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Which sort of speedrun do you prefer?

  • Full sail on the glitch express

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • No glitches for me, thank you

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013

Speedrunning is one of those things that just seemed to spawn naturally from video gaming. When you're so good at a game that playing it normally doesn't pose of a challenge anymore, so you start playing it as quickly as possible. From the more traditional playthroughs that are more about playing the game well to glitch-fests where you spin around really fast and whip out your sniper rifle to clip through doors, speedrunning has some crazy highs and terrifying lows, such Mario Odyssey's nipple% and Baldur's Gate 3's very real Sex% category.

I consider myself a very amateur Resident Evil 4 remake speedrunner, but only in the loosest of senses. I can finish the game in a solid 2:30, which is a whopping fifty minutes slower than the current speedrun contenders. Anyone else here a fan of sprinting through games as quickly as possible? Are you ones of those weirdos reasonable people who enjoy boring glitchless speedruns?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I dide try a speed run once and got distracted so i don't think im a speed person as i get did...ooh shiny...


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I'm not a speed runner. I don't think I'm smart with glitches. I will one day start doing Prince of Persia: Two Thrones glitches runs.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I think for most speed runners it's not a hard and fast line. Glitchless categories exist for a reason of course- I think most people just want a speed run to be a good mix of game knowledge, mechanical precision, and general skill at the game, which may or may not include some glitches. No wrong warp is a popular category in DSR for that reason


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
I prefer speedrunning without glitches myself, but glitched runs are still a category I respect.
May 21, 2023
I have a bit of an arbitrary line. I like both glitchless as well as ones that abuse a ton, but when people do stuff with TAS and talk about how “theoretically it would be possible” except it’s not because otherwise you wouldn’t need it, I’m just not impressed.

As for myself, I haven’t personally tried much. There was one time I did mgs3 only using the tuxedo and patriot and skipping cutscenes just to see how fast I could get through it. Then there’s more casual stuff like the trophy for being Nier’s A route in 15 hours (easily done in 5 by most people) but I’ve never done anything serious.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I have a bit of an arbitrary line. I like both glitchless as well as ones that abuse a ton, but when people do stuff with TAS and talk about how “theoretically it would be possible” except it’s not because otherwise you wouldn’t need it, I’m just not impressed.

As for myself, I haven’t personally tried much. There was one time I did mgs3 only using the tuxedo and patriot and skipping cutscenes just to see how fast I could get through it. Then there’s more casual stuff like the trophy for being Nier’s A route in 15 hours (easily done in 5 by most people) but I’ve never done anything serious.
Well, the point of TASing really is to show hypotheticals. They're not usually my cup of tea, but it can be cool to see how much faster a speedrun could be if humans could always react to inputs with frame-perfect accuracy.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I'm more of a completionist than a speed runner. However, certain games will sometimes require speed runs for various completion bonuses or achievements and if the games are designed with it in mind, I'm much more likely to attempt it.

For example, speed running is part of the natural progression of most Resident Evil games as you'll have memorized routes and puzzle solutions from playthrough to playthrough which significantly cuts down on time and can shrink down your initial 9-12 hour playthrough into a 2-4 hour run, making the games immensely replayable. The only real hurdle is being able to employ various ammo conserving tactics and combat strategies which is a lot easier than it may seem and part of the fun of survival horror games anyway.

Sonic games also tend to have a speed running component to them by grading you at the end of each stage based on how quickly you can get through them and I have dabbled in S ranking some of the games when there's specific achievements for them. Same with the Halo games in the Master Chief Collection which are surprisingly fun to run through without shooting everything in your way.

Although, surprisingly, for as often as I do replay them, I've never attempted speed running through any Metroid game despite them being designed for it in pretty much the same way Resident Evil games are. I can't say I ever attempted 2 back to back playthroughs of a Metroid game before as navigation is way more chaotic and the maps are just far too sprawling for me to memorize every location, upgrade, and path. Especially when you have to know how to sequence break and pull off platforming feats.

But overall, I don't really ever aspire to beat games quickly for the sh*ts and giggles of it. I'm not trying to break any records and I personally find it to be more of a waste of time than playing video games already are. It's cool that people have discovered ways to break games with glitches and bypass sections or even the majority of the game, but I imagine mastering glitches or perfecting games is just way too time consuming and that's time I'd rather spend playing something else in my backlog.

But it sure is fun to watch others do it and I'll admit, I've definitely dabbled with glitches and various tricks a lot of these speed runners use within reason. Like the door skipping glitch in the Resident Evil 4 remake that I just wanted to test out which was then immediately patched once I got it down.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
But it sure is fun to watch others do it and I'll admit, I've definitely dabbled with glitches and various tricks a lot of these speed runners use within reason. Like the door skipping glitch in the Resident Evil 4 remake that I just wanted to test out which was then immediately patched once I got it down.
The RE4 speedrunning community still plays using the pre-patch version. Even I installed the newest version of the game just so I could try out the Separate Ways DLC, after which I prompted downgraded my game version.
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