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Official Suggestions Thread


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I support Seth's proposal, though not in the way he has it. Instead, I think we should have colors (not ranks - saying ranks makes people feel animosity and jealousy and shizzle) based on post count. No, this is not for me to get some kind of ego boost with my GoDly post count. I see other forums and none of them behave at all like ZD does; their ranks (colors, rather) are based entirely on post count milestones - 10, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, etc. - and this actually generates a ton of discussion. Not spam. aye


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The ranking system is a great way to add incentive to posters to post high quality posts and be rewarded. I propose we add a few more ranks. Here is my suggestion for the new ranking system:

Your suggested "ranks" are brilliant. xD

I support Seth's proposal, though not in the way he has it. Instead, I think we should have colors (not ranks - saying ranks makes people feel animosity and jealousy and shizzle) based on post count. No, this is not for me to get some kind of ego boost with my GoDly post count. I see other forums and none of them behave at all like ZD does; their ranks (colors, rather) are based entirely on post count milestones - 10, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, etc. - and this actually generates a ton of discussion. Not spam. aye

If this was to go into effect, I'd rather the colors be based around post quality as opposed to post count. But in that case, a system to determine this would require a person or organized body of members to supervise the quality.

The Joker

<span style="text-shadow:2px 2px 4px Purpl
Nov 24, 2011
At Amusement Mile
With the recent viewing of a demoted HK continuing to attack members post-demotion this is proof that there are HKs and HNs that are not the quality individuals that they we viewed as before receiving their rank.

I do not agree with Seth or Thareus on their superficial ranking system either. I believe both would make things worse as one promotes forum spamming and the other promotes another unnessasary popularity contest (I like this person so I'll say how great their post is" "I hate this guy and will say how crap his post is and maybe vote down their threads and/or thumbs down their youtube videos")

I don't think that there should be any ranks outside of mods, admin, and site owner. But if there has to be a popularity contest status then this should be the system as you're held accountable by ALL MEMBERS, not just those who like you or as vain:

If an HK is reported on 3 three times for violations of the forums rules no matter how minute and the mods deem the reports legitamate (Key part there), they should lose their HK/HN status and not be allowed to even be voted back in for at least 6 months (Meaning they may never get it back). This will ensure that they uphold their duty to be "Role Models" instead of the current "I've got some color on my name and that means I can treat you like crap". If they are voted back and removed three times, they are perminantly banned from ever being made an HK/HN.

If you're worried about there eventually being no HKs/HNs or worried that they'll just stop being active out of fear, then that's more than enough to see that you fully concede that there's an issue with the individuals who are voted to that status.

This new system will guarantee that the current, horrible individuals that treat regular members like crap will be flushed out and make sure that any others will be decent people.
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Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
I want to add in support for what Seth said up there. Knowing myself, I would make much better posts if Such a system was in place.
Feb 23, 2011
With the recent viewing of a demoted HK continuing to attack members post-demotion this is proof that there are HKs and HNs that are not the quality individuals that they we viewed as before receiving their rank.

I do not agree with Seth or Thareus on their superficial ranking system either. I believe both would make things worse as one promotes forum spamming and the other promotes another unnessasary popularity contest (I like this person so I'll say how great their post is" "I hate this guy and will say how crap his post is and maybe vote down their threads and/or thumbs down their youtube videos")

I don't think that there should be any ranks outside of mods, admin, and site owner. But if there has to be a popularity contest status then this should be the system as you're held accountable by ALL MEMBERS, not just those who like you or as vain:

If an HK is reported on 3 three times for violations of the forums rules no matter how minute and the mods deem the reports legitamate (Key part there), they should lose their HK/HN status and not be allowed to even be voted back in for at least 6 months (Meaning they may never get it back). This will ensure that they uphold their duty to be "Role Models" instead of the current "I've got some color on my name and that means I can treat you like crap". If they are voted back and removed three times, they are perminantly banned from ever being made an HK/HN.

If you're worried about there eventually being no HKs/HNs or worried that they'll just stop being active out of fear, then that's more than enough to see that you fully concede that there's an issue with the individuals who are voted to that status.

This new system will guarantee that the current, horrible individuals that treat regular members like crap will be flushed out and make sure that any others will be decent people.

Not going to say if I agree or disagree with your post or anything, but HNs shouldn't even count. There's rarely ever an HN on, like, ever. There's probably no need to punish those who weren't even around to have committed any crimes; that'd be kind of draconian and effed up...
I'm glad to see that they finally got the Announcement module to show on the forum index of the BP Brown skin... however it appears to still be signed by Kybyrian and dated 07-29-2013. Not a big deal, but just thought I would give you staffers a heads up. Thanks.


