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Spoiler Opinion: What I Don't Like About Skyward Sword



Now before all the hate replies start, let me get this out of the way
I love Skyward Sword. It is the best game of 2011, the best game on Wii, and the best game of this generation.

As for the best Zelda game? not quite, at least in my opinion. There have been some things bothering me, and rather than torturing myself with them, i decided i'd see what the internet thinks.

NOTE: I am not holding back on spoilers. you have been warned

1. The Music
This one's definatly going to be controversial, but hey, it's just my opinion. So first thing i do when i buy Skyward Sword is pop in the CD into my laptop, and listen to the music i grew up on, the most beautiful songs to grace my ears. Then i go straight into the game, and honestly, i was disappointed with what i heard. Mabye i had my expectations too high, but no song really stuck out to me. It seemed almost every song didn't match the setting it was in (especially the Eldin Volcano song). There were some i really liked, like the main theme, Fi's theme, and the Song of the Hero, but with every song being orchestrated, everything sounded the same. I was really disappointed with the Farore, Nayru and Din songs. Playing the game, i just couldn't help thinking "this doesn't sound like a song from a Zelda game."

2. Fi
"Master, your batteries are low." "Master, you're low on health." "Master, your shield is nearly broken." these are the words of the most annoying character ever. Seriously, having Fi talk like a computer made her lifeless and bland, especially after having such a fleshed out character like Midna. Her flashing every 5 seconds drove me crazy, and I'm hoping she's gonna stay in the Master Sword for good.

3. Exploration: Gone
Skyward Sword featured my favorite puzzles in the whole series, thanks to the amazing motion controls. But with so many more puzzles, they had to leave something out. Almost every single area of the game is set up to be a puzzle, so everything is extremely linear. My favorite part about Zelda games (besides the story) is the exploration, the feeling of riding Epona or the boat to all the different places in the game, finding a hole under a rock, or something along these lines. This aspect is almost entirely gone. you could say the sky is like the new area to explore, but it's pretty much empty. This leads to alot less replay value. I was so disappointed with this aspect in Skyward Sword, and am really hoping it's gonna be in the next Zelda game.

4. The 'Goddess'
I grew up in a time where there were 3 Goddess, named Farore, Nayru, and Din. Now supposedly there gone, replaced by a new goddess, Hylia. I refuse to believe that, so I came up with my own theory. Hylia was worshipped, much like the Hylians would worship Princess Zelda, not like a god. The people might've seen Hylia as a 'goddess' because she had magic. Now as to why she had the Triforce, i have no idea. I hate how Farore, Nayru, and Din were completely forgotten as the golden goddess', and they were mentioned for what seems like no reason. I hope the goddess Hylia is completely forgotten in future Zelda games.

Well thats pretty much it. hopefully this doesnt get much hate, as im not a critic, just some guy whos a huge fan of the games. Id love to hear other people's opinions. Like i said, this is just my opinion, and Skyward Sword is still one of my favorite games of all time
Nov 27, 2011
most this i can understand but my god the three goddesses are mentioned by name in this game
why do a few zelda fans seem to think the inclusion of new information deletes the ol it was said that the three left existance (since ocarina of time) at the beginning this just said who they left in charge when they left (and why zelda is such a focus in the series)
Dec 20, 2011
All of the melodies! I LOVED this game but ALL of the melodies I couldn't take - the harp, Fi's singing and the Dragon songs - really a turn off for me. All the other music I loved though.
Oct 21, 2010
I have to agree with a lot of this, and although I didn't hate Fi, she is probably the most annoying 'helper', sometimes it seemed that she said answers to puzzles which was extremely frustrating.

Another thing I agree with is the music; I didn't hate the music, actually I loved a lot of it, but almost none of it was memorable. Just think about the windwaker 'home town' theme, you hear it right? now think of OOT's 'home town' theme, you hear that too? what about in majora's mask? the clock town? of course you do! Now, think about the 'home town' theme in SS... I can hardly remember it at all. I remember a flute... a trombone in there. Now don't get me wrong, I only agree with your point have way, I do love the music, it just isn't memorable.

your third point is probably the thing I agree most about, and is probably the reason why this game isn't my favorite Zelda title. Look, I love exploring, I love it so much. When I was younger, whenever I would go to my cousins house(who live in the country) I would be ecstatic about leaving into the wooded area. Me and my cousin used to go behind someone else's fence into there yard... Until we got yelled at. I love the idea of exploring the unknown, and I have to say that is why windwaker is up there to being my favorite; all the exploration! the excitement of seeing a island ahead! I loved loved loved it. Now, with this game? What exploration? What hole to climb into? What new island with puzzles on it to unlock something amazing? Nope, just goddess cubes.

But I do dissagree with (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOI-FREAKEN'-LERS) Zelda being the goddess Hylia. There is proof that there is more then one god, as in majoras mask. (Which interestingly enough had 4 gods[the three goddesses and Hylia]) You have to realize that the Din, Nayru and farore were mentioned in the game... I don't know what there is to complain about, it really makes since as to why there is another goddess and it allows us to know why the world is called hyrule.

