For TP I think the bomblings and the bow are most fun. I like to go to the ranch to and shoot the goats with arrows so they will chase me. I aim my arrow at one of the goats and when it hits the goat, it goes into a rage and I run for my life to the barn(they stop after you enter) I also like to have bombling races in Kakiro Village. Start at the entrance farthest from the pool and set a bombling. When it starts running, try to get in front of it (but not too close, they will blow up). If you are in front of it when it blows up, you win. the rules are,
1-After you set the bomb, count to 2.
2-No Rolling.
3-The one in front when the bomb explodes wins.(if the bomb is in front of you when it blows, it wins)
4-Don't blame me if you get to close to the bomb and you get a game over