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Minish Cap:Missed Gold?

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Jan 1, 2012
So I personally think Minish Cap is a really under the radar game, that a lot of people missed out on it. But, it's actually a really fun and initiative game. I actually enjoyed it alot. There's plenty of things to see and do. Theres many characters from Games before. Such as the postman, Din,Nayru, Farore, Mutoh,Carlov,Ingo, Strugeon,Beedle. So, if you haven't played it yet, I highly recomend you pick up this game.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
It's Okaaay. Just a bit boring at times and I always hated the sword-play in all of the old, Two-Dimensional games.
Dec 19, 2011
Vermont, USA
I just started playing it last night. It seems fun so far, but I can't make any judgments until I beat it.
The general opinion I see on it is that it's a good game - not as good as the Gameboy games, but easily better than the DS games. I guess I'll see for myself.
Sep 1, 2010
I got it for being a 3DS Ambassador, and by far, it's the game I play the most out of the GBA ones. It's so fun, the music is great, and the diversity in items and dungeons is a welcome change.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I'm about done with playing it for the first time, and what stuck out for me most was that the dungeon design was excellent.


I have never played The Minish Cap before. I always wanted to play it ever since trying it out at a store when I was a kid. Hearing many people enjoyed it makes me want to play it even more! Here's hoping Nintendo adds GBA games to the eshop so I can download it.


The Quiet Man
I agree that Minish Cap is a really good game that I don't regret having paid attention to. I didn't really know that it was under the radar, though until I took a peek at the sales numbers and saw that they are comparatively small when put against the big sellers like Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess:


I think it's better than the DS games and my favorite portable Zelda, which isn't really saying much since these three are also the only ones I've played. While the game was a bit on the short side, the kinstone fusions and other side-quests gave it a lot of side stuff to do and see.

I also find some of the situations in the game enjoyable because of how child-tale like they are, like the part where you have to get back the books to get to elder Librari. I never thought doing a book collecting errand would be so important along with the unique situation of having to help a minish drop one of the books off the cieling and escaping cats, talking to animals and the like. I guess it's a little bit of that creativity that I think sets Minish Cap from most other games in the series. The fact that the developers made it so even the most mundane things for normal-sized Link become a grand adventure in the series' tradition when you turn into minish size gave a really interesting spin to Zelda's usual adventure element, in my opinion.
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I agree that Minish Cap is a really good game that I don't regret having paid attention to. I didn't really know that it was under the radar, though until I took a peek at the sales numbers and saw that they are comparatively small when put against the big sellers like Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess:


I think it's better than the DS games and my favorite portable Zelda, which isn't really saying much since these three are also the only ones I've played. While the game was a bit on the short side, the kinstone fusions and other side-quests gave it a lot of side stuff to do and see.

I also find some of the situations in the game enjoyable because of how they are, like the part where you have to get back the books to get to elder Librari. I never thought doing a book collecting errand would be so important along with the unique situation of having to help a minish drop one of the books off the cieling and escaping cats, talking to animals and the like. I guess it's a little bit of that creativity that I think sets Minish Cap from most other games in the series. The fact that the developers made it so even the most mundane things for normal-sized Link become a grand adventure in the series' tradition when you turn into minish size gave a really interesting spin to Zelda's usual adventure element, in my opinion.

Just over a million units in sales is a big shame for such a great game. Having played every handheld Zelda but Oracle of Ages, I can truthfully say that The Minish Cap is the best due to being true to the series roots and having a full-fledged overworld and having one of the most unique gimmicks in the series-the ability to change size.
Feb 5, 2011
Beat it, it was awesome. 6TH favorite, ahead of Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, first Zelda, Zelda II and Four Swords.
Jan 1, 2012
I agree that Minish Cap is a really good game that I don't regret having paid attention to. I didn't really know that it was under the radar, though until I took a peek at the sales numbers and saw that they are comparatively small when put against the big sellers like Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess:


I think it's better than the DS games and my favorite portable Zelda, which isn't really saying much since these three are also the only ones I've played. While the game was a bit on the short side, the kinstone fusions and other side-quests gave it a lot of side stuff to do and see.

I also find some of the situations in the game enjoyable because of how they are, like the part where you have to get back the books to get to elder Librari. I never thought doing a book collecting errand would be so important along with the unique situation of having to help a minish drop one of the books off the cieling and escaping cats, talking to animals and the like. I guess it's a little bit of that creativity that I think sets Minish Cap from most other games in the series. The fact that the developers made it so even the most mundane things for normal-sized Link become a grand adventure in the series' tradition when you turn into minish size gave a really interesting spin to Zelda's usual adventure element, in my opinion.

It's tragic really, it has fantastic music too.
Dec 21, 2011
All around
I have just beaten the 2nd temple in this game and it's already incredible. The ability to shrink opens up a dual-dimensional world similar to that in ALttP when you can go to the Dark World. The 2D gameplay is refined and smooth, the first two dungeons I have played were both tantalizing and well-crafted, and it has some of the best returning concepts and characters. For instance:

I noticed right off the bat that I was constantly collecting this oddly-familiar trinket, Mysterious Shells. I had no idea what their use was and at the time I hadn't remembered that I had seen them before in LA, so I continued on my merry way. To my pleasant surprise, I could use them for Figurines! I don't know how most others felt about the Figurine concept but I loved it.
Some of my favorite area themes make a stunning re-appearance, and I'm not even half-way through the game. Hyrule Castle, Lon Lon Ranch, and Castle Town all make a re-appearance and they all seem extremely well-designed. There is also a swamp area which I have been fond of ever since MM.
I have already seen so many of my favorite characters, not to mention all the wonderful new characters such as Ezlo. Malon&Talon, the Postman and the Cucco Lady are just a few of my favorite returning characters.

I can already say I love this game.


Oh no its back
Jul 25, 2011
My house
i'm working on it, gotten the first too elements so far. The only thing I don't really like about it is the annoying hat guy who won't shut up. It'd help if I didn't keep hitting select though :/. Also, do you have to get the pegasus boots the first time going in the shoe shop or will I need them later on? If I do need them might end up restarting.


Guru-Guru's strange son
Apr 20, 2011
Belgium, its in Europe
Yes, I started around 6 playthroughs of it the past 2 years and I finally managed to beat it. It's my favorite zelda so far, but I haven't played the Oracles, Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past yet, so maybe that'sthe reason why it's my fav

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