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Mirror of Twilight Speculation

Jan 25, 2010
As most of us should know, the new Harp Trailer was posted on the front page. While watching, I noticed something odd around the 1:30 mark. A rather large, strange mirror on top of a tower surrounded by pillars. I realized it looked strikingly similar to a mirror in the past in the same setting... the Mirror of Twight. If it does happen to be the same mirror, what significance does it have with the game?

That I do not know. For now, this is all speculation. we will just have to wait and see...

Okay, you have heard what I have to say so... discuss :)
EDIT:Okay, so I have thought about my theory for awhile, and I thought of a more in-depth explanation. If my memory serves me correctly, long ago the mirror was used to sent the dark tribe into the Twilight realm. What if Ghirahims tribe it the dark tribe that got banished? It would make sense, seeing as these events take place long before TP takes place, I would say around the time of SS. Plus, why does'nt the dark tribe (Ghirahims) look like the Twili in TP? It is because in TP, the story speaks of the tribe being banished and turned into the Twili (I think)

So, how about now? It seems pretty convincing, right?
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Sep 10, 2011
Well, you know that rotating wheel thing we saw in the Harp Trailer, along with many others, as well? Zelda is in her new clothes in front of it, and you can just barely make out the Triforce in the center of it. I think, possibly, that is the same thing we see on the top of the stone tower you're speaking about. People have been speculating that we will be collecting some sort of shards, so perhaps those shards fit into that mirror-looking thing, eventually turning it into that rotating blue thing we see. I know it's a bit confusing the way I just explained it. Pause the Harp Trailer at :53 and you'll see the blue wheel, and pause it again at the 1:25 mark to see the mirror looking thing, and I'd say they look pretty similar. I doubt it's actually the mirror of twilight, but perhaps it will be similar quest-wise and we'll need to fill it in with shards or something like that.
I hope that made sense . . . xD


must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
The Mirror of Twilight was a tool created and used by the 3 Goddesses to seal away the Dark Interlopers in the Twilight Realm, who, a long time before OoT, tried to establish dominion over the Sacred Realm and the Triforce using their dark magic. The mirror is the only passage to the Twilight Realm and was hidden in the Arbiter's Grounds in the desert.

Anyways, it does look quite similar, but for some reason I'm doubting a connection. Probably because of Nintendo's typical apprehensiveness to directly connect games through such obvious hints.


I think there is a connection between the two actually.. Maybe it could have some connection to the Silent Realm, which eventually becomes known as the "Twilight Realm" by the Twili after the Dark Interlopers are sealed there, going by how Midna explained it in TP. Or it could be a separate portal/mirror to the Sacred Realm, if it's a portal at all. My head's full of possible ideas, but I really do think that there's a connection between the Silent Realm and the Twilight Realm, and that mirror thing has something to do with it.

Considering certain elements from TP are already seen in SS (Faron and Eldin Province, Sky civilizations, etc.) I'd say it's pretty clear that this game has strong ties with both OoT and TP. So, the idea of the Mirror of Twilight being in SS is very possible, at least that's how I see it. :) And I believe this game will explain in detail the Sheikah tribe, the Dark Interlopers, and hopefully cover most of the other questions we have relating to them, as well as the Mirror of Twilight.
Nov 22, 2010
Twisted Tea Cafe
Basically my thoughts on the mirror is of Twilight is it was created later after Ss. I believe that the mirror you saw in Ss is probably connected to the Silent Realm if I stand corrected.
Sep 18, 2011
Basically my thoughts on the mirror is of Twilight is it was created later after Ss. I believe that the mirror you saw in Ss is probably connected to the Silent Realm if I stand corrected.

I thought the Silent Realm will become the Sacred Realm, so can have nothing to do with the Twilight Realm the Dark Interlopers were banned into.

By the way, didn't the Dark Interlopers also chase the Fused Shadow? Or was that just Zants idea to do so?

Then do the Fused Shadows have to be in SS in order for Ghirahims tribe to actually BE the Dark Interlopers?
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God of Goddesses
Feb 20, 2011
When pausing the trailer, I noticed the symbol of courage on the bottom. Maybe the Godesses must meet there and break the "seal around the part of the circle that would be the Mirror of Twilight. And that's how they seal them into the place that would soon be named the Twilight Realm.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'm sure Ghirahim's tribe will be the dark interlopers from twilight princess, so some of them will end up getting sealed in the mirror, probably at the end of this game. Ghirahim's tribe were after the 'power without equal', which is presumably the triforce, just like the Dark interlopers were said to be after. Ghirahim's magic looks similar to that of the twili,, which is also an indicator that this tribe is what will become the twili.
Sep 18, 2011

You are right. Based on this backstory about the Dark Interlopers, they where after the Triforce. So this is congruent with that we know about SS so far. The power they used was somehow 'the fused shadows' and after the "light spirits intervened and banned the Dark Interlopers" (??) the Dark Interlopers magic was known as the Fused Shadows and still remained in the light world. After that, people where seduced by the idea of such a powerful magic and some of them decided to chase after the Fused Shadows (but that would be AFTER Skyward Sword).

But there aren't any light spirits in SS, so far.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
This is pretty much what I've been suggesting for quite some time. This mirror we saw really backs me up in my opinion.


But there aren't any light spirits in SS, so far.

Oh, contraire (if that's how it's seplled). This creature's name is Faron.

Sep 18, 2011
This is pretty much what I've been suggesting for quite some time. This mirror we saw really backs me up in my opinion.


Hey, I see in that picture not all light beams are turned on.
Also, I heard that Link will be collecting parts of the statue in the world below. So each part inserted in the statue can lead to one of the lightbeams turned on or something like that. But we can't really say at this point.

(I secretly hope that all lightbeams turned on will mean that the Mirror of Twilight can be entered, in which a whole new overworld can be entered. But this would just be wishful thinking)

Oh, contraire (if that's how it's seplled). This creature's name is Faron.


That dragon is not necessarily a light spirit.
Sep 18, 2011
Name: Faron. Location: Faron Province. There's another one named Eldin in the Eldin Province, which means there will be a Lanayru in the Lanayru Province. What more need I say?

Yes but they still are no light spirits :P
Perhaps those same beoing will BECOME light spirits between SS and TP, but at this point they are not.
Also, there is somehow a fourth light spirit: Ordon. Which is very very weird in the total context of all Zelda games.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Yes but they still are no light spirits :P
Perhaps those same beoing will BECOME light spirits between SS and TP, but at this point they are not.
Also, there is somehow a fourth light spirit: Ordon. Which is very very weird in the total context of all Zelda games.

What I'm saying is that they'll become Light Spirits during the events of Skyward Sword. Ordon would just come much later.

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