So I agree with most of your points, just not the last one. :)
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Jun 22, 2011
United States
The music was fine with me, Fi did get annoying (when she must point something out to you like the boss door for example), I don't care about the "Goddess" that much, but I agree with your third point the most. After Twilight Princess received a little criticism for being super linear, I thought for sure Skyward Sword would be at least as nonlinear as OOT. It's not linear to the extent of Twilight Princess though which is something. The dungeon progression is rigid, but some of the dungeons themselves (most notably Sky Keep) are fairly nonlinear. There are also some things you can do in different orders like the song of the hero quest (watch out for the glitch though) and revisiting Skyview before talking to the Water Dragon for the first time.


Skyward Wiimote
Nov 21, 2011
She wasn't annoying on my first playthrough and didn't notice many flaws on her mostly because I was still hyped over the game. Now on my second playthrough... I wanna kill her. She states the most obvious things and beeps everytime you're about to die (isn't the beeping sound enough?). I hope she doesn't return in future games.

I like most of it, but as you said, most of the songs don't stand out and are stuck with you after you finish the game. My favorite songs are Ballad of the Goddess and Fi's theme.

The Goddess
It is stated haflway through the game that the Golden Goddesses entrusted Hylia to protect the Triforce. That doesn't take out the importance of the Golden Goddesses, instead it explains more of the story.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
The Music: How can you say that! Now I'm not an expert on Music but this game had great music. The music of Skyward Sword can be Epic at times but can also a times be very quiet and just simple sounds. These simple sounds add to the feel of the dungeon. Ask almost anyone and they will tell you that the Music fits the dungeon perfectly. Maybe on it's own the music would not sound as good. But with the feel and color of the dungeons and areas they blend perfectly.

Fi: Ok I will say when Fi says yuppie hearts are low that gets on my nerves. I KNOW FI! I CAN SEE IT RIGHT THERE! I EVEN HEAR LOUD BEEPING! But overall I find Fi is funny with her calculation and lack of understanding of human emotion. And if you use her correctly she can tell you the right moves depending on where you are.

Exploration: Sure I will say that I will say that on the ground there was not a lot to explore. But that did not effect the gameplay for me. They turned the areas into sort of a type of dungeon. Instead of wide open fields it had narrow lands that you had to solve puzzles to get around.

The Goddess: Hyrulian said the same thing as I was pretty much going to say.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The music is a bit bland considering everything sounds the same. Nothing really sounded epic, except for the credits theme (the LoZ theme playing was AMAZING). Yes, it was orchestrated, but that just means that the music sounds as if you're there in the audience rather than listening through speakers.

I hate Fi. She's the worst character to grace the Zelda series IMO, just a bit better than Midna (personal reasons place Midna at the backlist). Too robotic and what not, I would hate for her to return in another game, even if said game gives her a background and actual emotion -.-

I agree iwth this as well. The lack of exploration dumbfounds me – people say this is the best Zelda game ever? How can they, with something so vital as exploration being gone?

I wouldn't say this is a reason to not like SS, but to each their own. What I'm thinking is that Hylia is not a goddess (there's no way she could be – the definition of "god" is basically perfect being. If Hylia was perfect, she could do anything she pleases. Also, she got her soul sucked out of her and a god cannot be harmed in any way shape or form. So yeah, Hylia was likely just a regular ol' human like the rest of them, just had the magic you spoke of. Eventually, the people of Skyloft became to worship her (just like they did with the ancient Hero pretty much...), so they refer to her as a goddess because of her awesome powers.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
1. The Music
This one's definatly going to be controversial, but hey, it's just my opinion. So first thing i do when i buy Skyward Sword is pop in the CD into my laptop, and listen to the music i grew up on, the most beautiful songs to grace my ears. Then i go straight into the game, and honestly, i was disappointed with what i heard. Mabye i had my expectations too high, but no song really stuck out to me. It seemed almost every song didn't match the setting it was in (especially the Eldin Volcano song). There were some i really liked, like the main theme, Fi's theme, and the Song of the Hero, but with every song being orchestrated, everything sounded the same. I was really disappointed with the Farore, Nayru and Din songs. Playing the game, i just couldn't help thinking "this doesn't sound like a song from a Zelda game."

Well, the music was created much differently this time around. Instead of having lots of memorable and catchy tunes, Nintendo put in much more grand and graceful tracks that fit each area's design and feel. The music in SS instantly sets the tone for every area that's entered, from forest to desert. I respect opinion, though, so this one I'll let you have without argument.

2. Fi
"Master, your batteries are low." "Master, you're low on health." "Master, your shield is nearly broken." these are the words of the most annoying character ever. Seriously, having Fi talk like a computer made her lifeless and bland, especially after having such a fleshed out character like Midna. Her flashing every 5 seconds drove me crazy, and I'm hoping she's gonna stay in the Master Sword for good.

