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My Freind and His Noticing of Many Things.....



Untitled.jpgSo my freind was searching images and found these differences....

(The WW one we experienced in the game)

He wants to know about the stuff circled in red.

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
I don't get this. What does this picture with all the circles try to show us? It is such a small resolution, I can't see hardly anything.


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
You say you found it online? Could you link us to the image instead of making a super-small attachment? Because right now it's really too small to see any details.

Also important is instead of using circles, which distort the picture and generally cover up what you wish us to see, use arrows pointing to anything specific.
May 18, 2009
Okay, let me see...

The pink reflections, I think I've seen before. It's just a lighting effect. No big mystery.

The moon is, um, the moon? Possibly also the inspiration for Space Colony Ark, but I doubt it. I don't see anything out of the ordinary; that's just how it looked in MM. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

There's definitely some kind of symbol carved in the bottom of the pillar in the upper-left screenshot, but I can't make it out.

With the Hyrule Castle picture, I can barely tell what's being indicated, save for the mysterious black dot on the right. I have no idea what that might be. I do kinda wonder why the drawbridge is down at night, unless that's from the cutscene wherein Ganondorf chases Zelda and Impa.
Feb 23, 2011
Is this a picture theory? I know someone on another forum who did just this. It confused everyone until he explained it.


May 5, 2011
Temple of Time
I got it (I believe)

Hes askign about

the face on the moon
the color of the water (pink)
the symbol (what it means)
and I guess somethign about the black sqaures (windows I believe) being on that side but not the other side.


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
its pretty cool and creepy if your walking along a river and there a pink reflexion on the water and you look up and theres nothing there

Well, if you've ever seen a waterfall at sunset you can see amazing colors like reds and pinks and oranges in the reflections like that. That's a realistic representation of one possible way it can appear. (Well, as realistic as cel-shaded cartoon graphics can get.)

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