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SSHD Skyward Sword HD: Motion vs Button Controls

Skyward Sword HD

How Will You Play?

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A pretty significant gripe for many people playing the Wii release of Skyward Sword was obviously the motion controls. Despite the claimed accuracy improvements of the Wii Motion Plus, many still felt like the controls still didn't work well and/or that they just wanted to have an option to use buttons. But hey, at least those golden Wii remotes were hella cool, right?

Now once again they'll be releasing a limited edition controller (which I am keen for) in the form of JoyCons which also have enhanced accuracy improvements but unfortunately can suffer from other issues such as JoyCon drift. Thankfully this time around Nintendo seem to have listened to the feedback from the previous release and are allowing a button control option to be used instead.

Do you expect to play through exclusively using the button controls, the motion controls, or do you think you'll switch things up a little until you figure out which you prefer? Did you detest the control scheme in the initial release, or did it not bother you so much?

I think I'll try both schemes out but will likely revert to button controls after having given the motion controls a try. I actually don't recall personally feeling like the motion controls on the Wii were so bad that it made my experience a negative one but at the end of the day if I am going to be given a button option that for me will be a much easier way to play on the go.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I'll definitely give the motion controls a whirl, to give myself the authentic experience, but if I decide it isn't for me, or even if I don't mind it, I'll probably use mostly buttons because I'm lazy :P


Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
Since i am very welcome to learning and enjoying different control schemes, I will happily play with the motion controls to preserve the authenticity of the game and the way it was designed.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
I’ll probably play with motion controls. Funnily enough they were one of the few things about the game I didn’t hate when I played it. I also kind of hope the main menu slowness and that calibration thing aren’t too intrusive in the new version.

I do think I’ll miss hearing things come out of the Wiimote speaker though. It did have a kind of charm to it.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
I'm absolutely going to try both. I never really struggled with the motion controls in the Wii version from what I remember, and the new optional control scheme definitely has me intrigued. I may switch between them depending on whether I'm playing docked or handheld at the time.

Azure Sage

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I’ll try both for sure but I expect to use motion controls more often. It won’t feel like the same game otherwise. It might honestly end up depending on my positioning because I’ll be playing it in handheld mode on my bed like I do with everything else and laying flat on my stomach with detached joycons doesn’t sound too comfortable. We’ll see.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I really like the idea of the new button set up that they're adding to SSHD, though at the same time, I may still prefer the motion controls. So, my current thoughts are fiddle around with both and go from there.

Though, from the way Aunoma san explained how both set ups work I may lean towards a 50/50.

Edit: I may also lean towards having the new SSHD joy cons separated from the system for a while, and slowly get used to the new "attatched" controls.
May 4, 2014
I doubt if we'll even get this. If we do hypothetically, then it will be with buttons all the way. Because the Wii motion controls for this game are awful, and because I refuse to pay $80 for a new pair of joycons, what with drift being so rampant.

For the record, buttons will not be an automatic guarantee that the controls will be better. Despite what some hardcore defenders of the game may spout, traditional controls can be just as bad.
Feb 7, 2014
Buttons all the way, I've had enough motion controls for one lifetime, but I still think having the option is a great idea.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Assuming I design to buy this horrible $60 cash grab port of an otherwise unmodified ten year-old game, I will use button controls. Skyward Sword's motion controls have never been good. When I originally played the game back in 2012 or so, I could barely get the controls to work on a brand new Wii Motion +. I'm not subjecting myself to that sort of nonsense again.

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