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Pokéscum Mafia: The First Generation

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Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Vote Tally:

Sadia (3) - Repentance, DekuNut, fused_shadows
fused_shadows (1) - Deku Shroom
Stitch (1) - 43ForceGems
43ForceGems (1)

Extension -Sadia

Not Voting - Sadia, Fig, Peachy, A Link In Time, Heroine of Time, Stitch, PokaLink, Blackkirby, Kokirion, Celeboy, Justac00lguy, Pendio, Thareous

With 18 people alive, 10 votes is majority. Day ends tonight at 9PM PST.

The following people have not yet met the 2-post quota:

Peachy (1)
43ForceGems (1)

The number beside a username denotes the amount of posts that user has left to make before the end of the day.

EDIT: lol wow, I forgot I shortened the day by 3 hours. XD I'm extending the day until midnight PST, because it's already 9:45.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Day 2 Final Vote Tally:

Sadia (3) - Repentance, DekuNut, fused_shadows
fused_shadows (1) - Deku Shroom
Stitch (1) - 43ForceGems
43ForceGems (2) - Sadia

Extension - Sadia

Not Voting - Fig, Peachy, A Link In Time, Heroine of Time, Stitch, PokaLink, Blackkirby, Kokirion, Celeboy, Justac00lguy, Pendio, Thareous

After losing the cop, the Pokémon knew that they would need to pick up their game in order to catch the legendary Mewtwo. But, most of the day was spent talking about what happened during the night, and next to nobody was actually out actively searching for the hidden legendaries. So, as the daylight dimmed, they became desperate, and turned to the one who they deemed was inconsistent with her discussion and accusations. Sadia attempted to tell them all that she was innocent, but to no avail. So she ran, and the rest of the Pokémon chased her. But she was too slow; they managed to catch her just as she was about to enter a building. The town attacked her until she was no longer moving. It was then that they looked up and saw that they were in fact right in front of the Pokémon centre. It was then that they realized that they had made a bad mistake.

Sadia was Chansey, the Town Doctor.

The Living:

- Fig
- Peachy
- A Link In Time
- Heroine of Time
- Stitch
- DekuNut
- PokaLink
- 43ForceGems
- Repentance
- Blackkirby
- Kokirion
- Deku Shroom
- Celeboy
- Justac00lguy
- Pendio
- fused_shadows
- Thareous

The Dead:

- goomboo: Clefable, Town Redirector (Lynched Day 1)
- LittleGumball: Gengar, Restless Spirit (Burned to death Night 1)
- musicfan: Venusaur, Town Cop (Killed Night 1)
- Sadia: Chansey, Town Doctor (Mauled to death Day 1)


Night will end Sunday night at 11:59PM PST (approximately). Please send all night actions to me by then.

fused_shadows may post once to prevent merge. Everybody else refrain from posting.

Oh, btw:

If she's scum, maybe some Doctor protection for myself? :)
This made me laugh, legit.
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Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
Sadia may post once to prevent merge. Everybody else refrain from posting.

Wow, thanks mate!!! :D

Anyways, this lynch was so uneggseptable, and I am so not happiny!! /leave

(haha, it appears I still have a lot to learn in playing this game, can't say I wasn't disappointed in myself. Good game, and best of luck!)


:sad: Just give me a chansey

you give me much joy


Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Slight delay on the night scene while I figure out some replacements. I apologise for any inconvenience.

Now, if somebody could antimerge, that'd be great! :senpaipls:

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Once again, night fell upon the Kanto region. After the heavy losses from the previous days, the Pokémon that were able to be active at night were out doing their duties, trying to ensure that the town suffered no more losses.

The winged killer from the previous night approached a sleeping Pokémon that appeared to be wearing boxing gloves. Confident with his decision, the killer prepared to let out his flame breath on the sleeping Pokémon. However, a strange bolt of lightning seemed to redirect his attack to somewhere in the direction of Vermilion City. The killer stood confused, wondering who was going to die instead, and what exactly had redirected his attack.

Elsewhere in Kanto, in Celadon City, another killer emerged from the shadows, wanting to kill a Pokémon. He discovered a sleeping figure near the Celadon Game Corner. As he prepared to attack though, just like the other killer, his attack seemed to get redirected to somewhere near Vermilion City. The killer stood confused, unsure of what to do.

