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Skyward Sword Mafia

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Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Hey I'm just a little curious to know which ones of you were using the scene links that I kept updating the OP with. I decided to do this for easier navigation for the players when the game has been going for a while, but maybe nobody used it because it's a brand new idea I got for this game. Either way I think it's something future game mods can try out too because I know from experience how tedious it can be sometimes to navigate through all of the days in the game to find a specific thing. ^^
I used it and I really liked the idea :)
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Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Hey I'm just a little curious to know which ones of you were using the scene links that I kept updating the OP with. I decided to do this for easier navigation for the players when the game has been going for a while, but maybe nobody used it because it's a brand new idea I got for this game. Either way I think it's something future game mods can try out too because I know from experience how tedious it can be sometimes to navigate through all of the days in the game to find a specific thing. ^^

Oh and ya, I used this. It's a great idea and I'm gonna copy it for my game :>


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Shame I died, I was gonna try to get Eduarda lynched the following day. Ah well, that was an intense ending. Good job town!

Why :kawaii:

Also, yes, Batman. You were great this game. I was honestly scared of playing against you when I first joined. I knew you were new and all new players have trouble. But you did surprisingly well for someone who was just introduced to mafia. I look forward to playing with you again :)


The game is on!
I'm sure by now you've all realized this was a Role Madness game all along. I like doing it that way since I think it's more fun if the players don't know for sure if everybody has a special role or not. ^^

Role PMs:

Well hey there Go_Dark_Link and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Link, the Vigilante. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and attempt to kill any player in the game. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of your target. It is risky for you though, since you do not know who are with you and who are against you. Of course you can choose not to kill if you so wish. You may not target yourself.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Scarfed and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Zelda, the Doctor. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and protect any player in the game from being night killed. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of the player you wish to protect. You may not target yourself.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Repentance and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Fi, the Cop. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and investigate any player in the game to find out if the player is guilty or innocent. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of your target, then I will tell you if your target is scum or not.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Justac00lguy and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Impa, the Roleblocker. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and prevent any player in the game from performing their night action. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of the player you wish to roleblock.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there musicfan and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Groose, the Desperado. Being the Desperado you have the ability to once in the game attempt a day kill on one of the other players. If the player you attempt to kill is with the Mafia, the kill will go through, however, if the one you target is not with the Mafia, you will die instead. The ability is 1-shot so whenever you feel like using it, just send me a PM with the name of the player that you wish to kill. You may not target yourself.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there David and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Gaepora, the Poison Doctor. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and protect any player in the game from being night poisoned. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of the player you wish to protect from poison. In order to successfully save another player from being poisoned you will have to target the player on the same night as the victim is poisoned. You may not target yourself.

You are part of a neighbourhood, which means you can talk in secret to a few other players in the game. The other players in the neighbourhood are Frozen Chosen and Doc. Here is the link to your secret neighbour QuickTopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/bZE8ssJ4A3K Be aware though that you do not know the roles of the other two members of the neighbourhood. So be cautious.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Batman and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Owlan, a Mason. Sarah is Horwell, the other Mason, and you will be able to communicate with each other secretly via QuickTopic. Here’s the link: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/xbvrHJRc2cW


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Sarah and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Horwell, a Mason. Batman is Owlan, the other Mason, and you will be able to communicate with each other secretly via QuickTopic. Here’s the link: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/xbvrHJRc2cW


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Frozen Chosen and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Fledge, the Absorber. As the Absorber you have the ability to absorb 1-shot abilities of any power that is used on you at night. For example, if the Cop investigates you, you will gain a 1-shot investigation that you can use the following night if you wish to. If you are lucky you will be able to gather several 1-shots, however, you will only be able to use one per night. Upon receiving a power you may not target yourself.

You are part of a neighbourhood, which means you can talk in secret to a few other players in the game. The other players in the neighbourhood are David and Doc. Here is the link to your secret neighbour QuickTopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/bZE8ssJ4A3K Be aware though that you do not know the roles of the other two members of the neighbourhood. So be cautious.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Blackkirby and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Beedle, the Commuter. Each night you leave town. Because of this you are completely immune to everything that happens during the night periods. Nobody can reach you.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Crus@der77x and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Gondo, the Sword Smith. As the Sword Smith you know everything about swords. Because of this you will be able to figure out which of the players are sword wielders. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and investigate any player in the game to find out if the player has a sword or not. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of your target, and then I will tell you whether or not your target has a sword. Be aware though that just because you manage to find a sword wielder, it does not mean that this player is necessarily scum even if it might be.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Linkdude74 and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Peatrice, the Inventor. You hold possession of several special items that you can hand out at night to the players of your choosing. Each night you can send me a PM where you tell me which item you want to hand out and to which player you wish to give it. You may not target yourself. Here is the list of your items:

