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Release Date April or Later?

your thoughts on the release date

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Sep 1, 2009
Well we all know the 3ds has it's release date on the 26th of february(march for usa canada eu etc.. . However, we haven't heard any news for Skyward Sword...

Does this mean SS will be released after the 3ds like april or may...

I am personally really sad about this because I was hoping for march or earlier. April would be nice but may is 8 months away... That's nearly a full year. :cry:


Aug 29, 2010
You know, thats true, I was wondering, home come Nintendo hasn't said anything for Skyward Sword, but they reveal the release date for their new 3d hand-held console but not Skyward Sword!! I'm really worried that Skyward Sword will release April, thats like 7 months away! Please Nintendo, release it for January! I HOPE it releases in January.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
April isn't just my guess, I'm actually kinda hoping the game is released then(that or March). With that, there's still time to fix any flaws in the game and make it better for release. April is the latest I see it as well.


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
If OoT3D is released as a launch title with the 3DS (which all signs point ot yes right now) it wouldn't surprise me if they delay SS to a mid to late summer release. It seems odd to have two Zelda titles available at the same time, even if one is a remake. I would say the earliest we'd see SS is the end of May as we saw Super Mario Galaxy 2, but the most likely answer is end of summer to fall unfortunately. I'd love to eat my words and be playing it in April, but I just don't see that happening with the 3DS releasing when it is.

Also, I wonder if they aren't still working on the title majorly and not just putting finishing touches on it. I find it odd that with the 3DS / upcoming Wii games announcement, the new SS screenshots were still of the demo area with the E3 HUD. From early summer to now I would have thought they'd have something more concrete for the HUD, and something more to showcase than the same grassland, boss battles and the fire cave from the trailer. I think that release was to remind people of the game but wasn't to show progress. That means to me things are still being tweaked before showing more to the public.

Granted, the main reason for the show was to showcase the 3DS, but again, a new press release of images with nothing new to see is odd.


Aug 29, 2010
I agree with PhantomTriforce, probably January because it doesn't look like there are any releases in January. I'm hoping early or mid January!

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