Meanwhile, in Vermilion, a medium sized Pokémon seemed to be using some sort of electricity to draw the attacks to him. A confused Kokirion, intent on protecting a different Pokémon, found himself making his way to Vermilion City, with no intention whatsoever of going there. When he saw the Pokémon using its electricity, he subconsciously got in the way of the attacks to take the blows himself. The flame attacks did nothing, but the attack from the other killer lifted him up into the air and threw him down onto the ground. Kokirion was dead.

Meanwhile, in Celadon, the figure from earlier awoke with a start. Just like Kokirion, he found himself subconsciously walking in the direction of Vermilion City. When he saw the Pokémon using his powerful electric attacks, he said "I want that". So he grabbed the Pokémon and, just like that, everything fell silent.

Kokirion was Gyarados, the Town Bodyguard.

The Living: (16)

- Fig
- Avagon
- A Link In Time
- Heroine of Time
- Stitch
- DekuNut
- PokaLink
- Lady of the Leaves
- Repentance
- Blackkirby
- Deku Shroom
- Celeboy
- Justac00lguy
- Pendio
- fused_shadows
- Thareous

The Dead: (5)

- goomboo: Clefable, Town Redirector (Lynched Day 1)
- LittleGumball: Gengar, Restless Spirit (Burned to death Night 1)
- musicfan: Venusaur, Town Cop (Killed Night 1)
- Sadia: Chansey, Town Doctor (Mauled to death Day 1)
- Kokirion: Gyarados, Town Bodyguard (Died Protecting Someone Else Night 1)


With 16 people alive, 9 votes is majority. Day will end Saturday night at 11:59PM PST. (Short extension due to the delay)

Note: Avagon and Lady of the Leaves are replacing Peachy and 43ForceGems respectively.
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Proud Jesus Freak !
Jun 17, 2014
Yonder Thicket
well this is a really confusing night scene :/


So only things I could really see is that it looks like the vig tried to kill whoever hitmonchan was because there is no other "boxing gloved" pokemon in gen 1. It also looks like there is a cult and the cult recruited the pokemon that used those electric attacks (if that's how a cult works).


Ment to bold the ebwodp woops
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The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Ok I am really dumbfounded by this turn of events. I don't think this is the cause of a mafia role as based on the description of the night scene all attacks were redirected to a specific member, which Kokirion also was redirected to protect. This seems way to powerful for a mafia role and even a Town role as even both Charizard and [supposedly] Mewtwo were going to attack but their attacks were going to be attack two different Pokémon. Because of this, I do believe there is the work of a Dreaming God and considering that this game is a role madness game according to several players, it doesn't seem so Farfetch'd. (Haha nailed that pun! xD)

If I have anything to say, I believe that the Dreaming God is a Pokémon with Psychic abilities considering how powerful it is to redirect all attacks without being in the locations of the attacks. I'm leaning to believe that this Pokémon is Alakazam or Hypno as they two powerful Pokémon (if you ignore Mewtwo and Mew) that are skilled with telekinesis. Anyway, I would like to hear from Heroine of Time, Repentance, and fused_shadows as I [personally] feel that it was their last few posts that make me believe they have something to do with what happened with the night scene. There's plenty of time for discussion, especially since it seemed like people wanted to speak but because of the limited amount of time, I feel people thought it would be safer to speak during the day as speaking in the last few hours of the previous day would seem rather scummy.


Collecting Dust
Sep 27, 2010
That's an interesting night scene. I'd say town redirector, only because that's the only role I can think of doing something like that, but there seems to be everything being redirected instead of just one. Also the Redirector was goomboo who died or our hypothetical ditto friend, not someone who mainly uses lightning attacks, unless it was metronome.
Powerful electric attacks are only really pointing towards Raichu, Magneton, Electrode, Electabuzz and Zapdos. We can rule out Zapdos as mafia, and Electrode is most likely the bomb, if there is one present. Just my analysis of the situation.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower

Vote: Repentance


That's an interesting night scene. I'd say town redirector, only because that's the only role I can think of doing something like that, but there seems to be everything being redirected instead of just one. Also the Redirector was goomboo who died or our hypothetical ditto friend, not someone who mainly uses lightning attacks, unless it was metronome.
Powerful electric attacks are only really pointing towards Raichu, Magneton, Electrode, Electabuzz and Zapdos. We can rule out Zapdos as mafia, and Electrode is most likely the bomb, if there is one present. Just my analysis of the situation.

