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Official Suggestions Thread


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Throwing my two pennies in the pot as well.

Maybe up the required posts for ZD champion/legend to 40 or 50 posts, but allow the Mafia and Roleplay sections to count towards it. It makes it a little more difficult (the current post a day isn't that hard), but opens it up to more members of this forum who mostly post in the Mafia and Roleplay sections (I think the posts here tend to be creative and well thought out still). Idk, just a thought.

Since this is the post that started the initial discussion, I'll just weigh in here. I am not opposed to increasing the post count requirements, I disagree with including Mafia/Roleplay. Spirit made a great point that some Mafia threads are so popular, that they can get hundreds of replies very quickly. If we were to scale general requirements to that, the average user that doesn't play Mafia/RP would have a hard time gaining that status.

There was someone that mentioned getting rid of the Legend/Champion stuff. I disagree with that, because it's just a fun, cosmetic award that we give out to encourage activity. Jimmu does an amazing job at counting these up each month, which is a large dedication of time.

Mafia/RP stuff, etc.
Now, let me get this out of the way, I have no ill will towards those sections at all. For me personally, the more people that get involved with the forum the better. I'm all about having a large, thriving community, and I understand that there will be sections of the forum that people dedicate themselves to, but as long as each side gets along, there shouldn't be any issues.

Well, scratch that. There should be no "each side". What is the definition of community? Without going to Google, the first thing that comes to mind for me, is a group of people with a larger shared interest. For us, we all share one thing in common, we love Zelda, and we are joined together in a forum that not only is based around Zelda, but has other outlets for discussion as well. Each outlet is important to the site. There are dedicated Mafia players, Roleplayers, social groups, gaming groups, small groups of friends, etc. It's like we're a big city with different neighborhoods and cultures.

There is a clear divide of the forum when it comes to that. We should be talking about what we can do the blur the lines, but I think that is a discussion beyond the "let's make post counts go towards those sections". Someone brought up the argument that TOYM, annoyed thread, what are you doing right now thread, etc shouldn't be counted towards counts either. I wouldn't really mind either way. I feel that those threads have more discussion and conversation potential than those threads that are in Forum Games.

What about having one of the Mafia/RP mods do their own version of the Legend/Champion usertitles, and one of the graphic artists here can make them, and the admins/cc's can place them under the usernames? This way, members that thrive in the Mafia neighborhoods can be recognized for all of the work that goes into that area.

Just a thought.
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not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Mafia Champion/Legend and Roleplay Champion/Legend would be a great idea! Not only would it reward members who work hard in these specific areas, it could possibly draw people who might not otherwise try these things out to give it a chance. Maybe it could help get the Roleplay section more activity, too. Hopefully Jimmu wouldn’t end up counting these posts, and a mod more devoted to these parts of the community. Anything to help bring together the forum users.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I will just pop in and say, while the mafia and RP sections are kind of disconnected from the site, they are still very much their own closelt-knit subcommunities. For a lot of people - myself included - they're the only reasons that these people are still on ZD. It keeps the forum active, and it keeps people interested in the site. And there have even been people who've come in for mafia that have joined the larger ZD community as a whole. Personally, while I understand the points people are making, I think that just the fact that they create such cloes communities around what happens on ZD means that they do provide a meaningful contribution to the site. They do lead to conversation, they lead to growth, they lead to relationships. That is what we want to promote, no?

What about having one of the Mafia/RP mods do their own version of the Legend/Champion usertitles, and one of the graphic artists here can make them, and the admins/cc's can place them under the usernames? This way, members that thrive in the Mafia neighborhoods can be recognized for all of the work that goes into that area.

Just a thought.
This would require our mods actually doing something :P
I don't even know who the RP mods are. And I was one of the better-known roleplayers on this site for a fair few years.


Staff member
Obviously as this is a Zelda based forum the most core sections of the forum are clearly the Zelda forums in my opinion. Beyond that, I don't think that any other part of the forum is particularly more or less important than any other, be that Mafia, Roleplay, General Discussion or whatever else.
Ok, except for Lorule Lounge let's be real.

