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Nintendo Says the Final Released Version is Going to Look Considerably Better.

Jan 19, 2009
Temple of Time
I really hope they don't change the graphics. I think they are considerably better than TP's. The way they are now remind us that the game is a fantasy, and not real world stuff like it kinda did in TP.
Jan 28, 2010
I loved the style and colors and feel to it, but it was just a little bit weak in some areas. I'm excited to see the end product, because I already know the idea is there and its incredible!


I kinda expected the new zelda game to be like the twilight princess. i dont like that cartoony look to the game. i would prefer a darker/less colorful game. thats just my opinion. :dry:


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
haha sweet, that means we can expect to see all new trailers for the game before it's released, if the graphics are going to change (which they most certainly are) then they will have to showcase the game again before it hits the retail. Link almost looks like a final version, and they told us they were still adding more bosses but I'm pretty sure they are close to finishing the characters and enemies. Polishing can take a while though... I expect the scenery will get improved but that covers the entire game... so I think we know now why it's taking another year.
Jun 15, 2010
i am glad that these are not the final graphics. they look great, but a little more polish is needed on the textures, and some of the enemies like the bokoblin


Bringer of Jollity
Jan 24, 2010
Great Lakes
I kinda expected the new zelda game to be like the twilight princess. i dont like that cartoony look to the game. i would prefer a darker/less colorful game. thats just my opinion. :dry:

I am torn. Because, I am definitely with you on wanting something darker. At the very least I want big portions of the game to be scary. But that does not mean it can't also be cell-shaded. Think of ALttP, it was very cartooney, but there were also parts of the game like the Dark World that were intimidating and dark. That is the sort of style I think Nintendo should be shooting for. Timeless, colorful, epic and scary. Both dark and light. Both whimsical and threatening.

All that said, the graphics really need work. After seeing how impressive they mad Super Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword--so far--is kind of a let down. It is fine, but not impressive. It will work, but it will not wow. It seems very unfinished so far, almost lazy. Those trees look like crud. The enemies and Link don't match. The atmosphere in general is laking any sparkle or shine, any glow or impressiveness. The more I think about it the more worried I am.
Oct 20, 2007
Obviously the visuals are going to get a lot of work - the game is practically done except for a "few dungeons" and refining the graphical style.

Oh, and the area in the demo won't be in the final game.


I found this quite interesting.

If you watch this new video from the Nintendo E3 site:

"What you see here is a good indication of the direction of the overall art style of the game, but doesn't necessarily show how great it's gonna look when the final game is released"

This is good, that they at least know the graphics aren't the best.

He further verifies this by saying this was a sneak peak of the E3 version of Skyward Sword

I think people generally keep forgetting this fact. They aren't even done with the game yet, so everyone just take a chill pill. Breathe, go outside and take a walk, eat a brownie. Nintendo delivers...a lot of the time...


Most Uncreatively Named
Jan 24, 2010
I figured this one out long ago. I really don't see why everyone keeps thinking that the E3 demo is the final product.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
False. The style in general will stay the same. Rewatch the video. The only thing their doing is making it better.
This exactly.

Looking "considerably better" doesn't necessarily mean a change in the art style. I'm actually surprised that people are comparing the graphics to that of a gamecube game when everything in the Skyward Sword demo is noticeably smoother and more defined. I think people are confusing the graphics with the art style. And yes, the art style does resemble TWW, but really only in terms of bright colors and cel-shading. But even with TWW, the cel-shading was hard cel-shading, whereas what we saw in SS is soft cel-shading. Plus, Link doesn't have a watermelon head this time around.

I'm pretty sure that the art style we've been shown isn't going to change, only be modified, and that more than likely means adding more textures, refining edges, refining various designs, and adding more depth with the colors and whatnot. In the end, the style is more than likely going to look just like what we saw in the demo, only refined.


Jun 12, 2010
Yeah, it was just a sandbox world. That leaves me to believe they didn't try to polish the demo graphics. And Of course the finished product will have nicer graphics. It's Zelda, they are going to make it as nice as possible.


nine thousand and one.
Jun 15, 2010
This makes me really happy. I love the graphic style already, and since they can find a way to improve some of the off-looking background scenery I'm sure that this game will be especially beautiful. Perhaps the most beautiful in the series, in terms of visuals!

The sky and grass look like they're straight out of a Monet or Cezanne painting. =D

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