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My Thoughs on the Wii U Zelda Demo

Oct 2, 2011
Have you guys heard that the Wii U demo of Mario was being made into a real game..? Well what if the same happened to the Zelda demo?

First I would like to say...

games for consoles get better over time. ps3 games got better a few years after its release. 360 games wentthrough a drastic change after a few years. so what we think looks amazing as a tech demo now will look like crap in just a few years. also think about this

in the tech demo the wii u was only rendering that one room and everything was predetermined with no AI

remember skyward sword or twilight princess... well twilgith princess when in a huge open field. the gamecube or wii had to render EVERYTHING that was in the big field while your riding by on your horse. everything is moving, everything is going on.

in the wii u demo it was just a room... one room.

was ALL of the wii us power being used on that one room?

if so a REAL zelda game will look no where near that good.

they would have to dial the graphics back enough to make sure it doesn't over heat and with the wii u not even out yet I doubt they even know its limit yet. they will start out making games look good, but not as best as they could. it will be a few years before they start peaking and by that time they will look like utter crap compared to ps4 and 720.

so my question.. unless the wii u is an insanely powerful machine which i doubt cuz everyone saying nintendo cheaped out on it. do you think the wii u could handle a REAL game that looks as good as the tech demo. Look back at the gamecubes tech demo of zelda for an example. then look at the windwaker.. i mean.. wow and honestly windwaker looked better as a game than the demo did in CG???? so wtf? i wonder if the same will happen for the wii u or if the actual game will look worse. we can only hope for the best right?
btw yes i know i misspelled a lot of stuff... probably.. anyways i just typed and didn't stop to correct anything. i just wanted to post everything while it was on my mind
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The Wii U will be very powerful
Wii-U Hardware Specs Explained - YouTube
If you have the time watch this. It explains how much more power the Wii U will have compared to both the 360 and PS3 and also about how much better the graphics card will be.

Anyway, you will have a good understanding of how consoles work. AI and graphics are handled by different parts of the processor so yes they could make a game that looked exactly like the Tech demo and have amazing physics and AI as well. They don't probably know the limits yet and the Tech demo was almost certainly not pushing them so by the time the next Zelda comes out it could look even better. Any game you have played now will not look as good as something designed specifically to take advantage of the Wii U's full capabilities. So stop worrying.
Apr 17, 2012
I also wouldn't worry about the graphics too much. I saw the video, and though it was a little difficult for me to follow, it once again convinced me in my believe that the Wii U is gonna be a console that is technically up to date. But even if it would not look as amazing as the tech demo, I wouldn't care. As long as you don't try to push your limits to hard, but rather make the best off what you have, every game can look decent. I personally don't mind playing N64 games or even NES games, because even though some modern games may have better graphics in total, some of these old games are, in my opinion, a much greater pleasure to the eye, because the developers back then wanted to make the best out of what they had, and you can see that by comparison to games nobody cared for when they were made.
Apr 11, 2012
Seattle, WA
Tech demos are always just that: demos. They're reserved about releasing exactly what the system is capable of. Usually the demos present a modest representation of the types of things you can expect in a game. If they laid all their cards out on the table at once, they'd have nothing to keep you hooked. ;)

Also, may I remind you guys, this was the 1995 tech demo for Ocarina of Time:

Jan 2, 2012
so my question.. unless the wii u is an insanely powerful machine which i doubt cuz everyone saying nintendo cheaped out on it.

Why do you say that??

do you think the wii u could handle a REAL game that looks as good as the tech demo.
Absolutely. Just look up more info on the Wii U's capabilities. Also, all will be revealed at E3 2012.

Look back at the gamecubes tech demo of zelda for an example. then look at the windwaker.. i mean.. wow and honestly windwaker looked better as a game than the demo did in CG???? so wtf? i wonder if the same will happen for the wii u or if the actual game will look worse.
Those were totally opposite different graphical styles. Back then, they didn't have technology like they do now to make super realistic games, so they thought Wind Waker graphics would suit the system for the time being, albeit the tech demo being like TP. Now, I think it's safe to say the Wii U game will be just like, if not better than the tech demo, because that's where the technology will thrive most.
Apr 6, 2012
I think no matter what the game will be good. Graphics matter but not that much. I would be happy with most type graphics with a new game.

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