Right, I forgot that Ditto has indeed copied goomboo's ability as the Redirector. Perhaps the 3rd party was indeed the ones controlling the previous night in terms of controlling the night actions so forget about my Dreaming God theory as this theory makes much more sense, not to mention it seems that the 3rd party [in this case Red] has seemed to have captured Pikachu (because really you can't have a Pokémon Gen I based mafia game without the mascot of the entire franchise) and now are have gained another member to their party.
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embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Alright, so I'm replacing 43ForceGems, who really didn't give me much to work with. I read through all the pages and...


I have some suspicions of Fused_Shadows, DekuNut, and PokaLink, but nothing vote worthy for now.

I'm suspicious of Fused for being on both bandwagons against town. If Fused flips scum, I'm thinking Deku might be as well. He voted for Fused the first day, and then was on the Sadia lynch day two. He was one of the later voters for Fused, but perhaps he knew that Fused wouldn't be lynched, or perhaps to look town if Fused was lynched and flipped mafia.

I'm suspicious of PokaLink on a hunch really. Also,

I'm sorry that I've been kinda inactive lately, summer's ending and I have a lot to stress about.

A safe target for me would be Fig, and if Fig flips mafia we might want to investigate Fused, considering Fig's vote could have saved Fused. Kinda like in SSBB Mafia were Kirino saved me and sealed someone else's (I think it was Fig's?) Fate.

He suggested for someone to be investigated, after our cop was killed. Are there other investigating roles?


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
The winged killer from the previous night approached a sleeping Pokémon that appeared to be wearing boxing gloves. Confident with his decision, the killer prepared to let out his flame breath on the sleeping Pokémon. However, a strange bolt of lightning seemed to redirect his attack to somewhere in the direction of Vermilion City. The killer stood confused, wondering who was going to die instead, and what exactly had redirected his attack.

Clearly the Vigilante. Is this Pokemon that's wearing boxing gloves one of the legendaries? (i.e. is the character scum?) Either way, I think it should be noted, particularly by the Vig. They could very well clear a player or have found a mafia member. Now, I obviously don't want the Vig to claim, but I'd like them to keep the answer to my question noted.

I'll get into the redirected thing later.

Elsewhere in Kanto, in Celadon City, another killer emerged from the shadows, wanting to kill a Pokémon. He discovered a sleeping figure near the Celadon Game Corner. As he prepared to attack though, just like the other killer, his attack seemed to get redirected to somewhere near Vermilion City. The killer stood confused, unsure of what to do.

I'm going to assume that this killer is part of the mafia.

Meanwhile, in Vermilion, a medium sized Pokémon seemed to be using some sort of electricity to draw the attacks to him.

This is clearly the figure that caused all of the redirected NKs. Having played Smash Bros. before, I thought of Pikachu.

A confused Kokirion, intent on protecting a different Pokémon, found himself making his way to Vermilion City, with no intention whatsoever of going there. When he saw the Pokémon using its electricity, he subconsciously got in the way of the attacks to take the blows himself. The flame attacks did nothing, but the attack from the other killer lifted him up into the air and threw him down onto the ground. Kokirion was dead.

So, it seems like this Pikachu figure was not the one that Kokirion protects. This could mean that the figure is not part of the Town, and might be 3rd party.

Meanwhile, in Celadon, the figure from earlier awoke with a start. Just like Kokirion, he found himself subconsciously walking in the direction of Vermilion City. When he saw the Pokémon using his powerful electric attacks, he said "I want that". So he grabbed the Pokémon and, just like that, everything fell silent.

I'm not quite clear which "figure" is being alluded to here. There were plenty of figures from earlier XD My main thought is that it might be the boxing gloves Pokemon, as he was said to be sleeping and here he awoke. The way it was worded it seems like this figure is the Cult Leader, and recruited Pikachu into their cult.


Anyways, I think it's safe to say that Pikachu is the Lightning Rod.


Judging by what happened the first Night, I'm guessing he's either X Shot or Even-Numbered Nights only.

I'm suspicious of Fused for being on both bandwagons against town.

To be fair, I was only on the goomboo lynch because I had more votes at the time. I was never suspicious of him in the slightest, but I'd still rather him die than me.


Forgot an EBWODP there.
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