Small Bomb Bag
Guardian Potion+
Air Potion+
Cursed Medal
Tough Beetle


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Mellow Ezlo and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Batreaux, the Recycler. Starting off you have no special abilities whatsoever, but upon the lynch of the first Town Power Role, you will inherit the dead player’s ability, thus “recycling” it. In this aspect the Recycler is much like a Universal Backup. However, as the Recycler recycles the dead player’s ability, the player who died will appear as a regular Vanilla Townie to the rest of the players in the game thread. Only the Recycler will know the dead player’s original role. After recycling the powers of the first dead Town Power Role, the Recycler will posses those same powers throughout the remainder of the game. Upon possibly receiving an active power role you may not target yourself.


You are on the Town’s side, so you win when the Mafia has been completely eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Heroine of Time and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Demise, the Godfather. As the Mafia’s Godfather you are the leader of the Mafia. You have two special abilities: Firstly, you are bulletproof, meaning that you are immune to being night killed. And secondly, you are investigation immune, meaning that if the Cop should investigate you, you will look as innocent as a little child. The Mafia can kill one player each night, so be sure to always inform me of your target in time. Being the leader of the Mafia you are also the one who has the final word in who you should night kill each night, and which one of the Mafia members you should send to perform the night kill. Your allies are Ayano Keiko as Ghirahim (Mafia Jack-of-All-Trades), DekuNut as Scaldera (Maffia Absorber) and Johnny Sooshi as Moldarach (Mafia Roleblocker). You will be able to communicate with each other secretly via QuickTopic. Here is the link: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/sHTqZHrREec


You are with the Mafia, so you win when you outnumber the remaining players.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Ayano Keiko and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Ghirahim, the Mafia Jack-of-All-Trades. As the Jack-of-All-Trades you have four 1-shot abilities that you can choose to use whenever you want. However, you can only use one each night. You may not target yourself, however you may target your teammates. Here is the list of you 1-shot abilities:

Role Cop Investigation
Poison (on the night when you use the poison, the Mafia cannot perform a regular night kill)
Poison Protection

Your allies are Heroine of Time as Demise (Godfather), DekuNut as Scaldera (Maffia Absorber) and Johnny Sooshi as Moldarach (Mafia Roleblocker). You will be able to communicate with each other secretly via QuickTopic. Here is the link: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/sHTqZHrREec


You are with the Mafia, so you win when you outnumber the remaining players.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there DekuNut and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Scaldera, the Mafia Absorber. As the Absorber you have the ability to absorb 1-shot abilities of any power that is used on you at night. For example, if the Doctor protects you, you will gain a 1-shot protection that you can use the following night if you wish to. If you are lucky you will be able to gather several 1-shots, however, you will only be able to use one per night. Upon receiving a power you may not target yourself. Your allies are Heroine of Time as Demise (Godfather), Ayano Keiko as Ghirahim (Maffia Jack-of-All-Trades) and Johnny Sooshi as Moldarach (Mafia Roleblocker). You will be able to communicate with each other secretly via QuickTopic. Here is the link: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/sHTqZHrREec


You are with the Mafia, so you win when you outnumber the remaining players.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Johnny Sooshi and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Moldarach, the Mafia Roleblocker. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and prevent any player in the game from performing their night action. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of the player you wish to roleblock. Your allies are Heroine of Time as Demise (Godfather), Ayano Keiko as Ghirahim (Maffia Jack-of-All-Trades) and DekuNut as Scaldera (Mafia Absorber). You will be able to communicate with each other secretly via QuickTopic. Here is the link: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/sHTqZHrREec


You are with the Mafia, so you win when you outnumber the remaining players.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Doc and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be ???, the Survivor. You are completely on your own in this game, you are neither with the Town nor with the Mafia. You have no active powers that you can use.

You are part of a neighbourhood, which means you can talk in secret to a few other players in the game. The other players in the neighbourhood are David and Frozen Chosen. Here is the link to your secret neighbour QuickTopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/bZE8ssJ4A3K Be aware though that you do not know the roles of the other two members of the neighbourhood. So be cautious.


