Ember you are suggesting a possibility. I would say to you that anything is a possibility at any point. If Nintendo wanted to retcon the entire series and take out the Master Sword or something, that is also a possibility. But it is all highly unlikely. That's the thing about lots of these "possibility" threads in this section. You can post as many of them as you want but the only answers or replies you are going to recieve is either "the developers said this so it isn't possible" or "sure that could be a possibility like anything else".
So, sure you have something that is "possible", but that's as far as it goes. There's no discussion value in just saying something is possible. Plus, the developers have told us that SS goes before OoT, meaning that there would only be one Master Sword and SS is the origin of it. All this has been confirmed, so it takes away even more from the discussion value now that it virtually isn't possible to happen with the next game.
Conclusively, this thread will become nothing more than hoards of theorists telling you why this can't happen because the developers said so, and a few people saying that anything is a possibility. Nothing that is really a mystery of plausible "theory" of Zelda.
~Thread Closed~