Jun 16, 2010
I think it would be great game design if you did not need an item from a previous dungeon, necessarily, but if having it made it easier...so, perhaps if you get the whip before entering a dungeon it is easier because you can use it to swing from platform to platform, rather than jumping or having to find an alternate route, and maybe you could use it to pull off part of the bosses armor...but if you skipped or missed the dungeon with the whip (or just the place where you find the whip in a dungeon) then you still can beat the dungeon, it just makes it harder...

Like Mega Man! You know, how if you have a power from another boss, than it might help you with the boss you're facing.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
It would be great to do this again. What made the original LoZ great was its sense of exploration, and that has been missing from some of the later titles. I'd rather find some of the items outside of dungeons instead of inside, and using said items as a tool, not as a key to complete the dungeon. In a way like Jupiter's idea:the items make the dungeon easier but do not necessarily mean you need them to complete the dungeon.


Bringer of Jollity
Jan 24, 2010
Great Lakes
It would be great to do this again. What made the original LoZ great was its sense of exploration, and that has been missing from some of the later titles. I'd rather find some of the items outside of dungeons instead of inside, and using said items as a tool, not as a key to complete the dungeon. In a way like Jupiter's idea:the items make the dungeon easier but do not necessarily mean you need them to complete the dungeon.

Precisely! I think this is the key element that has been missing from Zelda games for a long time.

I like how you said it: " using said items as a tool, not as a key to complete the dungeon." Exactly!

Imagine if you were fighting an early boss in a dungeon and had the option to defeat it with (a) the slingshot which would let you stay a safe distance, but did not cause much damage, (b) your sword, which would cause a lot of damage but would put you at risk of getting hit, or (c) bombs which would allow you to stay far away and cause a lot of damage...now perhaps the only weapon you need is the sword, but the slingshot is something that you can buy easily for 80 rupees...the bombs on the other hand, you need to burn a hole in a secret tree in a semi-dangerous forest to discover the crazy bomb-maker salesmen to get those, so maybe you don't have them...

Then! Maybe in the same dungeon there are secret areas you can't get to without the bombs...maybe you have to blow up a wall to find some fairies, or even an important item like the whip...so if you beat the dungeon without the bombs you have to go back later...

...maybe also there are enemies that you can defeat more easily if you had the whip that you needed the bombs to get....

It would really open up the game and make the items feel more valuable and useful, it would give you a better feeling of accomplishment and creativity as you go through the game too!

Like Mega Man! You know, how if you have a power from another boss, than it might help you with the boss you're facing.

Or Metroid...


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
I love the element of surprise in Zelda games, like in the LoZ. I hope that kind of thing comes back again. I don't want to be told every single thing about where stuff is by someone in the game.


Bringer of Jollity
Jan 24, 2010
Great Lakes
I've never played a Metroid game. XD


I had not played one until about a year ago, either...then I tried downloading the NES and SNES Metroids from virtual console...any Zelda fan should give them a shot...the two series have a lot in common! Plus, if you can find Metroid Prime Trilogy at GameStop or something it is the best deal ever! All three games are great...you will see how the idea of having multiple means of attacking things and finding things naturally in Metroid could apply to Zelda...

All that said, I am skeptical about Metroid: Other M...
Jul 25, 2010
I really liked how The Wind Waker had the obvious, story related dungeons and mini-dungeons, but also it had "bonus" mini-dungeons. A lot of people didn't like all the sailing, or the triforce chart hunt, but that was a great opportunity to find extra dungeons. Hell, even some of the dungeons that you had to go to for charts were pretty baws! I'd love to see that return.


The Garo Master
Jun 16, 2010

I had not played one until about a year ago, either...then I tried downloading the NES and SNES Metroids from virtual console...any Zelda fan should give them a shot...the two series have a lot in common! Plus, if you can find Metroid Prime Trilogy at GameStop or something it is the best deal ever! All three games are great...you will see how the idea of having multiple means of attacking things and finding things naturally in Metroid could apply to Zelda...

All that said, I am skeptical about Metroid: Other M...

I'm going to try out Metroid: Other M since everyone is raving about it. :clap:
Jul 24, 2010
Charlotte, NC
this does sound like metroid. metroid prime was great but i do need hints because i'll get bored fast if i don't have a clear path in a game. i mean if i'm not doing any thing but walking around a forest and not finding anything then i have other things i could be doing like finishing my book.


Bringer of Jollity
Jan 24, 2010
Great Lakes
this does sound like metroid. metroid prime was great but i do need hints because i'll get bored fast if i don't have a clear path in a game. i mean if i'm not doing any thing but walking around a forest and not finding anything then i have other things i could be doing like finishing my book.

That is true, I think that is part of Nintendo's fear...but! If there are multiple things that you can do at once...that is, if the quest path has multiple branches that intersect, or if you don't have to do things in a particular, pre-defined order, then they can make things a little more mysterious (harder to figure out) because you will be able to figure out at least one of the things that you should do.

...alternately, they could do something like they did in the original Legend of Zelda, where you could pay people for clues...remember, "Pay me and I'll talk"? That way if you wanted to stop searching, you could have that option (kind of like the fortune teller and the heart container pieces in TP).

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