More Of My Zelda Art (And Some Other Stuff)
I don't get to come here as often as I used too, I miss this place. lol
I wished I had more time to do stuff than just upload Stories and art. But for now, it's all I can do, so here's some other stuff I've been working on. ^^ Some are work's in progress.
This first one (above) is a work in progress (WIP) of again, Iris and Jace. It was called "My Piece Of Heart"~<3 I sketched it a while ago, and tried coloring it in SumoPaint, but my computer won't load the site well, so I'm waiting till I get PhotoShop. Till then, I guess I'll be figuring out what the color of the BG should be lol. It's a cute pun that's probably used often in the Zelda fandom (The whole "Heart Piece" and "Couple's" thing)
I'm sure the second one doesn't need much of of an explanation. The oh-so well known Amaterasu from the game, Okami. (I love that game~!) I did it in AI (Adobe Illustrater)
The third one is inspired by a beautiful song called "This Is A Beautiful World" from one of the Pokemon movies ("Giratina And the Sky Warrior" I believe".) The whole song kinda' painted this picture in my head, so I was inspired to paint it out with Water Color's. :3
The fourth one is a concept design of Wolf/Beast armor for another one of my stories I have been developing (For a totally different series though).
The fifth one is the chapter art used for chapter 5 of "Lost In Termina" on DeviantART, but without the Chapter title at the top (The one on DA has the title). It was Jace training Iris.