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Most replayable games you know


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
Replaying games can be fun, but some games are suited for it better than others. There's games that allows for endless replayability. That are just always engrossing, and never not fun - timeless games, in short. Whether it'd be single player games that offer endless adventure, or multiplayer games that also endures over time. But also games that are amazing, but can quickly fade over time.

There's also the fear of 'playing a game to death', being so excited and jazzed about a game that you feel like you don't want it to wear out it's welcome, and carefully put off or avoid replays of it.

Do you replay games often? What's some of the most repayable games you know?
Most of my most replayed games are also my favourites so my list sort of looks like this

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Xillia
Kirby Super Star
Luigi's Mansion
Shadow of the Colossus
Metroid Prime
Nier Automata
Super Mario Odyssey
The Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Ocarina of Time

I've played these games to death and I'm still not bored. I enjoy their company wholly and replaying them is like spending time with old and close friends.

I'm also someone who doesn't get bored easily, so I don't have much fear of wearing something out.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I haven't done much gaming where this would be an issue, just a lot of more sandboxy stuff. I am looking forward to hopping back on TP to 100% it. Other than that, I don't think I'll be much of one for replaying for at least a year or more.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
There are some zelda games that I replay often, but to be real, none of them are really suited for replayability. They also aren't suited for many hours, because its mostly just a playtrough and your done.
The games that I can literally always whip out, and play for a long time:

Monster Hunter. the series is pretty much known for it. If you like the gameplay, beating the story is really just the beginning of enjoying an entry. If it isn't doing some endgame content, you can always go on to help people that have a harder time with some monster, or hell, just beat up some monsters just for the hell of it, because it's fun and stays being fun for a long time. I have 1000+ hours clocked into every entry I got seriously invested it. Which are, Freedom Unite, 3 Ultimate, 4 Ultimate and Iceborne, and thats all into a single save(per game ofcourse) I hope I can do the same in Rise

Smash bros, ofcourse. I know its a multiplayer game, and more fun with real people, but even alone, I often just feel the itch to play a few matches. I play smash since the 64 days, and the gameplay just stays fun and I can probably play this forever. all of the entries are pretty great, but Melee and especially Ultimate have been my favorites so far. Already clocked 2000 hours into ultimate and I aint done yet.

Animal crossing for obvious reasons, but only a select few for me. AC GC is still my favorite, and when the japanese improved version gets fan translated, I'm gonna hop back into it. Other than that one, I loved New leaf too, it had a lot of improvements that I loved but also some, like the small town, beach being separated, and villager speech being pretty bad, that I didn't like. Sadly New Horizons just made things worse and forgot what made the series good to begin with, being more of a really really boring grind than a relaxing fun experience.

Other honourable mentions are Pokemon, which before the series turned to ****, I could log in hunderds of hours per entry too,

Dark Souls, which for a single player Action Adventure, does replayability really well, way better than Zelda atleast. Combat is always fun, especially against bosses, and they really handled New game + well, making it a lot more replayable

Panel de Pon, a puzzle game I always lose the hours whenever I pick it up for a round.

Super Mario World, mostly just nostalgia, but I can always pick it up and play, even if my last save was at one of the lesser good stages.

Terraria and to a lesser extent Minecraft, which just stay fun to build and stuff, even after beating the game.

Spelunky, which is always different every time you play and always stays fun.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
For me it's BotW, it will always be BotW. That game just has endless replay value. Every playthrough is unique. You always find new and exciting things about the world, however you play. Even the Great Plateau becomes a unique experience every time.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Oh yeah for some reason I really wasn't thinking about BOTW, for sure the most replayable Zelda game. Zelda 1 is pretty good for that too.


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Obligatory mention of most FE games.

Beyond that, I'd say the games I'd replay or return to often are:

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Online MP is always a very pleasant experience. The best on Switch, IMO, next to Splatoon 2. Although I could say that Double Dash and 7 are very easily replayable as well.

Pikmin 1 - Despite its quirks (being the first in the Pikmin series and all), I still enjoy going back to 1 and playing through it. The shorter length makes it good for a few binge sessions to complete the whole game.

