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Hyrule Warriors Rank the playable characters! (STORY SPOILERS)

Azure Sage

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AoC has a pretty fantastic playable cast. I like almost all of them, whereas in the first HW I didn't like using more than half of them. I'm sure by now, we all have our mains, but what I wanna know is how the whole cast stacks up for you, gameplay-wise. A lot of the playable characters are story-locked, so, story spoilers, obviously.

Here's the order in which I enjoy playing as the characters:

Mipha > Link (one-handed sword) > Zelda (Bow of Light) > Zelda (Sheikah Slate) > Impa > Rhoam > Daruk > Link (spear) > Yunobo > Sidon > Urbosa > Link (two-handed sword) > Terrako > Revali > Teba > Riju > Monk Maz Koshia > Hestu /// Calamity Ganon > Master Kohga > Great Fairies

I bolded my main party, and I put slashes between Hestu and Kohga because that's the split where I stop enjoying their gameplay. I don't like using Kohga and the Great Fairies, but they're the only two I don't actually like. Everyone else ranges from amazing to fun. I think they did an excellent job on the cast this time around.

How about you guys? How do they rack up for you?

EDIT: moved Terrako up after using him some more.

EDIT AGAIN: Uh... apparently I missed an optional character in the postgame. Haha... ****in Calamity Ganon himself is playable. That's absolutely wild. So is his moveset. I don't really vibe with him, but I don't think he's bad. He's probably gonna sit untouched with Kohga and the Great Fairies.
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I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
I kind of min-maxed my way through most of the game so there were a lot of characters I didn't even touch.

I played as 4 total.

My ranking would be:

1. Impa. Mah queen! Absorb, absorb, absorb!! And then .. SLAY!
2. Link. Pretty vanilla as far as moves go but god does he get OP when he gets the Master Sword.

3. Zelda at the end of the story. Reminds me of her Smash moves, with all the magic beams and stuff. Also love the bow!

4. Mipha. Great tactile feedback in the spear moves and the geyser might be my single favorite move.
5. Hestu. Just liked playing him. The flurry attack is fun.


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Still playing the game right now but boy... Sidon! Do I love playing him? Hell yes I do!!!
So far brother and sister are my favs. But I like Teba too. Link of course is always perfect. Riju is very good but controlling Patricia can be a bit tricky. My list so far:
Sidon/Mipha > Link > Impa > Revali > Teba > Urbosa > Riju > Daruk > Hestu > Zelda > Big Fairies. Haven't tries Yunobo yet. Other playable characters not unlocked yet. Will update later :D
May 11, 2011
Hard for me to rank all of them as unfamiliar in parts, but Link is definitely my top choice, with Mipha, Impa, and Rhoam following.

The absolute worst for me are the rito. I suck with them. I can never tell what's going on. Teba is a teeny bit better than Revali, making Revali the worst.

Azure Sage

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Didn't take long for this to pop up, lol. I went ahead and made one.

age of calamity tierlist.png
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Hey, you know what I'm gonna reply to this.

It's very unthoughtful to just say "story spoilers" expecting people to know there's more that just the 16 playable characters and to all of you who clicked this thread thinking they unlocked everyone and got spoiled on Calamity Ganon in the op, you're not alone. Thanks for that.

Azure Sage

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Hey, you know what I'm gonna reply to this.

It's very unthoughtful to just say "story spoilers" expecting people to know there's more that just the 16 playable characters and to all of you who clicked this thread thinking they unlocked everyone and got spoiled on Calamity Ganon in the op, you're not alone. Thanks for that.
You know what, you're right. I'm sorry. I didn't really think about that. I'll put spoiler tags on everything.
Sep 5, 2020
Zelda (Bow of Light)
King Rhoam (BEGONE! BOW. HOW DARE YOU! FORBIDDEN! Sorry, his dialogue is just so freakin' funny).
Teba ("DIE!" Another one with funny dialogue. Him trying to act like the star of an action movie when he looks like a giant chicken flying around.)
Revali (awkward at first with his two different modes but awesome and unique once you master)

Impa is overpowered, which makes her the coolest.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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For my top five favorite with 1 being the best,

1. Mipha- she's fast but not too hard to control. She is also decently powered, although some of her special attacks are kind of hard to use.
2. Link- because Link.
3. Impa- also fast, her duplicating power is the absolute best thing ever. Her main problem is that her attacks seem pretty weak.
4. Sidon- A little more powerful than Mipha, he's slower but controls well.
5. Urbosa- just the tact that you can electrocute EVERYTHING.

I might fill in my other rankings later, but I can say with certainty that revali is the absolute worst. His controls are terrible, his aim is shoddy and he does hardly any damage. Half the time you don't even know where he is on the screen.
Top 5 (of the ones I used anyway):
1. Mipha - Spear user, fast, fluid. Everything I like in a character's moveset.
2. Urbosa - Same perks as Mipha, but with a sword and shield instead.
3. Link - Strong, with a flexible moveset.
4. Rhoam - Carries a big freaking claymore. Love the sense of weight behind his attacks. Dope battle quotes.
5. Impa - Quick, though I don't vibe with the clone mechanic as much.

Azure Sage

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Recently I've begun to feel like I like Impa less and Daruk more. Impa is fun, but managing her clones can sometimes feel like it takes you out of the fight because you're so focused on maintaining max clones. Daruk is really agile for his build and his combos + character action do a great job of wiping weak point gauges, plus his shield is the best in the game. I really enjoy using him.

Also, Mipha was my favorite, but I think Zelda is probably my favorite to use now. All three of her weapons are really creative and a ton of fun. Her bow of light is probably her best weapon, but the master cycle is insanely fun and cool, and the sheikah slate can do lots of awesome things, so she's just an all around winner. It also helps that she has my favorite design for Zelda as a character and I love listening to her battle voices while I'm playing. (though I guess that's true for everyone else.)

So, new top 5 would have to be:

1. Zelda (all weapons)
2. Mipha
3. Link (one-handed)
4. Daruk
5. Impa

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