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Ocarina of Time Ocarina of Time 3D's Rating

Azure Sage

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For the original N64 version and the GC versions, the rating is E. On the official boxart I saw here: http://gameonnintendo.com/2011/04/12/legend-of-zelda-3d-final-release-date-and-box-art-revealed/, it seems the rating has increased to E10+.

As I recall, the original N64 version had red blood. They turned it green in the GC versions. Do you think they did away with that in the new 3DS version? I hope so. I, for one, am sick of green "blood" in Zelda games. I just think that that's going to an unnecessary level.

What are some of your thoughts on this?


Jan 19, 2011
Green blood is cool, nuff said...

Besides, Zelda is focused more on around 10 year olds, so green blood may be better, I'm not saying that 20 or 30 year olds can't still be playing Zelda, just remember how Zelda was for you as a kid...


- Do Not Eat -
Nov 24, 2010
If they put red blood in there, the rating would automatically be T or higher, and a lot of Zelda's audience are not teenagers. It would be a bad move by Nintendo if they left that in.

Azure Sage

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Did you not see what he said? He said "remember how Zelda was for you as a kid..." "WAS FOR YOU AS A KID." He didn't say you were one. And he makes an excellent point. (Or maybe she.)

Yes I know. I'm 15. In saying "I don't consider 13 to be a kid", I meant it as saying that I was 13 when I started playing Zelda. That's all.


- Do Not Eat -
Nov 24, 2010
As I recall, the original N64 version had red blood. They turned it green in the GC versions. Do you think they did away with that in the new 3DS version? I hope so. I, for one, am sick of green "blood" in Zelda games. I just think that that's going to an unnecessary level.

Just for curiosity's sake, why are you sick of green blood?


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Well, you can assume, since it's rated E10+, they lft the green blood in. as many people had already said, it would have been rated T if they left in the red blood. Plus, the green blood really adds to that fantasy-type adventure, because you don't see green blood in the real world.

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