Wind Waker - A shorter game as well, but it's still great fun to just speed through from time to time. Unlike BotW, which I don't find to be nearly as replayable, personally.

Rune Factory 4 - One of my favorite games to return to and just mess around in. I could go on about why I love it, but to keep it short, it's just great.

Smash Bros. - Even if it's just Project M/+, I still like fighting CPUs on the various difficulties. I'll do this for the 3DS version from time to time as well.

There's probably others, but these are the first to come to mind for me.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
outside of zelda games, definitely games that are either arcade style or are meant to be replayed after finished

Star Fox games
Thug Mansion
Metal Gear games
a lot of retro platformers like Mario, Sonic, Castlevania, etc.
Rayman 3
Mario Kart & Smash in general

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
dark souls is the king of replayability, especially dark souls 1
I also enjoy replaying games with strong stories like wind waker or pokemon super mystery dungeon, but they're not classically replayable in the way that most people talk about. To me it's more like rereading a good book or rewatching a good movie, sometimes you can get a new perspective on details that you missed before (like hylian translations in WW!) but for the most part it's just the same experience again

dunno how anyone can call botw replayable, most of the reasons to play it still exist when you've already beaten the game and very few reasons to start over
maybe to do vah medoh first because revali's gale trivializes everything? idk
someone explain
and not " Every playthrough is unique. You always find new and exciting things about the world, however you play " this because there's no unique build paths (the gameplay is identical even if the route you take through the game isn't) and if you miss something in the world you can discover it in the same file
if you enjoy being insanely underpowered compared to the world enemies you can just trade in your heart containers to the demon to weaken yourself again
what's the draw of a new playthrough, fr?


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I mean, I've replayed BotW a few times now, and I do think it's replayable. I think you're more viewing it in that it lacks RPG elements like stat enhancements or build trees, but what's there I find enjoyable.

You can just go different routes from the Great Plateau and start viewing things differently. I've done a playthrough where I didn't reference my map or warp at all, so towers were out of the question. I've done a playthrough where I ignored all the divine beasts, my first playthrough I did everything outside of korok seeds, a playthrough I did, I just sort of mixed up my formula and tried it without different armors, instead focused on resource management or the inverse, focusing on getting certain equipment and using no buffs.

I mean, yeah, end of the day, you could do all of this in the same file, in a lot of games, you can do the same thing unless it is incredibly locked in as far as stat growths go, but those have their own appeal. There is an invisible exp system in BotW which determines what caliber of enemy you encounter in the world, so I can see some people just avoiding combat in a playthrough and seeing if you can keep certain enemies the same until you finish. I also just find the mechanics and physics fun to play with. Yeah, the end result is the same, but seeing if I can use different methods to solve the same puzzle is fun to me.

I've replayed Dark Souls a lot this year and found a lot of fun in that, but I didn't replay it and BotW for the same reasons.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I mean, yeah, end of the day, you could do all of this in the same file
this is the thing that I'm stuck on, mostly
like dark souls, when you decide "hey I want to try a build like this" it drastically alters your progression path and changes difficulty and the like
a sorcery playthrough would be completely different from a dex playthrough as an example
that's the kind of thing that "traditionally" encourages replayability
botw's content "respawns" consistently, and playing with the physics engine has little relation to progress, the game is practically made to be continuously played and experimented with, not replayed
you can't really convince me that doing the bomb shrine before the cryonis shrine offers a meaningfully different gameplay experience, (I don't think that's what anyone is trying to say anyway) it just seems like it's easier to access the "fun" of botw in an exhausted file to me

challenge runs are a good reason to replay a game too


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Replaying a game and a game just being replayable in general doesn't always mean doing a new save. I picked up BOTW to **** around on my main save often enough, and its a lot of fun.
But yeah, even replaying it with a new save is a lot of fun, because you can do the whole game in a different order. Try going to Hyrule castle ASAP for instance, that was a fun run. Or one run I tried to do EVERY shrine before doing any divine beast, only to find out 2 of them are locked, one blocked behind the gerudo one and one behind the rito one.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Wario Land 4, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8, Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros. U, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Star Wars Battlefront (the original version), Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the original version), Star Fox 64 just to name a few.

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