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Official Suggestions Thread


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I think the issue about a shoutbox (or chatbox as you wish) has been brought up many times. I'm not the one who is in control of that. I don't know if there will be one in the future either. Sawwy

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
I say we crush the Mature Discussion section. I feel that all this section has done is create senseless arguments and break apart the community. It's unhealthy for the forums, and I truly believe it should be removed until mature discussion can actually take place.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I say we crush the Mature Discussion section. I feel that all this section has done is create senseless arguments and break apart the community. It's unhealthy for the forums, and I truly believe it should be removed until mature discussion can actually take place.

Surely the rules of MD just need to actually be enforced so that mature discussion does indeed take place, as you said should be the case? Removing MD would just have the threads that would be in MD go into General Discussion anyway and without the additional rules that come along with it which attempt to stop mindless arguments and promote healthy discussion. So removing it I don't see would solve any issue, and there's still good discussions that have been had in there with reasonable arguments and no insults flying.

MD just needs to have rules enforced properly, new ZD staff seem so much softer and more lenient in regards to it than old ZD staff and shouldn't be.
Last edited:
Sep 23, 2013
United States
Surely the rules of MD just need to actually be enforced so that mature discussion does indeed take place, as you said should be the case? Removing MD would just have the threads that would be in MD go into General Discussion anyway and without the additional rules that come along with it which attempt to stop mindless arguments and promote healthy discussion. So removing it I don't see would solve any issue, and there's still good discussions that have been had in there with reasonable arguments and no insults flying.

MD just needs to have rules enforced properly, new ZD staff seem so much softer and more lenient in regards to it than old ZD staff and shouldn't be.

Agreed. If the rules were more enforced, then the section will have more serious discussions again. Honestly, I don't see how it's considered MD if it has something like joke threads or constant arguing going on. These two reasons are why most members left ZD.
I say we crush the Mature Discussion section. I feel that all this section has done is create senseless arguments and break apart the community. It's unhealthy for the forums, and I truly believe it should be removed until mature discussion can actually take place.

Hell no. MD is most of the reason I even bother coming on here anymore. It's a good sub forum, for the people it bothers so much; just ignore it. I think you can even request to have permissions to it taken away if it bothers you.

Either way, outside of the debacle in the orgasm thread, there hasn't been any real issue. I don't get where people think all this arguing is going on. Debates get heated but almost never does it go beyond the thread in question. Debate isn't a bad thing.


Nov 12, 2010
I say we crush the Mature Discussion section. I feel that all this section has done is create senseless arguments and break apart the community. It's unhealthy for the forums, and I truly believe it should be removed until mature discussion can actually take place.

I agree with Mercedes' suggestion of enforcing the forum's rules - that particular forum has its own set for a reason. The problem with the MD isn't the idea itself, or even a vast majority of members. The problem is a number of things.

1. Bait/Joke Threads - The topics outlined in these forms of threads can generally be approached in mature ways, but rather are treated as either a joke, or as a situation in which you are more or less forced to reply a certain way, otherwise everyone else in the thread is going to ostracize you. An example of a joke thread would have to be that Orgasm Thread that blew up. A lot of bait threads are generally based on religion, or a topic like, "For Stalin So Loved the World..." It was obvious bait to get a rise out of Christian members, and can be as antagonizing as threads that attack atheists.

2. Poor Debate Etiquette - This is the big problem. Some people don't understand that even the most heated debates don't need to become personal, and are based on logic above feelings for the other person. I don't mean to say that someone on ZD has this problem, but I have seen it on websites like Reddit where a debate devolves into ad hominems and other impolite actions. You can't call someone a goat ****er for being against drone strikes in Yemen, but you can debate against the person's reasoning. I'll give an example. Me and Batman have debated plenty of times, but each time, when it inevitably ends in a stalemate, we never have hard feelings for each other. This is because neither of us see the debate as a personal attack, and don't treat it as such. We simply put our logic forward, and rebut the other's points.

These are the two main problems. When people follow the rules and don't make jokes out of threads/take debates seriously, the forum is awesome. It's when people take the discussions to heart or turn a serious discussion into a joke that you see the dark side of it. It isn't the forum that is at fault, it's members who abuse it that are.

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