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People That Look Like Zelda Characters



have you seen any people that look like characters from zelda? for example, my basketball coach looks exactly like the fortune teller from SS.


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I saw a guy in a blacksmith's shop reenacting that looked like Gondo from the scrap shop, except he didn't have such puny legs.
Feb 23, 2011
An old friend of mine looks very similar to the guy that walks around Windfall Island in a chipper mood from the Wind Waker (minus the "chipper mood").

I know several others who look very similar to Tetra's pirate crew. A guy I knew back in high school looks exactly like Senza from said pirate crew.

My dad kinda looks like Eldin (the dragon).

To be honest, many of my brother's annoying friends look like Zelda rejects; I'm not even kidding... [noparse]>.>[/noparse]

godess reborn

Blame The Cricket
Jan 29, 2012
Turn around...
A person once told me I looked like Zelda. Another person told me I looked like Link. One little kid actually thought I was Link...
My grandpa kinda reminds me of Ganondorf, and my cousins are bokoblins out to kill me or something.
So... ya.
That basketball coach of yours sounds creepy. Staring at you guys with his eyes...*shivers*


Sage of the Dark Forest
Mar 3, 2012
Deku Palace, Termina
It would be really, REALLY creepy if there was someone that looked like Tingle in real life:blank:

That might make me change my mind about the death penalty. If he just looked like Tingle, without the costume, that would be fine. If he wore the same outfit as Tingle AND acted like Tingle, I would run down the street saying: "HIDE YO KIDS AND HIDE YO WIFE WE GOTZ A PEDOFILE ON THE INTERSECTION BETWEEN SOUTH AND MAIN!"
Apr 5, 2012
When I had red hair, I was told I kind of look like Malon.. but my one of my best friend's kind of looks like Zelda in Skyward Sword, and I have a guy friend that looks like Groose. Ironically enough, he likes my friend who looks like Zelda :p

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