Jan 26, 2013
I'm glad to see that they finally got the Announcement module to show on the forum index of the BP Brown skin... however it appears to still be signed by Kybyrian and dated 07-29-2013. Not a big deal, but just thought I would give you staffers a heads up. Thanks.

Not sure if it helps, but it works correctly on top of all the other forums, so I think they just forget to swap out the index page code or something.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Not sure if it helps, but it works correctly on top of all the other forums, so I think they just forget to swap out the index page code or something.

Yeah, that's exactly what happened. It's the first time Locke's done it so he just didn't edit the phrase for it. It'll probably be fixed soon.
Feb 15, 2013
I agree with this, almost completely actually. However, Hylian Nobles aren't like Hylian Knights. Hylian Nobles are usually specially picked by each other or Mases himself, there is almost NO reason to demote a Hylian Noble unless something a little more "higher up" happens. Hylian Nobles are a special club, and that's not really something people are trying to hide unlike Hylian Knights. As for Hylian Knights, if people really want it to stay, it should be rebooted if a new system were to be put in place. No one likes being demoted, and a lot of people don't like demoting others, so making a newer, stricter system will be harder if half the of the current ranked personnel are people who got through with the older system.

A better system I think, would be one without rank. There wouldn't be Hylian Nobles or Knights or any other non-functional rank or role. Functional roles (e.g. Administrators, Moderators, etc...) would remain anonymous (i.e. No badge or different color username), which might eliminate elitism if there is any, and would probably improve security in the sense that if a cracker wanted to break into the site and cause problems, they wouldn't know who's account to break into. If a person needed to contact moderator, they could do so with a textbox that sends a message to all of moderators (sort of like the Report Post function); The same could be done with other functional roles. Reply's as a moderator would also be anonymous (e.g. Subject line could read: Mod#41 has responded to your inquiry)

As far as motivation; this should be mostly intrinsic. You make good posts because you want to provide others with the best information that you can give them, as well as improving your own skills. Writing good posts because you want a purple username, and a badge (as well as access to special sub-forums and some chatbox functions), seems like a rather empty fulfillment. In other words, what exactly are you gaining from your HK rank that's so damn important?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
A better system I think, would be one without rank. There wouldn't be Hylian Nobles or Knights or any other non-functional rank or role. Functional roles (e.g. Administrators, Moderators, etc...) would remain anonymous (i.e. No badge or different color username), which might eliminate elitism if there is any, and would probably improve security in the sense that if a cracker wanted to break into the site and cause problems, they wouldn't know who's account to break into. If a person needed to contact moderator, they could do so with a textbox that sends a message to all of moderators (sort of like the Report Post function); The same could be done with other functional roles. Reply's as a moderator would also be anonymous (e.g. Subject line could read: Mod#41 has responded to your inquiry)

As far as motivation; this should be mostly intrinsic. You make good posts because you want to provide others with the best information that you can give them, as well as improving your own skills. Writing good posts because you want a purple username, and a badge (as well as access to special sub-forums and some chatbox functions), seems like a rather empty fulfillment. In other words, what exactly are you gaining from your HK rank that's so damn important?

I really like this idea, elitism on this site has gone sky high...sky higher, I do agree that ranks should be taken away, I still think however mods and admins should keep their rank, as we know who the mods and admins are now, furthermore it would get out who a mod and admin is eventually.
Feb 15, 2013
I do agree that ranks should be taken away, I still think however mods and admins should keep their rank, as we know who the mods and admins are now, furthermore it would get out who a mod and admin is eventually.

I wouldn't want to take away rank forcefully though, I would hope that everybody that has some non-functional rank would to come to the conclusion that I've come to, and willingly give up their ranks in an attempt to make things better. If not, then I haven't provided enough information, or either I haven't provided valid information, and thus need to provide better information.

If what I've written isn't convincing enough, I would recommending reading Ver-go-a-go-go's Lessons Learned. That, to me is a living example of what the "rank" system has caused


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
This is twofold.

1. Now that the SB has its own tab, can we please get rid of that hideous "Inactive Mode"? I reflexively refresh it by clicking on the Forum Header, but it doesn't work anymore.

2. Can we make all of the Tabs resize when they are active? Currently, the SB, New Posts, and Rules tabs have the "Forum" tab as the resized one.

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