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Sheik? In an ANIME?! Must Be Nice to Be a Ninja.

Twilit Archon

We Burn... Burn With Us.
Oct 30, 2011

Ok so it's not technically sheik, in fact it's bordering on copyright infringement in my opinion, but it's interesting none the less.

This is a picture of Fleur "Abe" Boland, a blonde haired, blue eyed princess Noble's Daughter that masquerades as a male in a turban and scarf and sells goddess statues... She often gets discovered as a female due to her constant nosiness and inability to shut up...<cough>plagiarism</cough>

The anime in question is Spice and Wolf II, which is set in a stylised European countryside... With a man that rides around getting into adventures on a horse (and cart)... With a wolf goddess that has descended and taken human form and is heading North...

So I just realized that not only is this anime ripping from Zelda, it's ripping from Okami as well, at least a little. >.>

Fascinating to say the least.

The anime itself is quite good. Very thoughtful, and almost like a very cleverly disguised lecture on Economics.
Nov 26, 2008
The character looks like, nothing like Sheik in any major, unique way. He's wearing what's basically standard middle-eastern desert clothing, or clothing from around those areas. (Forgive the crude terms; I have no idea what the term for it is. It's not a turban.) Arabs sometimes dress like this I believe, and actually "Sheik" is a term for an Arabic leader and likely Sheik's clothing was based on this so... there's your only real connection. There isn't any ripping off going on here. They're both just using an existing clothing style.

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