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Most Anticipated Part of E3 2012

Dec 28, 2010
The Mines of Moria
What is the thing that you think will be revealed at E3 2012 that you are most excited about?

For me I think the most exciting prospect is either the Wii U (preferebly with a name change), Luigi's Mansion or Assassin's Creed III


Sage of the Dark Forest
Mar 3, 2012
Deku Palace, Termina
A new Zelda game hint/teaser trailer would be nice. Though it may be too early in development to even annonce it. I personally like the name of the Wii U. Why would you want to change it?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
The examples you provide contradict the earlier part of your OP. :lol: All three of those titles have already been announced before E3 2012. But I gotcha...*Looks at Thread Title*

Out of already announced games, I'm keeping the closest eye on Halo 4 and New Super Mario Bros. 2.

As for games that I think will be revealed at E3 and I am most excited for, that honor would have to go to Zelda 3DS, F-Zero Wii U, and Star Fox Wii U. Also, I agree about a name change being needed for the Wii U.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Well, there are many things that I'm expecting and hoping to see at E3. So off the top of my head...

  • Wii U details and possible name change
  • The Legend of Zelda 3DS
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Luigi's Mansion 2
  • Donkey Kong 3DS?
  • Metroid Wii U?
  • Super Mario Wii U?
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Wii U?
  • Halo 4 trailer
  • Resident Evil 6 gameplay trailer and details
  • Dead Rising 3 reveal
  • Splinter Cell 6 announcement
  • Rainbow Six: Patriots info and trailer
  • More Assassin's Creed III
  • Prince of Persia?
  • Tomb Raider gameplay trailer
  • Kane and Lynch 3?
  • Army of Four
  • Dead Space 3

I could be forgetting something.
Last edited:
Dec 28, 2010
The Mines of Moria
The examples you provide contradict the earlier part of your OP. :lol: All three of those titles have already been announced before E3 2012. But I gotcha...*Looks at Thread Title*

Out of already announced games, I'm keeping the closest eye on Halo 4 and New Super Mario Bros. 2.

As for games that I think will be revealed at E3 and I am most excited for, that honor would have to go to Zelda 3DS, F-Zero Wii U, and Star Fox Wii U. Also, I agree about a name change being needed for the Wii U.

Well I meant that we'll get new details not that I've been living in a cave and didn't know about them :D
Dec 21, 2011
* The initial release price for the Nintendo WiiU
* Zelda 3DS
* More information on Sony's and Mircrosoft's new console.
* Nintendo WiiU launch games and the price of those games.
* Information on a new Fallout/Elder Scrolls games

Those are just some things I want to hear about at E3 2012. I doubt the majority will happen though.

Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
* The reveal of some first-party launch titles for the Wii-U
* The Legend of Zelda 3DS
* Halo 4 demo/trailer
* BioShock Infinite demo/trailer
* Bungie's new IP
* Luigi's Mansion 2
* Paper Mario 3D
* New Super Mario Bros. 2

Just off the top of my head, that's what I'm really hoping to see.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Wii U, Zelda 3DS, Resident Evil 6. That's about it for me.
Oh, and Monti. Need moar Monti.

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