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Should We Get a New 2D Zelda?

Feb 5, 2011
With all the advancements in 3D gaming and games made in making 3D characters and environments, I like to think we shouldn't forget 2D gameplay and sprites. With Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion showing not everyone is going to forget 2D games existed. As such, I personally think, even if it's a small game, we should get a 2D game for Zelda again.
No 2.5D characters, no gameplay, just classic 2D characters. You can put them on a 3D background like Marvel vs Capcom 2, but I still think we should have them back, if not for the next game then maybe one after.
What do you all think?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
While I like 2d I would rather see a proper original 3D Zelda game on a handheld.I think it's about time we got one. Plus it would make the user spiritofgant SUPER HAPPY and not commit suicide ;)
Apr 16, 2010
With the 3DS's 3D capabilities and the Wii U's HD capabilities, I think it would be a terrible move by Nintendo to make a new 2D Zelda. I have nothing against 2D Zeldas, but Nintendo shouldn't let their technology go to waste by using gameplay and graphics of the past.


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
Absolutely, though I'd prefer it be on the scale of Link's Awakening rather than the scale of A Link to the Past. While I loved ALttP, I feel like the large scale, more grandiose Zelda titles ought to be the 3D, "main entry" titles like Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and so on. The smaller scale seems to suit 2D titles much better than a larger, ALttP-esque scale anyway - look to the Oracle games as evidence of that. While I would likely play a 2D Zelda in either case, I'd prefer they keep them smaller and on handhelds to pave the way for massive, sprawling epics on the consoles.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
With the 3DS's 3D capabilities and the Wii U's HD capabilities, I think it would be a terrible move by Nintendo to make a new 2D Zelda. I have nothing against 2D Zeldas, but Nintendo shouldn't let their technology go to waste by using gameplay and graphics of the past.

I agree with this, Nintendo really like to push there gimmicks on there games. Heck they even mirrored twilight princess just so it could support right handlers.
So I'm hoping there love for pushing "gimmicks" shall push them to create an original 3D Zelda game.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I am all for a new 2D Zelda game. The 3DS seems like the perfect breeding ground for this development. We need to learn that platforms that utilize 3D in its fullest shouldn't be devoid of 2D gaming as the N64 nearly was. Personally, it would be interesting to see Nintendo follow a similar pattern as with Mario on the 3DS, namely releasing a 3D Zelda game first followed by a 2D overhead installment.

If a 2D Zelda game is made in the near future, I'd prefer it to take note of the perks featured in A Link to the Past and the Minish Cap. Shrinking in the latter was a nice addition, however, Nintendo needs to surprise us with something new. What the company should learn from A Link to the Past as a recent interview noted is to shorten tutorials while allowing players to pick up items and enter dungeons faster.
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May 11, 2012
Colorado Springs
Should we get a 2D Zelda game? Yes. Will we? Yes (at least eventually). With that said I would rather a 3D Zelda game. Personally, I just enjoy them more, and I feel they simply have more to offer.
We'll probably get another 2D Zelda game... but I don't want one, why play a 2D Zelda game on the 3DS after being given the amazing OoT 3D and the likelihood of us getting MM 3D?

The 3DS can handle 3D games like OoT with such ease and it played so beautifully, it'd be silly for Nintendo to go back to making another 2D title when 2D titles make up the bulk of the series. Nintendo should know by now its 3D titles that gamers want, and it is the 3D Zelda titles that will and do sell well. There are more 2D games than 3D but more people have played the 3D games...

I'm not against 2D games, its just now technology has really moved on and if Nintendo are self aware they'll know that 3D Zelda games would put DS sales through the roof... though at the same time, Nintendo are fools unto themselves. They only put out at the most two Zelda games on home consoles if we're lucky, since wii kind of only had one and a half considering the forced port of Twilight Princess is more at home on the Cube. So we'll never know what an original title is going to hold for the 3DS, 2D games are probably a lot easier to make but it really is running dry. Even the 3D zelda games are getting samey in terms of gameplay despite both MM and WW bringing something new each time (time limit and sailing). The 3DS could be a great place for Nintendo to put out more 3D titles and experiment with the gameplay and learn to mix stuff up like Skyward Sword did and ready a new way of playing as well as new gameplay features for the home consoles.

If we do get a 2D zelda though i hope for two things since we've seen everything they could possibly do up until now, these are; featuring Adult Link and a dark theme. We havent had what people would consider a 'dark' 2D Zelda title and we've never seen adult Link in a 2D game either.
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Like GaroXicon said before me, if we're to get a 2D Zelda, I'd rather it be on the smaller scale like Link's Awakening or the Oracles. Why? Well, one I happened to love those games. Two, they're just great games and they really do seem to fit the 2D format. I'm not of the opinion that we should have 3D games ont he Wii U because it has good graphics. I mean, New Super Mario Bros U is coming out on the platform (iirc it's a launch title but I could be wrong), and that's nothing but Super Mario Bros for the NES with a facelift. Zelda could do the same, probably not as effective but it'd definitely work. :yes:


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I have not liked any of the 2d zeldas very much with the exception of maybe ALTTP. The 3d ones are always getting better reviews and are in my opinion much better experiences.

Kyros 676

The Ultimate Hero
Jun 25, 2012
I believe there should be a new 2D zelda game. HOWEVER, the 3D gameplay should be added in certain parts, like boss fights.
Jun 12, 2012
I wouldn't mind a new 2D Zelda game. I have spent more time playing the 2D Zelda games and I own 6 of the 2D Zelda games. But I think it might be a better idea for Nintendo to go in the direction of 3D Zelda games like they have been doing.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I definitely think another 2D Zelda should be made, but first Nintendo needs to utilize their hardware with what it's suppose to do...By this I mean an HD Zelda for Wii U and an original 3D Zelda for 3DS. After that....go crazy. Some of my favorite Zeldas are the 2D ones and it would be cool to see another one.

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