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Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Rise


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Honestly, the game feels like a mix of Generations and world to me. Although I hate generations and GU, I love world so I'll probably still get a good kick out of it. Apparently the bug moves function just like arts and there are way more and you can change them, so if Hunter arts were your thing, you might be happy about that.
Do love that swinging around and dog drifting though.

Deleted member 91332

Small question here.

What is the plot of the game? Like, why do we hunt monsters? I played the demo, first time I ever played something monster hunter related, and... well, please don't boo me off the forum but... I kinda felt like a dick when I attacked the monsters. They were kind of not doing anything bad when I found the monsters I was supposed to hunt according to the mission.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Yeah, if hitting imaginary monsters makes you feel bad, this is definitely not the game for you.
Monster hunter hardly has either not story, or a bad one that you should hardly pay any mind to, and I really really doubt it will be any different this game.
You sometimes hunt for materials from the monster, or because said monster is threatening to a village close by or something. Its not important and mostly just flavor text.

Azure Sage

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Honestly, the game feels like a mix of Generations and world to me. Although I hate generations and GU, I love world so I'll probably still get a good kick out of it. Apparently the bug moves function just like arts and there are way more and you can change them, so if Hunter arts were your thing, you might be happy about that.
Do love that swinging around and dog drifting though.
A mix between GenU and World was exactly what I wanted. GenU is easily my favorite game in the series, due in big part to the content and especially the gameplay. World had great quality of life, but underwhelming content and gameplay. Rise seems to be the perfect blend of the two that I was hoping for, combining GenU's stylish and exciting gameplay with World's quality of life mechanics (still too soon to tell about the content since the full game isn't out yet).

Yeah, apparently, the movesets are supposed to be more customizable than ever before. If the datamine is to be believed, you can change two core aspects of your weapon's moveset, as well as swap out one of the silkbind techniques. It's kind of like custom styles. I'm pretty excited about that. Silkbinds are basically just hunter arts in another form, and I really enjoyed those, so I'm happy. Shrine Ruins is already doing a better job at open maps than World ever did, too.

Small question here.

What is the plot of the game? Like, why do we hunt monsters? I played the demo, first time I ever played something monster hunter related, and... well, please don't boo me off the forum but... I kinda felt like a dick when I attacked the monsters. They were kind of not doing anything bad when I found the monsters I was supposed to hunt according to the mission.

Monster Hunter isn't really big on plot as a series. Instead, it's full of subtle lore and worldbuilding tucked into the maps and monster ecologies. As far as an actual occuring storyline goes, it usually doesn't get much deeper than "monster hurting people/environment, go make it stop". Hunters exist because monsters are a dangerous part of the ecosystem that can easily get out of control, and hunting them is meant to preserve balance in nature. Anything beyond that is just quest descriptions telling you little stories about what that particular monster did to get on radar. MonHun is built on gameplay first and foremost.

Azure Sage

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So, the online period for the demo is officially over, but solo play is still available, so there's that. I've had a lot of fun with the demo. I had to reset my data three times so I could keep playing, lol. Rise feels incredibly good to play. I'm incredibly excited for the full game to come out.

There's also this article: https://finalweapon.net/2021/02/01/...nter-rise-being-the-first-game-to-support-it/

It's quite possible that the reason the demo's online period was so limited is because of it being used to test new online servers. Interesting.

Azure Sage

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New trailer for Rise in today's Direct! Very exciting!

- two new map reveals. One is a desert area, the other a volcano. Looks an aaaaawffffuuuull lot like that volcano from 3U. Another old map remade perhaps? That'd be sick.
- two new monsters. Rakna-Kadaki, a neopteran and the spider monster weve been seeing peeks at since the first trailer. Almudron, some kind of muddy electic eel lookin leviathan. Very cool.
- lots of returning monsters confirmed. Basarios (we knew that from armor in the demo tho), Volvidon, Diablos, Rathalos (also already knew from the armor), and Rajang.
- Rampage gameplay! looks incredibly tense and hectic. We've had fort defense in plenty of other MH games before, but usually just with one really damn big monster. Now it's that but with a bunch of regular monsters, as predicted. Looks like a lot to manage. Should be really cool.
- Apex Arzuros revealed. This leaves a lot of questions because Apex monsters were in 4U and they were involved with the frenzy virus. This obviously isn't that, so what is it? Must have something to do with the Rampage, yeah? Perhaps its the leader of that particular wave of monsters? interesting.
- Hinoa and Minoto appear on the field to provide support during Rapmages, it looks like. That's incredibly cool. I can imagine other characters doing the same.

All in all, a very hype trailer! Can't wait for this game.

EDIT: apparently the desert is the Sandy Plains returning from 3U! and the volcano is new. So I had it backwards lol.
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Azure Sage

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We're getting another digital event! And this one promises to show Stories 2, as well. Supposedly there will be a second demo in March, so I expect this to shadowdrop that. I'm excited!


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Really REALLY surprised I didn't see any framedrops when I saw 4 monsters on one screen in the trailer, but I guess we have to see in the final product before I can say that. But if it doesnt they must be using some kind of magic.

Azure Sage

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Official confirmation now for PC version of Rise. Again, I'm not getting it here because Switch is leagues better for me, but I still want it to have crossplay. World not having crossplay alienated me and some of my friends and just really screwed us over. I don't wanna see any bull**** excuses like "the content needs to catch up" again because 1. dont release it without the same content in the first place 2. ****in add it when it does catch up. This ain't hard. Make better choices with Rise, Capcom.

Azure Sage

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New trailer from the digital event today! There was quite a lot to take in. I'm quite looking forward to the custom styles that were confirmed, as well as the title updates and whatever that mystery monster at the end of the trailer was. Also, seeing rampage direct feed for a bit was interesting. HUD seems pretty crowded, but overall, looks like a really intense quest type. Can't wait to try it out.

Also, second demo confirmed for March 11 that just adds Magnamalo to what we had before. Exciting!

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