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Miyamoto on Zelda Wii


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Miyamoto on Zelda Wii || Nintendo Power[/SIZE][/FONT]
NP: We've heard from a lot of people who are under the impression that the next console Zelda game is going to be something radically different from what we've seen in the past. Is that the case?

Miyamoto: No, I don't think it's going to be that radically different. Accessible gameplay. Something that we're going to look at focusing within that 3-D realm is really highlighting the things that are important within the Zelda franchise--the actions that Link can take. I think it's easy to maybe overthink it because you're in that 3-D realm of all the different things you should be doing or try to be doing, and really what's important to understand is what's available to you, and just focus down on what's best suited for that rather than just trying to implement a whole bunch of different things.

NP: And, of course, everyone wants to know exactly who that female character is in the illustration.

Miyamoto: Yeah, that's probably the most important part of that artwork. I really can't talk too much about [it]; one thing that's important to note in that artwork, though, is that Link is carrying a shield, but that's all he's carrying.

NP: Now, before you showed the image, you talked about wanting everybody to have unique, personal memories of their adventures in Hyrule. Is that something you're actually trying to implement in the game--a personalized Zelda experience for every player?

Miyamoto: Every person's own individual experiences with the game should be unique and [be] their own sort of "My Zelda" experience, and I think that's super important, and we have to look at that when we're creating dungeons and how we can make that come true. So spending a lot of time concentrating our efforts in that area. But it's not going to become individual: "Hi, I'm this Zelda!" or "I'm this Zelda!" or "I'm this Link!" or whatever. The experience will be unique but within this world that we've defined.
-Will Try to Scan Interview As Well!-

So, this was in the most recent Nintendo Power. Your thoughts? Personally, really think that Shiggy is trying to make it very clear that the character has something to do with Link's sword. I'm glad to hear that the game will be follow TLoZ's "individual adventure" formula, but I'm curious as to what extent it's actually going to be this time around. It also seems that they are focusing on making the game more realistic in terms of interacting with the 3D world instead of throwing in a bunch of random, unecessary filler junk.
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Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
Hmm... I didn't get this issue yet. Anyway, it'll be cool if what you say is true, no filler crap. I've always felt a little off about things like that. Hopefully we get some solid story, and something to actually further the timeline. Though, if they implement the thing form that patent, the videos showing you what to do, and the ability to skip to any part of the game that you want, I will be very angry.


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Thanks for posting the whole interview. I haven't got Nintedo Power since the early 90's, and I miss these little blurbs. I saw the tiny article about this on IGN, but they didn't elaborate much. (Not that they really could I suppose, since it would be reiterating another article...)

He's definitely getting at the idea that the girl is, or is related to the sword. He brings up noting that Link's only got a shield any time someone talks about the girl. Which really, unless she was related, wouldn't need bringing up at that moment.

I don't know for sure, but it seems that he is saying that it's not a MMO, which is very good. At least, I take his comment on the "I'm this Zelda" comment. While I'm torn on the idea still, my greatest fear for a Zelda MMO is no time to play it. I also don't like monthly gaming fees.

It sounds like he's getting at a possibility of a bit more unique experiences though. Maybe there will be more customization, or freeform gameplay? Could it be they've found a balance of freedom vs storyline? I'm intrigued to find out, of course, but I hope they have a balance with a bit more freedom of play. I've been playing AoL again recently, and I forgot that there was more freedom of choice back then. A return to this forumla, but while still retaining a storyline to follow might be nice.
Jul 2, 2009
There's not much you could siphon from this interview, but it's pretty obvious that Link may have to go sword-less (naked link) for a bit. I don't think, however, that the woman in the artwork will have anything to do with the sword. I'm positive that the only reason why Miyamoto mentioned that Link didn't have a sword was because they were already talking about the artwork... but you never know. After all, it is only one interview. We'll have to wait and see before we start jumping to conclusions.

EDIT: Just took a look back at the artwork, and I realized that she looks a lot like the Queen of Fairies first seen in WW... I mean the resemblance is just so keen.
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Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
it's nice to hear something new on the subject, even if it's nothing to important... i was thinking though that the shield mentioned (hylian shield?) could be a big clue for gameplay in the up coming title, i mean maybe we'll have to protect the unknown girl from attacks, the picture has a protective feel to it between the girl and link, does anyone else get that feeling?
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
I think this interview is helpful towards my theory at least, which is that the female character is related to the MS, or, that she will actually become or empower the MS, seeing as how the resemblance is there between the two. He obviously makes reference to Link without a sword once the question was asked.


True and Noble
Oct 17, 2007
United States of America
Sheild gameplay? Its just that he likes to mention the swordless Link a lot. :P
He is stressing that little detail isn't he? He makes it kind of obvious that the sword isn't going to be your main weapon in this game. It's a pretty big change, but I trust Miyamoto.

Thank you for finding this interview, Zeruda. I used to get NP, but I guess my subscription expired.


Sep 15, 2008
Yes, he could have been clearer about the shield game play, but, by now, we all should know how Miyamoto is.
Also, a little detail I noticed is that he doesn't refer to the "girl" as a "she" but as a "it", I think that that is very, veryyyyyy suspicious


hero of...uh... somthing.
Mar 13, 2011
hah. its april 2011 now and
1) its called skyward sword now
2) yes it is motion+
3) its coming out in a few months (I think)

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