Did you ever call on her for advice on the surrounding areas? Fi has much more than bland statements that point out the obvious. And, if she was flashing every 5 seconds, you were probably getting low on health quite a bit. It doesn't take long until she becomes relatively non-intrusive. Her robot-like vibe was also the whole purpose of her. She was all business in order to guide Link with all possible speed. She wasn't meant to be a fleshed-out character like Midna (who needed to have that kind of role). Even so, though, Fi did have some minor character development. At first, she just said what to do, but later, she actually had a slight sense of emotion, especially at the end. She's one of the most unique characters Zelda's ever had and doesn't deserve the amount of hate she gets.

3. Exploration: Gone
Skyward Sword featured my favorite puzzles in the whole series, thanks to the amazing motion controls. But with so many more puzzles, they had to leave something out. Almost every single area of the game is set up to be a puzzle, so everything is extremely linear. My favorite part about Zelda games (besides the story) is the exploration, the feeling of riding Epona or the boat to all the different places in the game, finding a hole under a rock, or something along these lines. This aspect is almost entirely gone. you could say the sky is like the new area to explore, but it's pretty much empty. This leads to alot less replay value. I was so disappointed with this aspect in Skyward Sword, and am really hoping it's gonna be in the next Zelda game.

Gone? Did you do any of the sidequests? Or go out and explore an area just for the hell of it? There's plenty of exploration in Skyward Sword. Going out and finding those Goddess Cubes and returning to the sky is the poster child for this. You're just not looking hard enough.

4. The 'Goddess'
I grew up in a time where there were 3 Goddess, named Farore, Nayru, and Din. Now supposedly there gone, replaced by a new goddess, Hylia. I refuse to believe that, so I came up with my own theory. Hylia was worshipped, much like the Hylians would worship Princess Zelda, not like a god. The people might've seen Hylia as a 'goddess' because she had magic. Now as to why she had the Triforce, i have no idea. I hate how Farore, Nayru, and Din were completely forgotten as the golden goddess', and they were mentioned for what seems like no reason. I hope the goddess Hylia is completely forgotten in future Zelda games.

You didn't read the text, I guess. Din, Nayru, and Farore were not replaced by Hylia at all. They're just not as important to the story. They are directly mentioned by name, though, both in the Silent Realms and in the Sky Keep. The three goddesses haven't been forgotten at all. Hylia was just the focus point this time around.

I wouldn't say this is a reason to not like SS, but to each their own. What I'm thinking is that Hylia is not a goddess (there's no way she could be – the definition of "god" is basically perfect being. If Hylia was perfect, she could do anything she pleases. Also, she got her soul sucked out of her and a god cannot be harmed in any way shape or form. So yeah, Hylia was likely just a regular ol' human like the rest of them, just had the magic you spoke of. Eventually, the people of Skyloft became to worship her (just like they did with the ancient Hero pretty much...), so they refer to her as a goddess because of her awesome powers.

You must remember that Hylia was in a mortal form when her soul got sucked out. She wasn't in her original form, which was actually immortal. She said that herself when talking to Link in the World of the Past. I'm pretty sure she was an actual goddess.
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Demon Lord
Jun 13, 2011
I'm on my second playthrough now, and I do find Fi pretty annoying this time around. The first time it was perfectly fine to have things explained to me. Now? Not so much. o_O


my big complaint of the game is that the sky was explained to us as the ocean in ww so i expected better however it was a very good game.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
You must remember that Hylia was in a mortal form when her soul got sucked out. She wasn't in her original form, which was actually immortal. She said that herself when talking to Link in the World of the Past. I'm pretty sure she was an actual goddess.
No, no way she could have been a goddess. As I said before, if she were a goddess then she'd be able to anything she wants. This includes becoming a mortal, sure, but she'd still be perfect because she supposedly is a goddess. But no, she had every ability to be harmed and outright destroyed. Hylia isn't a goddess, I don't care what anyone says. The text ingame even goes out of its way to say "goddess" instead of "Goddess", which means, from my understanding, that she is falsely worshiped as such.
Dec 19, 2011
The music was certainly not a memorable, I found the parts with the harp....very simplistic. I don't know. I just expected more with the harp swinging back and forth? eh.. could have been more involved.
Apr 2, 2011
i think the sense of exploration was what was most lost in skyward sword, I 100% the game on my first run through without a walkthrough and without even really trying. All the sidequests took about 3 minutes each. And no goddess cube was hard to find, except maybe that one where you had to skydive to it. I feel like SS just tried to streamline the entire Zelda experience for new players so they wouldn't get frustrated. there was literally nothing to figure out the entire game because everything was so obvious, even without any in game help from Fi, or gossip stones or anything else. It just seemed like a game where the whole thing was premised on "this is a Zelda game, now go here and do this exactly like you've done in all the other games, except you don't have to figure these out." so yeah basically it was completely too linear. And the music wasn't awful, but it wasn't memorable to say the least. i don't think anyone will look back and recognize music from Skyward Sword, like one would do with zelda's lullaby or epona's song or any other such song from the zelda series. Finally, this may have been a perfection of the zelda experience as far as game play and dungeons or w/e, but since the rest of the series was 98% perfect imo in those aspects, the added perfection wasn't enough to make it worth the best zelda game title.

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