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SS or Minecraft?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
SS will bring you a sense of achievement when you complete it. The characters are loveable and well developed, and the game play is exceedingly fun. 100 hours of content, Zelda usually has replay value. I have completed TP about 7 times and OOT about 10. Minecraft is fun also and can provide unlimited amount of playtime (I played so much I started dreaming about blocks!) but it never satisfies and is exceedingly addictive. It is incredibly time consuming, building large structures.
If I were you I would purchase both, but I think SS will be the better buy.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Go Skyward. I think you'll enjoy it a lot more because of all the amazing stuff it has in the game. I don't know what all you've seen from SS, so I honestly can't answer you straight without unintentionally spoiling you. :)


Aug 29, 2010
I own Minecraft, and I have to say, Minecraft is a great sandbox game, not only that but a great solo (or multiplayer) adventure quest where you simply survive and explore the unknown. I'm going to get Skyward Sword as well, and Skyward Sword is the latest, and probably best Zelda game ever made. I would explain further, but we have so many great (some trolls don't like it but who cares) reviews on them already.

Honestly LinkGoro, this is your own choice, your opinion on what to get. I'll just say, they're both great and unique games, that in my opinion, are great in their unique styles, and I like them both so much that to me, they don't best each other because they're very well made. I won't tell you what to pick, but i'll just tell you that. Minecraft and Skyward Sword are very good games.

Also, if you have the ability, choose both! :)


Hero of Gorons
Maybe I'll take both. I'm pretty exited for SS, but since the limited edition is a double price, I can't afford it.
I'll go the smart way and get SS when it hits the shelves in Gamestop and also get a used Wii Motion Pluz.

But I also want to hear what other people mean !


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
OK, 1 thing to say about Minecraft. CUBES, ALL CUBES!!
Meanwile skyward sword, has good storyline, well known characters, fun gameplay and just basic awesomeness.


Aug 29, 2010
Well, a little overreacting. Minecraft is fun! C'mon!

It IS fun. They're both fun! Man you picked a some difficult choices! They're both such great games!! I would pick both, as for Limited Edition, if you can't afford it, try getting a WMP seperately.


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
well, minecraft's not that bad, but I still say SS is better, getting the limited addition's good too, I got it but i'm not allowed to play it 'till Christmas.
Feb 25, 2011
dude, you asked that it a zelda forum, was answer you thought you will get. SS is getting some low reviews, so i don't know if i will get it my self, so you just might to try before you buy, it seems that SS isn't for everyone

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