Fennekin- Looks pretty cool, and as others have said, I imagine it's evolved forms to be pretty badass. I typically lean towards a fire type (Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic), and I probably will choose this one if it looks like Ninetails in the end. The last two Fire starters weren't any good (just Blaziken ripoffs
), but this one looks much better, and I'm quite excited for it.
Froakie- Not too bad. I chose water type in last two Generations, because they both looked the best out of the three (I always thought Samurott looked cooler than Serperior, and Empoleon was also Steel type). This time, it doesn't look to be the best at the moment, but as others have said, it is quite original and creative. It kinda reminds me of Frogger, so a nostalgia factor adds to that.
Also, I imagine its final evolution to look strong, like Poliwrath or something. I might choose it if that is so, but I'm leaning more towards Fennekin at the moment.
Bulbasaur will always be the best water starter.
Chespin- What's with the freaking mole beaver?! I have chosen the grass type in previous generations on a second playthrough (Bulbasaur and Treecko), but that was because they looked somewhat decent. I imagine this as it's final form: