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My Turn


Feb 7, 2011
Hunting with my wolf and cheetah.
I'm going to present my theory on the LoZ timeline. Note that I haven't played many of these games so my facts might be off. Also, I will not include MC or the Oracles.

We know that SS is going to be a prequal to all the current games, and we know that OoT is currently the first game, followed immediatly by MM. After that, it seems to get tricky. I believe that LttP is supposed to come next? Then, if Ganon doesn't die in it, WW makes perfect sence as a sequal. Since Link is still a sailor in them, I'm going to lump LA and PH next, possibly the same Link. After that comes LoZ and its sequal AoL. Tp comes next, with ST at the end because of the train.

In short, I see the timeline as: SS-OoT-MM-LttP-WW-LA-PH-LoZ-AoL-TP-ST.

Do you think I'm close?:puppy:


Resident Cartographer
Jul 18, 2009
Cloud 9
You reasonings could make sense, but you put the games into a linear timeline. It's been confirmed that the timeline splits into two after OoT: the "Adult" continuity, following after OoT's adult ending, going into WW, and the "Child" continuity, wherein the adult portion of OoT never happened, leading into MM and eventually TP.
Infact, a good chunk of the begginning has been officially confirmed:


After this the rest of the games are debatable, but for a timeline to be plausible it must start like this.

Hope that helps.

Moving on,
I believe that LttP is supposed to come next? Then, if Ganon doesn't die in it, WW makes perfect sence as a sequal.

aLttP used to follow OoT perfectly, but WW kind of threw a wrench in that. Where it goes now is confusing...
Also, Ganon does die in aLttP.

Since Link is still a sailor in them, I'm going to lump LA and PH next, possibly the same Link.

PH Link is the same Link from WW, that has been confirmed. LA Link is commonly accepted as being aLttP Link, though some believe he is the Link from the Oracles, while still others think that aLttP, the Oracles, and LA all have the same Link.

Tp comes next, with ST at the end because of the train.

I think I read somewhere that one of the creators said that technology has nothing to do with what time period a game is in. ST is the first AT game following WW/PH.


Feb 7, 2011
Hunting with my wolf and cheetah.
It is supposed to be split? Dang, and I was trying so hard to keep the split out of it.

Ganon's died so many times that it's possible he doesn't die die, he might just go into a regeneration state or somethin'. That's what I thought, anyways. Aw, well, so much for that.
Sep 17, 2010
dont worry there is still the crazy possibility of a dimensional overlap eventually causeing the timeline to remerge (a'la crisis on infinite earths )
lol now wouldnt that complicate things


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