The Legend/Champion system as it currently works is including only posts for which post count is increased. Mafia, Forum Games, and Roleplay posts can be very back and forward - causing the threads to become huge without any specific requirement for post quality and this is why to my understanding the post count has never been increased for post within these forums. I think it is much easier to make 30 posts in these sections than in other sections and thus I don't think they should be included in the ZD Legend/Champion requirements, essentially you would only need to participate in one single mafia game during that month to achieve the status. Some here have mentioned that TOYM, music thread and other similar threads are also easy to gain posts in and this is indeed very true. Unfortunately, I can't exclude specific threads but only whole forums when it comes to counting posts for the Champion/Legend status. To combat spam or abuse of these threads just to gain the ZD Legend/Champion status I do monitor this somewhat as I go (noting that I only have so much time to do this). In cases where I think people are just making spam posts to meet the requirement I have reached out to them. Obviously this isn't going to be perfectly consistent but perhaps if others feel as though I am missing someone who is spamming just to meet a requirement then they can approach me privately so that I can check it for that person more thoroughly the next month.

It was suggested to me once that we could add an additional requirement such as 10/30 of these posts at least must be in Zelda related forums. I could probably do this if it matters enough to people but it would add in extra time to the already long process and make a delay in determining the numbers each month. I don't want to increase the number of posts beyond 30 due to the time it takes to count them.

One other thing I have been considering which would help me to decrease the amount of time spent checking posts would be introducing a requirement for people who are not already ZD Legends or ZD Champions to opt-in to being assessed. Existing ZD Champions/Legends would be automatically be re-assessed by myself each month and those who don't have the status but believe they've made enough posts to have earned the status could post in a thread or PM me to opt-in to being checked. This would save me quite a bit of time and perhaps make introducing a requirement similar to the above paragraph more feasible.

I am open to more discussion on other ways to reward people for their activity in other sections such as Mafia, I don't want people who are part of the mafia community to feel less valued on ZD. People who come here for Mafia who enjoy themselves without breaking the rules have just as much a right to be here as anyone else.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
As long as the opt-in idea is advertised to new members and not left in a thread somewhere hoping that they will find it (so as to be fair to new members), I'm fine with it.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Beyond that, I don't think that any other part of the forum is particularly more or less important than any other, be that Mafia, Roleplay, General Discussion or whatever else.
Ok, except for Lorule Lounge let's be real.
I'm glad you agree that Lorule Lounge is the most important section. (:


I agree that mafia and forum games shouldn't be counted. If the roleplaying section had more strict standards, I would support including it (as the section rules are now, however, I wouldn't).

I also do like encouraging people to explore different parts of the community and I proposed doing so when we first introduced these titles in 2018:

I think it would be neat to acknowledge people who are active in some of these communities (mainly Mafia and Roleplaying). I think having a similar title thing (without the username color change, probably) for maintaining an activity level above a certain threshold in those communities respectively would be a nice nod towards the people who mostly engage the site through those communities (and possibly encourage other people to be active in them).

Also, I still demand control over lorule lounge.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
I think it is much easier to make 30 posts in these sections than in other sections and thus I don't think they should be included in the ZD Legend/Champion requirements, essentially you would only need to participate in one single mafia game during that month to achieve the status.

making 30 posts takes me around an hour most months. the average mafia game probably involves dozens of hours of reading/writing. (unless you're doc, but he doesn't average 30 posts a game anyways) Mafia is a pretty high-effort and time consuming game. Casually chatting about a variety of topics is comparatively extremely easy.

Ok, except for Lorule Lounge let's be real.

lorule lounge legend title confirmed!?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I was thinking about ideas for a possible mafia reward system and thought maybe just something similar with the user titles but not colored names would work. Like maybe the titles of Mafioso/Godfather instead of Legend/Champion.

