Is there a way to make hyperlinks on mobile/different themes a different color than the default text? It's hard to tell if someone posts a link sometimes unless it's pointed out.
Are there specific themes you see this as an issue in? It might take me a bit of time to go through them all but if you have one that is really bothering you I can try and make it a priority. Selecting colours is really not my strong point though as I am colourblind so I may ask for some help from
@Fraxinus if possible.
Can there be a dislike reaction I mean there's ugh but can't there be a just Simply don't like reaction ( Not related to that MD crude I don't care about in the slightest )
I agree, but I can see why there isn't one. Having specific emotions gives a reason as to why you dislike something. It's the exact opposite problem of the MD debate, where being ambiguous probably makes things better.
I think the best way to dislike something is to come up with a constructive post on why you disagree with it. I believe that dislike/downvote reactions can be abused and don’t offer anything constructive to a conversation.
In regards to the dislike reaction I think it will bring more trouble than benefit. As
@Feliz Ninjadad said, giving constructive reasons for disagreement makes for better discussion anyway.
so I don't know how possible this is, but can we get rid of the "this word is too common" in the searches? it's annoying when I'm trying to look for a specific sentence or phrase for a thread, and the search results cuts some key words and then gives a bunch of irrelevant results when it could just simply look for the exact phrase that I typed
I'll have to do some research into this but I agree that it can be annoying so I'll look into what can be done.
Bell tree forums has a feature that automatically edits double posts into a single quotable post and as I believe they also use xenforo it should be implement-able? Would be pretty helpful
I can take a look into this. I remember we may have had something like this in the past but don't remember why it was removed? (Perhaps in the change to Xenforo from V
. I also need to consider if double posting will be allowed under any such plugin under different circumstances that can be set by us as we do have some limited circumstances where double posts are used and should be kept separate.
Could the username colors be shuffled around somehow so that ZD Champions are distinguishable from other users in Default Dark and shades of blue?
Edit: My main idea was to change the regular username color in said themes but whatever works.
Made champions blue like the champions tunic on Default Dark and Shades of Blue.
@Jimmu, if you disagree with my color decision, you can make your own tweaks with the overrides I placed in extra.less
Thanks for getting on this
@Fraxinus, much appreciated!
Please, a way to enable anonymous posting on subforums like Life Advice.
I feel like some people would be more likely to share about themselves/ask for help/get stuff off their chest on certain sensitive topics if they had a way to do it without using their public accounts.
Looking into this one the only available addon I can see is
here which is quite expensive for the limited functionality it provides. It also doesn't seen to allow anon posting only in certain forums or have a clear indication of just how anonymous posts actually are. From the discussion thread it seems that posts that were supposed to be anonymous didn't come out that way so I am hesitant for all those reasons to go with this option. While I think this could be a good idea it doesn't seem feasible right now with what is available out there unfortunately. While I know this isn't the same and isn't entirely anonymous I think that there shouldn't be a problem posting threads on behalf of another member if someone wants to have a trusted mod or friend post something on their behalf. Obviously this isn't ideal but for now it may be the best solution that can be provided.