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PS4 Vs Next Xbox; Does Wii U Have A Fighting Chance WITHOUT a Pricecut?


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Hahaha alright man I'll quit arguing you are strong in you're opinion as am I in mine. We cool though right dude?

He's right about Microsoft M$. They don't give a **** about family-friendliness. All they care about is what I like the call the dark side of the casual fanbase. You know, the brainless idiots that foolishly believe they're hardcore gamers because they only play mindlessly-violent games like Call of Duty and shun games with innovation and mentally-stimulating games Nintendo publishes. M$ just needs to die in the console gaming industry. Hell, all they do is mooch off of third party success which they already have with PC gaming. It'd make it the gaming world a much happier place.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
I doubt it. Nintendo made a fatal error by rushing their next-gen console before the other two. They'll be able to surpass everything the Wii U has. It won't be able to compete at all. Price cut or not. If they just delayed announcing, delayed releasing, until the other two were further along, they'd have stood another chance. But I think Nintendo is going to end up in a lot of trouble over this. I wouldn't be surprised if this is their last console. This was a huge mistake on their part. It's all about timing. Forget about what games they have. That doesn't matter. It has to do with what they can offer. Because Nintendo rushed things, the others can offer consoles that surpass what the Wii U can do. Nintendo's strength is the games they make. I don't think anyone should deny that. They always, always fall behind when it comes to hardware. And hardware, whether you like it or not, is important. It is what gives a console longevity. The Wii U is what the Wii should have been in the first place. It won't be lasting. PS4 and 720 games will completely blow them away in quality, depth, and functionality. And do not say it's not important. It is. You need power to do things like render more on the screen, have more characters, better environments, better AIs. This is a fatal mistake. Mark my words.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012

...Hasn't Nintendo always done this? Hell, this was the main reason the Wii did so well. Had MS or Sony released their motion gaming first, Nintendo would have been screwed.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
You are aware that Nintendo has an exponential amount of more money in the gaming industry than Microsoft and Sony do, right, Matt? There's no way they're going anywhere even if the Wii U miraculously fails. M$ and Sony are much closer to having their last hurrah than Nintendo is. They've also only recently been "behind". It wasn't until the Wii that they weren't coming out with cutting edge technology. It's not like they can't do it. They're choosing to focus more on the consoles themselves so they can make more innovative games rather than pumping out the same **** over and over on an annual basis. It's also going to be a much cheaper console than the competition, no doubt about that, and in this economy, cheaper is more successful.

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