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New Majora's Party!


Twilight Princess Lover
((Basically, a FD time skip, so we don't have to go into explicit detail.))

The two warriors were now in the hall that belonged to the Gerudo Leader. The chair was in the front but no one sat in it and no guards were there. Strange.
Lily walked a bit forward until she saw light refracting from the glass of tank. She ran over like a child in an aquarium and looked inside. There were three Zora eggs, (Strange, considering they ere in a Gerudo Fortress) and at the way bottom, almost so small you could not see it, was the Gem.

"I found it!" Lily called out to her friend.


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012

She sees the eggs and the gem. She examines the height if the tank,seeing how she can get in,

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