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Ocarina of Time Playing the Ocarina... Kind Of...


Heh heh hee...
I am sure I am not the only one who has spent days at a time in both 64-bit Zeldas messing around with the ocarina. One of the simpler songs people do first is the Godfather theme, then some (the more adventurous) try songs such as Stairway to Heaven or Smoke on the Water. Tell me...
What can you do with your Ocarina (or Deku trumpet, drums, or guitar for that matter...)???
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
I used to be pretty good at playing stuff on it. Can't say that I remember a whole lot that I played, but one tune stands out amongst the rest: The theme to the Titanic movie. I played that thing like a pro, and felt like such a winner when I showed it off to people. I was real young at the time and stuff like that was a true accomplishment; Before the days of getting on youtube and watching someone impossibly play a complete guitar solo with an N64 controller.


Heh heh hee...
My brother was recently playing MM and was supposed to play the Bossa Nova for Lulu. He hadn't learned it yet. I'm trying to picture Link playing smoke on the Water and Crazy Train and not being able to tell what the problem was. Heh heh hee.

Today's New Song: Piano solo from Corpse Bride, Sally's Song and Jack's Lament from A Nightmare Before Christmas.
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Sep 20, 2008
i've played a few songs, including The Simsons theme and Smoke on the Water.
i aso composed a few of my own which personally did sound quite great..
i could play a few other popular songs on the ocarina, but after a while i forgot most of them! (i should of wrote them down!)
Jan 6, 2009
In your face
I think the first song I learned to play on the ocarina was Jingle Bells. Recently I learned Erin Shore by the Corrs (here's the song if you don't know it):


I tried to play Aerith's Theme...but the ocarina can't go any higher than F. And I needed to play an F#, which is only half a note higher.

I'm sure I've done more, but I can't remember them.

On the same topic, I found this really awesome video of someone playing Route 4 from Pokemon RBY:



Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
I can't play anything other than the actual songs in the games. However, I have tried The Simpson's Theme as well as Kakariko Village. Didn't do very well with those. haha

That Pokémon one was pretty awesome, and I'd like to try that if I found the time.


I can play the Kakariko Village theme on it. I can also play God of Thunder by KISS, and Heartbreaker by Led Zeppelin :D

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