Being the Survivor you win along with the winning side if you survive to the end of the game.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there SavageWizzrobe and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Scervo, the Serial Killer. You are completely on your own in this game, you are neither with the Town nor with the Mafia. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and attempt to kill any player in the game. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of your target. Of course you can choose not to kill if you so wish. You may not target yourself.


Being the Serial Killer you win along with the winning side if you survive to the end of the game.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.

Well hey there Ari and welcome to Skyward Sword Mafia! For this game you will be Bilocyte, the Poisoner. You are completely on your own in this game, you are neither with the Town nor with the Mafia. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and attempt to poison any player in the game. Do this by sending me a PM each night with the name of your target. If you successfully poison another player, that player will die from the poisoning on the night after your attack. Of course you can choose not to poison anyone if you so wish. You may not target yourself.


Being the Poisoner you win along with the winning side if you survive to the end of the game.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/skyward-sword-mafia-sign-ups.52552/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to PM me.


The game is on!
Figured I'd give a little explanation to the origins of the Recycler role that I made up myself and that Mezlo had for this game. Initially I made it up as a fake claim back in Keeseman's LotR Mafia in 2013. I was the Cult Leader in that game, and when I was about to be lynched I pulled that fake claim by completely making up a new role that made sense and thanks to that fake claim my Cult recruits and I were able to take the victory of that game. ^^ So yeah, I thought it was a pretty fun idea to actually use that role in my game, that I only sorta improvised out as a fake claim back then, hehe.

Also the Neighbours of this game were Gaepora, Fledge and ???, all residents of the Knight Academy on Skyloft, thus making them neighbours. So unlike what some of you were theorizing in the game, the three of them were not just randomly selected. :)

Also, here are the inventor items and all that they did:

Small Bomb Bag - Night kill
Guardian Potion+ - Protection
Air Potion+ - Poison Protection
Cursed Medal - Poison
Tough Beetle - Investigation
Scattershot - Roleblock


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
Ayy, I think the scum team fought hard!!! Even with our bad luck in the beginning, we got this far. We stressed a lot over this game, and I really think we gave Town a bit of a tough time. Although tbh, this wasn't a game where I can say I played well. Inactivity is a curse. :P

But Town also had their game on this time, so congrats for winning guys, you deserve it. Dammit Batman, we'll get back at you somehow for leading our lynches! :ananger: (Actually, I am super happy for you that you played so well in your very first game. Be proud, and play more mafia!)

I'd really like to thank Eduarda for playing this game just because I asked her to, and then putting in so much effort. I'm glad everyone got to see your skills again after so long. :party: Also thanks to Johnny and Deku for advising us throughout even though you guys were basically dead the whole time. Also congrats Pendio, for modding another great game! Okay so this post has gotten way too sappy for its own good so I'll stop now k thx bai.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Why :kawaii:

Also, yes, Batman. You were great this game. I was honestly scared of playing against you when I first joined. I knew you were new and all new players have trouble. But you did surprisingly well for someone who was just introduced to mafia. I look forward to playing with you again :)

Mostly because you seemed almost too town-like. I was gonna vote for you just to apply a little pressure, and mention the really strange exchanges between Heroine and Mathias during day 1. After Sadia flipped scum, I was sure it was you. Looking back at day 1, I noticed that the only 2 people Heroine voted for were DekuNut and Mathias. DekuNut was scum. Heroine had also promptly unvoted DekuNut as a way to protect him. And then seeing her jokingly vote Mathias, it didn't really make sense to me. Then I looked at your posts and realized that they weren't at all suspicious, and then I realized that it was true. You seemed almost too town-like because you were doing things that were best for the town by only going after people who seemed suspicious, which is an excellent thing to do as scum (including assisting in the Sadia lynch). It all added up.

And on that same note, I have to say kudos to you for being one of the best scum players I've seen. :)

btw, am I the only one that finds it hilarious that Thar received a 1-shot poison ability the same night he got poisoned?


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Mostly because you seemed almost too town-like. I was gonna vote for you just to apply a little pressure, and mention the really strange exchanges between Heroine and Mathias during day 1. After Sadia flipped scum, I was sure it was you. Looking back at day 1, I noticed that the only 2 people Heroine voted for were DekuNut and Mathias. DekuNut was scum. Heroine had also promptly unvoted DekuNut as a way to protect him. And then seeing her jokingly vote Mathias, it didn't really make sense to me. Then I looked at your posts and realized that they weren't at all suspicious, and then I realized that it was true. You seemed almost too town-like because you were doing things that were best for the town by only going after people who seemed suspicious, which is an excellent thing to do as scum (including assisting in the Sadia lynch). It all added up.

And on that same note, I have to say kudos to you for being one of the best scum players I've seen. :)

Yep. Need to get rid of you Night 1, when I'm mafia again :> You're too good.
I tried to basically follow my Pirates 1 style by being super town and involved in everything. Musicfan was in the game when I joined, and I thought he might call me out if I was more reserved this game - which I was in Scrubs Mafia, and flipped scum (And musicfan was also in that game). I thought I did a really bad job tbh
I slipped up a lot. Like asking you if you could save yourself. Oh well, I tried. Now time to take another year off Mafia :>

Though. I am curious of how I did. Did anyone else find me suspicious apart from the whole roleblocking thing?

btw, am I the only one that finds it hilarious that Thar received a 1-shot poison ability the same night he got poisoned?

I didn't notice that XD

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Guys, I had so much fun playing this game. This was my very first time playing Mafia and I'm so glad I could help the town win. I apologize for any instances where my inexperience with the game led to me making poor decisions or having a negative influence,. I felt so intimidated when so many of the veteran players and initiative takers were out of the game (Rep, Mellow, Sarah, etc.) and I was afraid I'd blow things big time.

I especially have to think two people: @Sarah and @Linkdude74 . Sarah, for being the best mason buddy I could have asked for. Your guidance was invaluable and I hope to be mason buddies with you again in the future. Linkdude, for supplying me with all these gadgets and trusting me with using them responsibly. Without your help I would never have been able to confirm Sadia and Eduarda as scum and it's hard to say what conclusions my n00b self would have come to that could have been detrimental to the town.

@Pendio you made an awesome game and I can't wait to play in more of yours.

Very good first game for you. You're clearly a natural and I'm hoping to see you in few more (though preferably on the same team :bubsy:)


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
Well guys, great game! Even though I got killed off early, I was still watching the game, and at points I was at the edge of my seat! Batman did phenominally well for a new player, and it was fun to see whether my suspicions of various players were correct or not. In particular, I had my suspicions about Heroine of Time/Sadia, who turned out to be scum.

And of course, shoutouts to Pendio for modding and setting up the game!
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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Although I would have led a lynch against BK the next day, I also investigated BK for these reasons. Through some earlier posts and voting by GDL as well as my investigating on Linkdude74 I was able to narrow down the scum possibilities to Frozen, Doc, Sadia, Eduarda and BK. Doc made a good point about the randomized neighbourhood and so I took myself away from Pendios warning and treated Frozen and Doc as normal players. Doc just couldn't be scum in my eyes,and the things Frozen was saying about their group had him all but ruled out for me, so I managed to squeeze it down in my head to Sadia, Eduarda and BK. Because of the pressure on Heroine, I knew it'd be easy to lynch Heroine (who was replaced by Eduarda), or actually even better force a vig kill. So my plan was to investigate BK and then Sadia. I was really salty when I saw you guys going after the neighbourhood lol cause I was thinking omg I know who it is. TBH I found Eduarda was acting incredibly scummy the whole time with some posts against users that seemed unfounded.

The biggest thing was at one point she was like "well I find x scummy but I'm not going to vote yet" which honestly is a huge scummy thing to do if you don't even have a vote on someone else. She made sure other people would "okay" her to hammer so she could take the pressure off herself and say "well you told me to" and that stood out to me. Lets also not forget Heroine pulling out of Dekus lynch day 1. While thar also did this, Heroine doing it second seems like she was using Thar pulling out as a safe way for her to do so as well. Sadia had a few tells to me but it was more a lack of tells from Doc and Frozen that confirmed her to me. Sadia always seems scummy anyway lol. In the end, we got the win and that's all that matters. Great job to @Batman for those final plays and also great job to scum for throwing them off. I hate you guys for killing me literally as soon as I had figured it out though :(
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Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
The biggest thing was at one point she was like "well I find x scummy but I'm not going to vote yet" which honestly is a huge scummy thing to do if you don't even have a vote on someone else. She made sure other people would "okay" her to hammer so she could take the pressure off herself and say "well you told me to" and that stood out to me.
Yeah, thats why I kept asking. It's hard to hammer in the most non scummy way possible. But I think I would do the same if I was town too, as Batman did.
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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
In my opinion, hammering is pretty safe because it's in all likelihood a guaranteed lynch.
Feb 17, 2015
Great game, Pendio. I had a lot of fun playing and would love to play another one of your games.

I was kind of worried for Town down the stretch there, but thanks to Linkdude and Batman, we pulled through. Good job town!
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