I'm not sure the best way to implement it though. Post count would be a bit difficult because it would either be too easy or unfair for people who died early in the game. Maybe something like you get the title of Mafioso if you play in 3 games, and the title of Godfather if you play in 5 games in a row or something similar? Just to encourage people joining more games and not people spamming in games.


Staff member
ZD Champion
I was thinking about ideas for a possible mafia reward system and thought maybe just something similar with the user titles but not colored names would work. Like maybe the titles of Mafioso/Godfather instead of Legend/Champion.

I'm not sure the best way to implement it though. Post count would be a bit difficult because it would either be too easy or unfair for people who died early in the game. Maybe something like you get the title of Mafioso if you play in 3 games, and the title of Godfather if you play in 5 games in a row or something similar? Just to encourage people joining more games and not people spamming in games.
I like this idea. Although I feel like being active in the games is probably more important than just joining them, so maybe a mix of the two.

I also feel like missing a game or two if the person needs a break after some draining games and then having to play like 5 again in a row might be a bit harsh if the person really likes the title. But if it's distributed based on activity after each certain period of time like Champion/Legend, one'd kinda have to rethink how long because some mafia games just go on forever so it might be jank.

and alternatively calling the titles Lv. 1 Crook and Lv. 100 Boss because that's how mafia works
and alternatively, maybe calling the titles Goon/Godfather since they're more fitting to the game's roles.
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not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
What about wins? Like, to get a title you have to win a certain amount of games (and be active in them?) Would that be too luck-based? The second title would probably require you to host a game.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I like the idea of having a similar system to reward activity in the mafia and roleplay sections, separate from the Legends/Champions. My only concern is that having an overabundance of banners in one's post bit could get messy, so I'm not sure that's the best way to go. Even having 3 or 4 is a lot, and this would potentially allow people to have even more.

I think we should discuss this in a more micro level to brainstorm ideas and then present them afterward. I'll post a thread for this within the mafia section and we can go from there. Perhaps whatever system we come up with can also be used for the Roleplay section.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
remove the rule banning the use of multiple accounts


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
It absolutely should not be changed. Special permissions for mafia games are one thing, but multiple accounts would solely be used to get around bans. Krow being a perfect example of someone who got recently banned was doing disgusting **** behind the scenes, had a second account where he role played as his "sister", and used the outward appearance of being a woman to get past people's guards for nefarious reasons.

It's fine as is. You can change your name on your account within a set period of time, Jimmu has been more than lax as far as special cases go, and there really isn't an in between other than dodging bans or spam.
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Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
but multiple accounts would solely be used to get around bans. Krow being a perfect example of someone who got recently banned was doing disgusting **** behind the scenes, had a second account where he role played as his "sister", and used the outward appearance of being a woman to get past people's guards for nefarious reasons.

it sounds like krow didn't use it to get around a ban, so the assertion that they would solely be used to get around bans seems false.

I don't see why you can't just make ban evasion or "nefarious disgusting ****" against the rules. Surely krow could have been banned for being emotionally manipulative and abusive to the degree he was even if he hadn't used multiple accounts.

If someone wants to use multiple accounts for an innocuous reason, I don't see why you also need to punish them. This isn't even a case of needing to punish them in order to also punish the people using multiple accounts for malicious reasons. You can just exclusively ban the malicious cases without much effort.
We had an instance in the past where a user joined under a username that he didn't actually intend to use, but he wanted to have dibs on that name so no one else could have it, and then made another account for his actual forum use. He was open about the alt when confronted about it, and it was dealt with by having the accounts merged. If we exclude all of the potential problems that could arise from people using alts to pretend to be other people (this applies to both evading bans and the aforementioned situation with Krow), the existence of hoarding usernames so other people can't have them is going to part of the culture that comes with this privilege.

Outside of certain boards where they may be practical, I don't think it's worth it. If you can't make contributing posts with one account, then what is the second account actually for? Posting in discussions and just passing the baton between your two accounts to be the one to share your opinion?

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