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Game Thread MS Paint Mafia U-Pick Edition [Day 5]


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Champion
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Incorrect, OG.

You sit there and claim they are different when they are, in fact, the same.

You just want to have your cake and eat it too wrt to your perspective. That's why you fail to see the issue in your thought process.
So you point/argument is summed up into the last two sentences-
As an aside, this is real cute coming from someone who, within the same post and just prior to this no less, claimed hard evidence is important and likened it to a role cop that gains info on a player's role -- as if to assert that is quote unquote "hard evidence".

Like, how do you know the person claiming to be the cop is telling the truth? How do you know they're not mafia?
If you are a town rolecop and you rolecopped Jimmy Jackson and found out if he was Mafia, you have hard evidence and you will all of your future decisions will be changed because you have hard evidence. I dont know what you know, so I am not able to as sure as you are if your hard evidence is true. This is what I was getting at with my post quoting Ex a million times. If I didnt explain this easy enough, then I am sorry. I have no problem with me not explained some thing good enough and so I will explain it a million more times if neccessary.

You then took my example and tried to apply it to another example right here-
What proof do you have that [they] are a cop with a check on a player's role? In my mind, I am not throwing shade on a Cop. I am throwing shade on a potential Cop. I have no proof if [they] are a Cop. Do you? If not, then don't say that [they] are. You are (un)intentionally trying to paint paint your stance in a [positive] light. Why is that?

There is nothing to commit to because there is no Hard Evidence to say that [they] are lying and is Mafia acting like a Cop. You would know about Mafia acting like a Cop, wouldn't you, OG? Do I have to remind you?

Suffice it to say, the "hard evidence" is taking the person at face value until proven otherwise. If you want to be sus of them, well, you reap the consequences of such. It's just funny that you would hit Ex over the head for something you are doing yourself.
In which, you make a logical case which I agree with, there is no way to tell if the rolecop is telling the truth. That is common sense.

And which, these are two different situations and you tried to take my "answer" to one question and tried to apply it to another and it doesnt work and then trying to say that I did the same thing to Ex, which I didnt, they are two different situations.

For an analogy, if I am a sheriff's deputy and I get called to a school shooting and there are confirmed accounts of dead kids and teachers (God forbid that this will happen), I am as sure as hellfire gonna pull out my AR-15 and I am as sure as hellfire gonna go whip so butt. You decide to take my response to a certain situation and tried to apply it to a situation where there is a guy loitering outside a supermarket and I come to the scene and I pull out my AR-15 and I shoot the guy. This is what you did. Whats makes sense to a certain situation doesnt and may not always apply to another.

And your response to me is very original, so I cant really tell if you are serious or not.


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Champion
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Is there anything binding you from telling us now?

From the way he worded it, looks similar to the Buck from Storms "Chaos Mafia" games but with a twist.

I'm pretty certain that once you're lynched the only "info" we'll get is your role/alignment, nothing regarding this new "theory" you claim to have or something, something, such. So you might as well give everything.
1. I have spilled out everything I know so far and I have asked Rag 2 questions of clarification in my PM

2. What is the Buck? When I asked about it in Storms game I was told not to worry about it.

3. I am giving everything I can because I have crossed the line of no return.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
2. What is the Buck? When I asked about it in Storms game I was told not to worry about it.
The Buck is a role Storm made that get's passed around(passing the buck) and whoever has it at the end of the game loses dead or alive. The way you explained this "The Thing" sounds similar. (key word in both of my posts is "similar"
1. I have spilled out everything I know so far and I have asked Rag 2 questions of clarification in my PM
3. I am giving everything I can because I have crossed the line of no return.
All of this regarding this "Buck" like role?


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Champion
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
The Buck is a role Storm made that get's passed around(passing the buck) and whoever has it at the end of the game loses dead or alive. The way you explained this "The Thing" sounds similar. (key word in both of my posts is "similar"

All of this regarding this "Buck" like role?
Is it similar? Umm, yes? It is pretty different. One person is the Thing and if they die someone else becomes it. I mean it is similar I guess.
Dec 13, 2019
I already explained it, but you failed to grasp it.

Your co.parison to a cop is faulty. You take a person at their word. Only once something has been mod confirmed can it be even slightly considered hard evidence, and even then at times stuff from the mod can be questionable.


Staff member
why do people keep bringing """hard evidence""" up over and over
mafia isn't about hard evidence

most traditional mafia sites run vanilla setups, meaning people only have their gut feelings and capabilities of analyzing the behavior nuances and behind the posts

this a core skill that people hone over time and shouldn't be taken lightly or dismissed over mechanical info

the whole point of popular counters to mechanical evidence like godfathers and millers is to try to show people that they can't be overtly dependent on """evidence"""


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Champion
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
I already explained it, but you failed to grasp it.

Your co.parison to a cop is faulty. You take a person at their word. Only once something has been mod confirmed can it be even slightly considered hard evidence, and even then at times stuff from the mod can be questionable.
With a rolecop, I was saying that if I rolecopped someone and got their role, abilities, etc., I have hard evidence. Unless it is a bastard game or otherwise posted, mods tell the truth. You make no sense. I if I get a message from a mod saying, "Jimmy Jackson has dotta dah abiltities" then they have those certain abilities.


Staff member
From the way he worded it, looks similar to the Buck from Storms "Chaos Mafia" games but with a twist.
it certainly shares some similarities to it with the player hopping, but I don't see why to assume it has the same type of negative effects

as far as speculation goes it could do the exact opposite and be giving positive modifiers instead of a negative one lol


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Champion
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
I already explained it, but you failed to grasp it.

Your co.parison to a cop is faulty. You take a person at their word. Only once something has been mod confirmed can it be even slightly considered hard evidence, and even then at times stuff from the mod can be questionable.
Please explain it again. If I am wrong about something please show me.


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Champion
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
why do people keep bringing """hard evidence""" up over and over
mafia isn't about hard evidence

most traditional mafia sites run vanilla setups, meaning people only have their gut feelings and capabilities of analyzing the behavior nuances and behind the posts

this a core skill that people hone over time and shouldn't be taken lightly or dismissed over mechanical info

the whole point of popular counters to mechanical evidence like godfathers and millers is to try to show people that they can't be overtly dependent on """evidence"""
No it isnt about hard evidence. Hard evidence is important, as I have said before and given examples.
it certainly shares some similarities to it with the player hopping, but I don't see why to assume it has the same type of negative effects

as far as speculation goes it could do the exact opposite and be giving positive modifiers instead of a negative one lol
I have no idea about its abilities and what not.
How did you learn about the Thing?
The character I chose is in relation to The Thing and so Rag made a game mechanic with it. It says in my abilities that someone is The Thing. Right off the bat in the beginning of the game, Rubik comes out as a supposed miller and so N1 I did a blood test on him and I was told that he was the creature that needed to be destroyed. Rag didnt explictly say ''Rubik is the Thing" so I left Rag a question in my PM to see if they could solidfy to me if Rubik is the Thing or not.

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