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New Temple Themes


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Well, one kind of dungeon I'd like to see return is the castle. I know it's been a mini-dungeon before, but I'd like to see more done with it. Just have a nice, long castle dungeon, with lots of Darknuts and Ball/Chain Troopers all over the place. Maybe have a lot of trap doors and secret passages. Sort of like MC's Dark Hyrule Castle, I guess. It's a classic, and people always LOVE those.

Maybe a ruined town full of evil. Sort of like Hyrule Castle town in OoT, except you actually have to find treasures and confront a boss there to break the curse on the town and return the citizens to normal. That was ALMOST done with the Hidden Village in TP, but they never took it so far as to return the townspeople afterwards and make it a full-fledged dungeon.

Another idea I've got is a time-based dungeon. No, not like the TotOK, the Temple of Time, or anything like that. I'm thinking more about a dungeon that has a lot of puzzles that involve actively altering the flow of time. In one room, you have phase-shifted enemies that move so fast they'll kill you instantly, and the only way to pass is to slow down time in the room so you can see and kill them (they may well be weak enemies). In another, maybe you've got to speed up time in order to make a natural barrier decompose in order to go past it. And of course, you could make it so that you start the dungeon with three keys, but have to go back in time to open up multiple routes with those keys and eventually get everything in the dungeon (when it would normally be impossible to get it all with that number of keys). This means you'd have to keep careful track of your route through the dungeon and be aware of multiple routes to the same area.


Zora Warrior
Nov 3, 2009
Termina Bay
I know that there have already been Ice temples, but what if after a certain point in dungeon it, part of it wold melt and practically mae a new dungeon. Or your item that you find could be Fire arrows so that you could make some parts collapse.

The idea of electricity is going a little to far but you could have a dungeon with lot of ears and moving parts. Kinda like the Fire temple in Twilight Princss

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