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Operation Moonfall: When Will The Moon Fall?

Dec 27, 2011
Bloomington, Indiana
i am certainly indifferent i don't care if nintendo does decide to remake majora's mask 3d or not if they do then i would get it and enjoy the adventure all over again but if they didn't remake the game i wouldn't be bothered at all.


Wind Waker!
Apr 6, 2012
We will hear about MM3D E3 2013, and possibly see early screenshots of MM3D (like OoT3D back at E3 2010) at E3 2012.
It will mostly likely come out after Zelda 3DS, but shortly after Zelda 3DS, maybe in the same month, or possibly even the same day!


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
We will hear about MM3D E3 2013, and possibly see early screenshots of MM3D (like OoT3D back at E3 2010) at E3 2012.
It will mostly likely come out after Zelda 3DS, but shortly after Zelda 3DS, maybe in the same month, or possibly even the same day!

Too much epicness. Many people would die from an overdose of awesome.
Jun 1, 2012

Nintendo has already said that they might consider it, but they're working on two new Zelda titles as we speak that we know nothing about.

I'll just play Majora's Mask on my Virtual Console while I wait for the new ones.

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