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Past Gen Evolutions?

Jun 14, 2011
Since Pokémon X & Y will include Pokémon prior to Gen VI and with the announcement of Sylveon, I think it's safe to... predict that there is a strong possibility that we will see other evolutions or prevolutions of past Gen Pokémon. Just out of curiosity, what Evolutions or Prevolutions of Gen I-V Pokémon do you want to see in Pokémon X & Y? Below is a list of what I would like to see:

  • An Evolution of Pinsir
  • An Evolution of Tauros
  • 2 or 3 more Eeveelutions (personally Dragon, Flying & or Ghost)
  • A Prevolution of Skarmory
  • An Evolution of Sableye
  • A Prevolution of Tropius
  • An Evolution of Absol

There are loads more ideas, but these are the ones I really like to see if this kinda thing happens with Pokémon X and Y. I guess we are gonna have to find out in the near future what Gen VI has in store for us.
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Feb 24, 2010
I really like the idea of seeing more Eevolutions. Personally I'd like a poison and possibly an evolved version that stays Normal type, simply because I favor those two types.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
I really like the idea of seeing more Eevolutions. Personally I'd like a poison and possibly an evolved version that stays Normal type, simply because I favor those two types.
More Eeveelolutions anyone? =P
you love me

Anywho, ghost type eeveelution would be great, flying type too maybe, depends how they do it, aren't enough pure flying types.

Male Gothitelle evolution sounds terrible tbh. I never liked how they just decided to make Gallade a "male Gardevoir", considering how Gardevoir can still be male it just seems sloppy to add in a gender exclusive branch to a previously gender indifferent family line.

I'd like baby Tauros and Miltank though. Bouleffant or however that's spelled stole Tauros's thunder as THE awesome wild bull pokemon, so Tauros needs something to make it shine above that grassy wannabe again, and whatever they give Tauros they must give Miltank just because just because. And I think calf pokemon would be cute =P

Oh, also Jynx evolution, because it's not fair only Magmar and Electabuzz got them. Those three were like...a trio. If they all got babies, they all deserve evolutions too.
Jun 14, 2011
I never liked how they just decided to make Gallade a "male Gardevoir", considering how Gardevoir can still be male it just seems sloppy to add in a gender exclusive branch to a previously gender indifferent family line.

I think the reason Gallade was made was because alot of people found it a bit odd that a highly feminine like Pokémon could be Male. I love Gallade, it's one of my favorite Pokémon and I'm glad they made him. I do think they should of sorted out the gender issues with Gardevior though, and made them evolve depending on what Gender the Kirlia is. I think that would of worked best in my opinion but alas the reason we have what we have now is because Gallade was introduced in Gen IV then Gen III, so if this male version of Gothitelle appears, the same will probably happen.
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I love the idea of the rumored dragon Eeveelution. Another Eeveelution I'd like to see is a dark/ghost type combination rendering it without weakness.

I'm not a fan of adding new evolutions to Pokémon from past generations but a Sableye evolution certainly would be appreciated. Another idea which comes to mind is Lapras. Sans for the few ideas highlighted in the OP, most Pokémon lacking evolutions from the first generation have been given one. There certainly is potential in a Lapras evolution and I'd like to see another fierce water evolution like Gyarados or Kingdra emerge.


Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
Eeveelutions gone wild... Do we really need more?


But as long as they are awesome. I can't really picture a Flying type one, or at least without giving it feathers and wings... But maybe Nintendo will come up with something awesome.

A Tauros evolution is a great idea. Tauros is a great Normal type Pokemon that hasn't gotten much love. And Pinsir sounds interesting, too.


Now that I'm done caps shouting, I'd like to suggest an Aerodactyl Prevolution or Evolution. Also a very awesome Pokemon. But not as good as Skarmory.


poog tnalp yknuhc
Jul 11, 2012
I've always wanted a Pinsir evolution and a an Absol evolution. I always thought it'd be cool to have a ground type eeveelution, a flying one, and a poison one.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
I think the reason Gallade was made was because alot of people found it a bit odd that a highly feminine like Pokémon could be Male. I love Gallade, it's one of my favorite Pokémon and I'm glad they made him. I do think they should of sorted out the gender issues with Gardevior though, and made them evolve depending on what Gender the Kirlia is. I think that would of worked best in my opinion but alas the reason we have what we have now is because Gallade was introduced in Gen IV then Gen III, so if this male version of Gothitelle appears, the same will probably happen.
Yeah, I understand why they did it, I just think they did it poorly. Retconning out all male Gardevoirs wouldn't have been that weird honestly, I mean, look at Azurill, who has a chance of turning from female to male upon evolving into Marill due to inconsistent gender ratios. Also look at Froslass, who was a female only Snorunt evolution but her design did not scream "FEMALE GLALIE" the way Gallade screams "MALE GARDEVOIR". I'm just saying, if they want to make an old evolutionary line have a gender split, go all the way. If they want to add a gender exclusive evolution to a gender indifferent line, don't make it look like a blatant counterpart.

On a totally different note, all of a sudden I want to see a Tangrowth evolution just to see what insane design it would have =P


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
For all the Eeveelution lovers (myself included), here's smething that I hope they base them off of:

And as far as the others go.... a gothitelle "Gallade"..... hm....... seems legit.

And an Absol <3


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Dragon eeveelution please. Also, a flying one doesnt have to have feathers or wings, it can be wind/air based. I actually made fakemon eevee evos, and they included a dragon and flying one. *runs off to get it*


Notice how there are no feathers in sight on Aireon, but its cloud tail screams flying type.

I also would love to see:
Baby tauros/miltank
Skarmory pre evo and/or evo
Zangoose and seviper evos and/or pre evos
Dunsparce evo


Spoony Bard
Jan 13, 2013
Pokemon who i think need a new evolution or pre

Kangaskhan (needs pre evolution cause they are not born that big and the baby in their pouch could be it)

Alot of these pokemon are pretty useless ingame or online battling so spice them up abit add some growth!
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