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Skyward Sword Skyward Sword Quick-Notes


I'm not the muffin man!
Demise fight-
First phase:
1. Prepare to raise your shield at any moment.
2. Caution is advised, when you are attacking him be sure to watch for signs of retaliation (Raising sword), and as soon as he shows signs raise your shield..

Second Phase:
1. Skyward Strikes are back!
2. DO NOT swing at him before you hit him with Skyward Strike, you will be damaged by lightning!
3. When he charges at you and is near, back flip to avoid damage.
4. Don't use a fatal blow on him until he has fallen down about three times, judging on how many times you hit him when he was down.

1. You will want to have several potions with you. (Every bottle you have.)
2. Have a Sacred, Divine, Goddess, or Hylian Shield with you.
3. If your Adventure Pouch has a shield and all bottles in it, but you still have an open space, take along the Life Medal (if you have it).

Hope it helps.
Last edited:
Jan 23, 2012
one of the most important and useful techniques is the shield bash. dont forget to use it whever ur fighting a tough enemy or if ur not sure about a weak point
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena
When fighting Demise, always keep you're shield forward unless you're getting a Skyward Strike ready(if you have the Hylian Shield, anyway.) Since the Hylian Shield won't break, it doesn't matter as much if you mess up a Shield Bash.
Feb 14, 2012
Mars, Milky Way
For the thrill digger I use these hints, although don't hold me to this:
Green = no bombs around ( 8 directions)
Blue= 1 bomb within the 8 directions
Red= 2 or more in 8 directions

For all others I have no clue hope this helps


The Forever Gamer
Nov 26, 2011
Koholint Island
In the beggining of the game, you may have troubles with your shield and its durability. To solve this problem, pay attention to the enimies movements and keep them in mind... then once it starts to attack, SHIELD BASH! This will not take down any durability off your shield, even if it is the Wooden Shield.
Things to add:
something random, with the beetle, grab a hornets nest and drop it on bokoblin for fun.
every enemy has insane weaknesses. for instance. earth temple(maybe fire sanctuary) purple lizard, mini cut scene, then 3 SWINGS! it only takes three. slash at the open arm, spin attack the open part of defense, do a finishing blow, and consider him history.
demise "2nd phase: again, engage the lightning quickly in the second phase, you can back flip into the center of his lightning strike or horizontal move quickly outta there, always back flip to avoid his dash strikes, and really just use that lightning. avoid the obnoxious cant fight because of electrocution.
the pumpkin throwing, put your aiming thing right by him, when ever he throws, shoot.
dodohs high dive: (IF YOU OVERUSE THIS IT WONT WORK) always float in the center, go astray for very important rings, center of dodoh balls, AND THEN, the last ring, look at which one you want to land on, if the wheels still spinning extremely fast, look at the exact opposite side of the board and aim for there. if its going slow, aim for the place you saw your aiming point during the descent through the last ring. (its hard to perform.)
beadles bug/ bug rock: the final challenge. take a left.turn around after dropping down a step, youll see the woodland rhino beetle forward left of you, down a step, roll into the wall.drop down into an area of grass, and get a faron grasshopper and the butterfly. go straight and make sure the eldin roller gets stuck in that hardly lower to the ground area and use the net again.take a right, slash the pots by the crawl area. step through get the ant and mantis in the jar on the left. slowly catch the gerudo dragon fly, clawshot to the vine, and slowly catch the orange bug. go back up and get the eldin roller again. turn around and go to the grass and catch the grasshopper. you can do this in under 2 minutes this way.
bamboo slicing, slice diagonal. heres something else: 15 to 19 times, 30 Rupees. 20 - 27 times, Evil Crystal or Monster Horn. 28 times, he is rewarded a Blue Bird Feather, a Goddess Plume, or a Golden Skull. and if you spend a long time beating Peater's record, sucks for you, he doesnt care about his 43 record cut.

the singing at the inn with that girl that calls you a child when you look older than her. play your harp faster than what you think, i played to slow and this was the hardest thing for me hero mode and normal mode.

i think you guys have touch on everything else. if anything else, ask and thou shalt receive.
Apr 6, 2012
Final boss tips

if you are having trouble fighting Demise, get close to him and wait for him to attack, then, shield bash him and attack. don't rapidly swing at him so you have time to shield bash him again & keep going. for the second part, just sidestep to avoid his attacks and use the lightning to stun him. heart & guardian potions can help a lot

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