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New Type of Enemy?


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
As we know (if you don't, you'll know now) Phi is the spirit of the Master Sword. Well, I've kind of been thinking of something. Do you think that in the future we could see an evil sword spirit? Would you at least like or think it would be interesting to see one?


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
Fi could get possessed by Ghirahim maybe in Skyward Sword, it's a terrible idea, but with Nintendo, you never know :)
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Princess of Hyrule
Sep 9, 2011
Fi could get possessed by Ghirahim maybe in Skyward Sword, it's a terrible idea, but with Nintendo, you never know :)

Honestly, I think if Nintendo did that, it would be amazing. Especially as a boss battle toward the end of the game.

As for an evil sword spirit in the future, I don't see why we wouldn't. I would like to see it as an important weapon you have to get. Like, kill the evil spirit, get the sword, and then a sudden plot twist (or, even if not a plot twist, just advance to the next part of the game).

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