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Breath of the Wild Nintendo Switch Release Bundle Rumors - What would you want to see?

Oct 1, 2016
If there's a Zelda bundle, that'll probably be the deciding factor whether I get an NX or not. I'd be happy playing Zelda on the Wii U and picking up an NX with Zelda later (I assume the Wii U version will be harder to find in the future, like TP on gamecube), but if there's some bundle with a sweet paint job, I'm definitely picking up an NX.


Extraordinary Machine
Oct 13, 2016
I am 100% on board for the NX, despite being a bit skeptical initially. I'd love a Zelda bundle with like maybe a special edition Zelda NX and BOTW included. That'd be fun. However, I've kind of been assuming that the bundle will just be the regular NX with all of the launch games - and the latest rumors seem to indicate there will be four, including Zelda, Mario, and Pokemon. That would be ideal for me.
Oct 14, 2013
If the $299 and $399 prices are correct then the $399 is not a NX + game bundle as games don't cost $100 in the US.

The $399 NX pack I think will be base NX + tie in game (think wiisports or NintendoLand but for the NX) and either a larger SSD or some other hardware addition.


Extraordinary Machine
Oct 13, 2016
If the $299 and $399 prices are correct then the $399 is not a NX + game bundle as games don't cost $100 in the US.

The $399 NX pack I think will be base NX + tie in game (think wiisports or NintendoLand but for the NX) and either a larger SSD or some other hardware addition.

I understand one game doesn't cost $100. But four for $100 would be cheap compared to about $60 for one.


Extraordinary Machine
Oct 13, 2016
The rumours do suggest this but I can't see 4 NX games for $100 with the bundle. I could be wrong though. Nintendo has said they don't want to sell the NX at a loss.

No I understand. I'm obviously not sure that that;s what it would be - that's just kinda been what I've been assuming in my head, you know?

I'm just super excited for any NX news at all!
Oct 21, 2016
I'd be happy to pay an extra $100 or so for a Zelda themed one that includes BotW and has more storage space. Whether or not it comes with the amiibo isn't really something that matters to me, as I will buy the Zelda ones anyway.
Oct 11, 2016
The Switch with BotW and the new Mario game with the pro controller or whatever it's called would be dope. Probably be around $600 though.
Oct 7, 2016
Hey folks, new to the forum. Huge Zelda fan (obviously!). Just saw this article:

Curious to know if anyone has any thoughts/speculation on a tie-in bundle. My thought is that Nintendo really needs to hit it out of the park with a new console so no surprises if it's going to have a Breath of the Wild bundle. I'd gladly pay more for one that includes the Amiibos, but I imagine it would only be one (maybe two). But we can hope!
Curious to hear what people think.
I hope they do a dual pack with Zelda and some other first party game along with the pro controller and a mobile charger for the controller

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